from int import :: Eval
:: Function = Function [Char] [[Char]] Expression
+:: TypeDef = TypeDef [Char] [[Char]] [([Char], [Type])]
:: Expression
= Lit Value
| Lambda` [Char] Expression
| Builtin (Expression -> Eval Expression)
-instance toString Function, Expression, Value
+:: Type
+ = TVar [Char]
+ | TTuple Type Type
+ | TInt
+ | TBool
+ | (-->) infixr 9 Type Type
+instance toString Function, Expression, Value, Type, TypeDef
toString (a ** b) = toString (Tuple a b)
toString (Lambda` v a) = toString (Lambda v a)
toString (Builtin a) = "builtin"
+instance toString Type where
+ toString (TVar a) = toString a
+ toString (TTuple a b) = concat ["(", toString a, ",", toString b, ")"]
+ toString TInt = "Int"
+ toString TBool = "Bool"
+ toString (a --> b) = concat ["(", toString a, " -> ", toString b, ")"]
+instance toString TypeDef where
+ toString (TypeDef name args def) = ""
from StdOverloaded import class toString
from Data.Either import :: Either
-from ast import :: Function, :: Expression
+from ast import :: Function, :: Expression, :: Type, :: TypeDef
:: Scheme = Forall [[Char]] Type
-:: Type = TVar [Char] | TTuple Type Type | TInt | TBool | (-->) infixr 9 Type Type
-instance toString Scheme, Type
+instance toString Scheme
-check :: [Function] -> Either [String] (Expression, [([Char], Scheme)])
+check :: [Either TypeDef Function] -> Either [String] (Expression, [([Char], Scheme)])
import ast, scc
-check :: [Function] -> Either [String] (Expression, [([Char], Scheme)])
+check :: [Either TypeDef Function] -> Either [String] (Expression, [([Char], Scheme)])
check fs
+ # fs = [v\\(Right v)<-fs]
# dups = filter (\x->length x > 1) (groupBy (\(Function i _ _) (Function j _ _)->i == j) fs)
| length dups > 0 = Left ["Duplicate functions: ":[toString n\\[(Function n _ _):_]<-dups]]
= case partition (\a->a=:(Function ['start'] _ _)) fs of
toString (Forall [] t) = toString t
toString (Forall as t) = concat ["A.", join " " (map toString as), ": ", toString t]
-instance toString Type where
- toString (TVar a) = toString a
- toString (TTuple a b) = concat ["(", toString a, ",", toString b, ")"]
- toString TInt = "Int"
- toString TBool = "Bool"
- toString (a --> b) = concat ["(", toString a, " -> ", toString b, ")"]
:: TypeEnv :== Map [Char] Scheme
:: Subst :== Map [Char] Type
# mstr = case mode of
MHelp = Left [usageInfo ("Usage: " +++ argv0 +++ " [opts]\n") opts]
MLex = map (nl o toString) <$> lex cs
- MParse = map (nl o toString) <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
+ MParse = map (nl o either toString toString) <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
MType = map (\(t, s)->nl (toString t +++ " :: " +++ toString s)) o snd <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
MInterpret = pure o toString <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int o fst)
MGen = lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= gen o fst
from StdOverloaded import class toString
from Data.Either import :: Either
-from ast import :: Function
+from ast import :: Function, :: TypeDef
:: Token
instance toString Token
lex :: [Char] -> Either [String] [Token]
-parse :: [Token] -> Either [String] [Function]
+parse :: [Token] -> Either [String] [Either TypeDef Function]
import Data.Functor
import Data.Func
import Data.List
+import Data.Tuple
import Text.GenPrint
import StdEnv
import ast
+cons x xs = [x:xs]
(<:>) infixl 0 :: a (m [a]) -> m [a] | Functor m
-(<:>) l r = (\xs->[l:xs]) <$> r
+(<:>) l r = cons l <$> r
:: Token
= TTEq | TTSemiColon | TTLambda | TTDot | TTBrackOpen | TTBrackClose
| TTComma | TTBool Bool | TTInt Int | TTOp [Char] | TTIdent [Char]
+ | TTDColon | TTPipe
derive gEq Token
derive gPrint Token
| i =: [','] = TTComma <:> lex ts
| i =: ['.'] = TTDot <:> lex ts
| i =: ['\\'] = TTLambda <:> lex ts
+ | i =: ['::'] = TTDColon <:> lex ts
+ | i =: ['|'] = TTPipe <:> lex ts
= TTOp i <:> lex ts
= Left ["Unexpected: " +++ toString t +++ " ord: " +++ toString (toInt t)]
pChainr :: (Parser (a a -> a)) (Parser a) -> Parser a
pChainr op p = flip ($) <$> p <*> (flip <$> op <*> pChainr op p) <|> p
-parse :: [Token] -> Either [String] [Function]
+parse :: [Token] -> Either [String] [Either TypeDef Function]
parse ts = fst <$> runStateT (reverse <$> pAST <* pEof) {tokens=ts, ifxs=[]}
- pAST :: Parser [Function]
- pAST = many pFunction >>= mapM \(id, args, body)->Function id args <$
- modify (\t->{t & tokens=body}) <*> pExpression <* pEof
+ pAST :: Parser [Either TypeDef Function]
+ pAST = many (Right <$> pFunction <|> Left <$> pTypeDef)
+ >>= mapM (either (pure o Left) \(id, args, body)->Right o
+ Function id args <$ modify (\t->{t & tokens=body}) <*> pExpression <* pEof)
+ pTypeDef :: Parser TypeDef
+ pTypeDef = TypeDef
+ <$ pToken TTDColon
+ <*> pId
+ <*> many pId
+ <* pToken TTEq
+ <*> (cons <$> pCons <*> many (pToken TTPipe *> pCons))
+ <* pToken TTSemiColon
+ pCons = tuple <$> pId <*> many pType
+ pType
+ = TInt <$ pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent ['Int']))
+ <|> TBool <$ pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent ['Bool']))
+ <|> TVar <$> pId
+ <|>
+:: Type
+ = TVar [Char]
+ | TTuple Type Type
+ | TInt
+ | TBool
+ | (-->) infixr 9 Type Type
pId = (\(TTIdent i)->i) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTIdent _))
pOp = (\(TTOp i)->i) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTOp _))
pFunction :: Parser ([Char], [[Char]], [Token])
- = (\x y z->(x, y, z))
+ = tuple3
<$> (pFunId <|> pId)
<*> many pId
<* pToken TTEq