Right ((vds, fds), gamma) = Right ((AST vds fds), gamma)
m :: Env ([VarDecl], [FunDecl])
- m = mapM semFunDecl fd >>= \fds ->
- mapM semVarDecl vd >>= \vds ->
+ m = mapM semVarDecl vd >>= \vds ->
+ mapM semFunDecl fd >>= \fds ->
pure (vds, fds)
semFunDecl :: FunDecl -> Env FunDecl
checkStmt ::Type Stmt -> Env Stmt
checkStmt t (IfStmt c st se) = unify BoolType c >>| mapM (checkStmt t) st
>>= \st1-> mapM (checkStmt t) se >>= \se1-> pure (IfStmt c st1 se1)
-checkStmt t (WhileStmt c [et]) = undef
+checkStmt t w=:(WhileStmt c et) = unify BoolType c >>| mapM (checkStmt t) et
+ >>= \et1-> pure w
checkStmt t (AssStmt (VarDef ident fs) e) = undef
-checkStmt t (FunStmt (FunCall f es)) = undef
+checkStmt t r=:(FunStmt funcall) = typeFun funcall >>| pure r
checkStmt VoidType r=:(ReturnStmt Nothing) = pure r
-checkStmt t r=:(ReturnStmt (Just e)) = typeExpr e >>= \te -> unify t te
- >>| pure r
+checkStmt t r=:(ReturnStmt (Just e)) = unify t e >>| pure r
all :: [Bool] -> Bool
all as = foldr (&&) True as
-last :: [a] -> a
-last as = foldl (\_ r -> r) (hd as) as
typeExpr :: Expr -> Env Type
typeExpr (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType
typeExpr (CharExpr _ _) = pure CharType
>>= \t2-> unify (ListType t1) t2
typeExpr (EmptyListExpr p) = freshIdent >>= \frsh-> let t = IdType frsh in
putIdent frsh t >>| pure t
-typeExpr (FunExpr p (FunCall f es)) = gets (\(st, r)->'Map'.get f st)
- >>= \mt-> case mt of
- Nothing = freshIdent >>= \frsh-> buildFunctionType frsh es
- >>= \ft-> putIdent f ft >>| (pure $ IdType frsh)
- Just t = unifyApp t es
+typeExpr (FunExpr p funcall) = typeFun funcall
typeExpr (VarExpr p (VarDef ident fs)) = gets (\(st, r)->'Map'.get ident st)
>>= \mt->case mt of
Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError p ident
unify (IdType _) e = liftT $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
"Expression cannot be an polymorf type."
unify VarType e = typeExpr e
- unify (IdType i) e = undef
//we have to cheat to decorate the error, can be done nicer?
unify t e = StateT $ \s0 -> let res = runStateT m s0 in case res of
Left err = Left $ decErr e err
instance zero Pos where
zero = {line=0,col=0}
+typeFun :: FunCall -> Env Type
+typeFun (FunCall f es) = gets (\(st, r)->'Map'.get f st) >>= \mt-> case mt of
+ Nothing = freshIdent >>= \frsh-> buildFunctionType frsh es
+ >>= \ft-> putIdent f ft >>| (pure $ IdType frsh)
+ Just t = unifyApp t es
decErr :: Expr SemError -> SemError
decErr e (UnifyError _ t1 t2) = UnifyError (extrPos e) t1 t2
decErr e (FieldSelectorError _ t fs) = FieldSelectorError (extrPos e) t fs