"--Agent not on the box",
"INVAR " <+ encodeAgentNotOnBox boxnums <+ ";",
"--Box not on box",
- encodeBoxOnBoxes boxnums,
+ "INVAR " <+ encodeBoxOnBoxes boxnums <+ ";",
"--Goal state",
"INVAR " <+ encodeGoalState boxnums targetPos <+ ";",
"--Agent movement",
encodeBoxOnBoxes :: [Int] -> String
encodeBoxOnBoxes [] = ""
-encodeBoxOnBoxes [b] = ""
-encodeBoxOnBoxes [b:bs] = "INVAR " <+ encodeBoxOnBox b bs <+ ";\n" <+
+encodeBoxOnBoxes [b] = "TRUE"
+encodeBoxOnBoxes [b:bs] = encodeBoxOnBox b bs <+ " &\n\t" <+
encodeBoxOnBoxes bs
encodeBoxOnBox :: Int [Int] -> String
"!(b" <+ i <+ ".x = agent.x & b" <+ i <+ ".y = agent.y)"\\i<-bs]
encodeObMovement :: String -> String
-encodeObMovement s = "TRANS next(" <+ s <+ ".x) = " <+ s <+ ".x + dx;\n" <+
- "TRANS next(" <+ s <+ ".y) = " <+ s <+ ".y + dy;"
+encodeObMovement s = "TRANS next(" <+ s <+ ".x) = " <+ s <+ ".x + dx & " <+
+ "next(" <+ s <+ ".y) = " <+ s <+ ".y + dy;"
encodeObPosition :: [(Int, Int)] -> String
encodeObPosition p = join " |\n\t" [forThisX x p\\x<-removeDup $ map fst p]
-Hello world
+\section{Object centered approach}
+We define:
+All boxes $B=\{b^0, b^1, \ldots, b^k\}$ and all targets $T=\{t^0, t^1, \ldots,
+We define the set $lex$ as being the set containing all legal $x$ values and
+the function $ley(x)$ that for a given $x$ returns the set of all legal $y$
+values for that $x$.
+To reduce size of the encoding we introduce a module called \texttt{ob}
+representing an object in the screen. The module contains two integer variables
+$x$ and $y$ that contains the position of the object in the field. The $x$ and
+$y$ values are bounded by the level size through their domain and restricted to
+the non-wall positions with the following invariant:
+$$\bigvee_{i\in lex}\left(x=i\wedge\bigvee_{j\in ley(x)}y=j\right)$$
+The initial values are determined by the values passed to it in the
+\texttt{main} module.
+In the \texttt{main} module we define for all boxes and the agent such an
+\texttt{ob} that stores the position of that object in that particular state.
+We define a variable $movement=\{left,up,right,down,finished\}$ which describes
+the move in that state. From the movement variable new positions of objects are
+calculated using delta variables.
+ -1 & movement=left\\
+ 1 & movement=right\\
+ 0 & \text{otherwise}
+ -1 & movement=up\\
+ 1 & movement=down\\
+ 0 & \text{otherwise}
+The next position of the agent is defined by the following invariant:
+Determining the next position of the boxes depends on the position of the
+agent. This is described for the $x$ coordinate and analogous for the $y$
+ b^i_x+\Delta_x & next(agent_x)=b^i_x \wedge next(agent_y)=b^i_y\\
+ b^i_x & \text{otherwise}
+To restrict the boxes to being on top of each other we define the following
+$$\bigwedge_{i=0}^{k-1}\bigwedge_{j=i+1}^k\neg(b^i_x=b^j_x \wedge b^i_y=b^j_y)
+When the goal state is reached the $movement$ variable should be set to
+$finished$ to be able to specify the CTL specification more easily. Via the
+following invariant the goal state is tied to the $movement$ variable:
+$$\left(\bigvee_{B`\in perm(B)}
+ \bigwedge_{b\in B`, i\in 0\ldots k}\left(
+ b_x=t^i_x \wedge b_y=t^i_y
+\right)\right)\leftrightarrow movement=finished$$
+And a counterexample for the following CTL specification can then be seen as an
+example solution: