Do not change the implementation of base_TeamName_Student_Rounds.\r
import Footballer\r
+import FootballerFunctions\r
Team_Student_Rounds :: !Home !FootballField -> Team\r
Team_Student_Rounds home field = if (home == West) team (mirror field team)\r
club = base_TeamName_Student_Rounds +++ if (home==West) "_W" "_E"\r
positions = [(-0.49,0.00)]\r
- footballer playerID = {defaultFootballer playerID &\r
- name = "Peter88",\r
- brain = {memory = Void, ai = mind}}\r
+ footballer playerID = {defaultFootballer playerID & name = "Peter88", brain = {memory = Void, ai = mind field}}\r
base_TeamName_Student_Rounds :: String\r
base_TeamName_Student_Rounds = "Student Rounds"\r
-:: Memory :== Void\r
-mind :: !(!BrainInput, !Memory) -> (!BrainOutput, !Memory)\r
-mind ({football, others, me}, memory) = (Move zero zero)\r
+mind :: !FootballField !(!BrainInput, !Void) -> (!BrainOutput, !Void)\r
+mind field (i=:{me}, mm)\r
+| y >= (t -o) && x > (~r+o) = (fix {px= ~r,py= t} c) (i, mm)\r
+| x <= (~r+o) && y > (~t+o) = (fix {px= ~r,py= ~t} c) (i, mm)\r
+| y <= (~t+o) && x < (r -o) = (fix {px= r, py= ~t} c) (i, mm)\r
+| x >= (r -o) && y < (t -o) = (fix {px= r, py= t} c) (i, mm)\r
+ where\r
+ (x, y, o, c) = (me.pos.px,, m 4.0, m 1.5)\r
+ t = scale 0.5 field.fwidth\r
+ r = scale 0.5 field.flength
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