-CLMFLAGS?=-nr -aC,-generic_fusion
CLMLIBS?=-IL Platform
all: minfp
:: Expression
= Lit Value
| Var [Char]
- | Tuple Expression Expression
| App Expression Expression
| Lambda [Char] Expression
| Let [([Char], Expression)] Expression
:: Type
= TVar [Char]
- | TTuple Type Type
| TInt
| TBool
+ | TApp Type Type
| (-->) infixr 9 Type Type
instance toString Function, Expression, Value, Type, TypeDef
toString (Var s) = toString s
toString (App l r) = concat ["(", toString l, " ", toString r, ")"]
toString (Lambda a e) = concat ["(\\", toString a, ". ", toString e, ")"]
- toString (Tuple a b) = concat ["(", toString a, ", ", toString b, ")"]
toString (Let ns r) = concat
[ "let ", concat [concat ["\t", toString n, " = ", toString v, "\n"]\\(n, v)<-ns]
, "in\n", toString r]
instance toString Value where
toString (Int i) = toString i
toString (Bool b) = toString b
- toString (a ** b) = toString (Tuple a b)
toString (Lambda` v a) = toString (Lambda v a)
toString (Builtin a) = "builtin"
instance toString Type where
toString (TVar a) = toString a
- toString (TTuple a b) = concat ["(", toString a, ",", toString b, ")"]
toString TInt = "Int"
toString TBool = "Bool"
+ toString (TApp a b) = concat ["(", toString a, " ", toString b, ")"]
toString (a --> b) = concat ["(", toString a, " -> ", toString b, ")"]
instance toString TypeDef where
- toString (TypeDef name args def) = ""
+ toString (TypeDef name args def) = join " " ["::",toString name:map toString args]
+ +++ " = " +++ join " | " [join " " [toString c:map toString d]\\(c, d)<-def]
import ast, scc
+import StdDebug
check :: [Either TypeDef Function] -> Either [String] (Expression, [([Char], Scheme)])
-check fs
- # fs = [v\\(Right v)<-fs]
- # dups = filter (\x->length x > 1) (groupBy (\(Function i _ _) (Function j _ _)->i == j) fs)
+check tdfs
+ # dups = filter (\x->length x > 1) (groupBy (\(Function i _ _) (Function j _ _)->i == j) functions)
| length dups > 0 = Left ["Duplicate functions: ":[toString n\\[(Function n _ _):_]<-dups]]
- = case partition (\a->a=:(Function ['start'] _ _)) fs of
+ = case partition (\a->a=:(Function ['start'] _ _)) functions of
([], _) = Left ["No start function defined"]
([Function _ [] e:_], fs)
# e = makeExpression fs e
- = (\x->(e, x)) <$> runInfer (infer (fromList builtin) e)
+ = tuple e <$> runInfer (infer (fromList (conses ++ builtin)) e)
([Function _ _ _:_], _) = Left ["Start cannot have arguments"]
+ functions = rights tdfs
+ conses = flatten $ map (\(TypeDef n t cs)->
+ let cons = Forall t o foldr (-->) (foldl TApp (TVar n) (map TVar t))
+ in map (appSnd cons) cs) $ lefts tdfs
builtin =
[(['_if'], Forall [['a']] $ TBool --> TVar ['a'] --> TVar ['a'] --> TVar ['a'])
- ,(['_fst'], Forall [['a'], ['b']] $ TTuple (TVar ['a']) (TVar ['b']) --> TVar ['a'])
- ,(['_snd'], Forall [['a'], ['b']] $ TTuple (TVar ['a']) (TVar ['b']) --> TVar ['b'])
,(['_eq'], Forall [] $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool)
,(['_mul'], Forall [] $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt)
,(['_add'], Forall [] $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt)
instance Substitutable Type where
apply s t=:(TVar v) = fromMaybe t (get v s)
apply s (t1 --> t2) = apply s t1 --> apply s t2
+ apply s (TApp t1 t2) = TApp (apply s t1) (apply s t2)
apply _ x = x
ftv (TVar v) = [v]
ftv (t1 --> t2) = on union ftv t1 t2
