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+\subsection{Higher order functions}
+\subsection{Syntactic sugars}
+Several small syntactic sugars have been added on several levels of processing
+to make writing programs more easy.
+\subsubsection{Literal strings}
+While there are no literal strings one can print lists of characters. Entering
+lists of characters can be cumbersome and therefore a shorthand notation is
+added to define literal strings using double quotes. During the lexing phase
+the string is lexed as a single token and during parsing the token is
+transformed to a equal character list representation. The following example
+shows the syntax before transformation and the syntax after. Note that just as
+in characters, literal strings can contain escape characters.
+//Before transformation
+var a = "Hello world!";
+//After transformation
+var a = 'H':'e':'l':'l':'o':' ':'w':'o':'r':'l':'d':'!':[]
+\subsubsection{Anonymous functions}
+\subsubsection{Variable arguments printing}
+To ease the programmer we have included a parse-level transformation that
+transforms \SI{print} with multiple arguments to multiple \SI{print} function
+calls with a single argument. The following example shows the syntax before the
+transformation and the syntax after the transformation.
+//Before transformation
+print("abc", 42, 'c', "da\n");
+//After transformation
--- /dev/null
+\section{Code generation}
--- /dev/null
+\section{Lexing \& parsing}
--- /dev/null
+\author{Pim Jager\and Mart Lubbers}
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--- /dev/null
+\section{Semantic analysis}
--- /dev/null
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