+ ftv (TApp t1 t2) = on union ftv t1 t2
ftv _ = []
instance Substitutable Scheme where
unify t (TVar a) = unify (TVar a) t
unify TInt TInt = pure newMap
unify TBool TBool = pure newMap
-unify (TTuple l r) (TTuple l` r`)
+unify (TApp l r) (TApp l` r`)
= unify l l`
>>= \s1->on unify (apply s1) r r`
>>= \s2->pure (s1 oo s2)
>>= \(s1, t1)->infer (apply s1 env) e2
>>= \(s2, t2)->unify (apply s2 t1) (t2 --> tv)
>>= \s3-> pure (s3 oo s2 oo s1, apply s3 tv)
-infer env (Tuple a b)
- = infer env a
- >>= \(s1, t1)->infer env b
- >>= \(s2, t2)->pure (s1 oo s2, TTuple t1 t2)
infer env (Lambda x b)
= fresh
>>= \tv-> infer ('Data.Map'.put x (Forall [] tv) env) b
,(['_add'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i + j))
,(['_mul'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i * j))
,(['_div'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i / j))
- ,(['_fst'], Builtin \t->eval t >>= \(a ** b)->pure a)
- ,(['_snd'], Builtin \t->eval t >>= \(a ** b)->pure b)
binop :: (Value Value -> Value) -> Value
eval (Lit v) = pure v
eval (Var v) = gets (lookup v) >>= maybe (liftT (Left [toString v +++ " not found"])) pure
eval (Lambda a b) = pure (Lambda` a b)
-eval (Tuple a b) = pure (a ** b)
eval (App e1 e2) = eval e1 >>= \v->case v of
(Lambda` v b) = eval (sub v e2 b)
(Builtin f) = f e2 >>= eval
pCons = tuple <$> pId <*> many pType
- pType
- = TInt <$ pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent ['Int']))
- <|> TBool <$ pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent ['Bool']))
- <|> TVar <$> pId
- <|> pBrack pType
+ pType = TInt <$ pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent ['Int']))
+ <|> TBool <$ pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent ['Bool']))
+ <|> TVar <$> pId
+ <|> pBrack (pChainr ((-->) <$ pToken (TTOp ['->'])) $ pChainl (pure TApp) pType)
pId = (\(TTIdent i)->i) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent _))
pOp = (\(TTOp i)->i) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTOp _))
(map fst $ sortBy (on (<) snd) ifxs)
$ pChainl (pure App)
$ Lambda <$ pToken (TTOp ['\\']) <*> pId <* pToken (TTOp ['.']) <*> pExpression
- <|> pBrack ( Tuple <$> pExpression <* pToken (TTOp [',']) <*> pExpression
- <|> Var <$> pOp
- <|> pExpression)
+ <|> pBrack (Var <$> pOp <|> pExpression)
<|> Lit o Int <$> pInt
<|> (\(TTBool i)->Lit (Bool i)) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTBool _))
<|> (\x->Var ['_':x]) <$ pToken (TTIdent ['code']) <*> pId
-:: List a = Nil Int;
+:: List a = Nil | Cons a (List a);
+:: Tuple a b = Tuple a b;
+:: Either a b = Left a | Right b;
+:: Maybe a = Nothing | Just a;
+:: St s a = St (s -> Tuple a s);
//Function application
$ ifxr 0 x y = x y;
//Reverse function application
& ifxr 0 x y = y x;
+flip f x y = f y x;
.. ifxr 9 f g x = f (g x);
* ifxl 7 = code mul;
- ifxl 6 = code sub;
+ ifxl 6 = code add;
-fst = code fst;
-snd = code snd;
+//fst = code fst;
+//snd = code snd;
on f g a b = f (g a) (g b);
even i = if (i == 0) True (odd (i - 1));
odd i = if (i == 0) False (even (i - 1));
-uncurry f t = f (fst t) (snd t);
+//uncurry f t = f (fst t) (snd t);
-return a = \s. (a, s);
->>= ifxr 0 ma atmb = \s. uncurry atmb (ma s);
+return a = St $ Tuple a;
+//>>= ifxr 0 ma atmb = \s. uncurry atmb (ma s);
-start = 42; //fst ((return 41 >>= \x. return (x + 1)) 4);
+start = St;