\newglossaryentry{dom}{name={Doom Metal},
description={is an extreme heavy metal music style with growling vocals and
pounding drums played very slowly}}
+\newglossaryentry{FT}{name={Fourier Transform},
+ description={is a technique of converting a time representation signal to a
+ frequency representation}}
+ description={is a human ear inspired scale for spectral signals.}}
same frequency as the vocals.
\section{\gls{MFCC} Features}
-The waveforms are converted to \glspl{MFCC} feature vectors using the
+The waveforms in itself are not very suitable to be used as features due to the
+high dimensionality and correlation. Therefore we use the aften used
+\glspl{MFCC} feature vectors.\todo{cite which papers use this} The actual
+conversion is done using the \emph{python\_speech\_features}%
\footnote{\url{https://github.com/jameslyons/python_speech_features}} package.
-All these steps combined results in thirteen tab separated features per line in
-a file for every source file. Technical info about the processing steps is
-given in the following sections.
+\gls{MFCC} features are nature inspired and built incrementally in a several of
+ \item The first step in the process is converting the time representation
+ of the signal to a spectral representation using a sliding window with
+ overlap. The width of the window and the step size are two important
+ parameters in the system. In classical phonetic analysis window sizes
+ of $25ms$ with a step of $10ms$ are often chosen because they are small
+ enough to only contain subphone entities. Singing for $25ms$ is
+ impossible so it is arguable that the window size is very small.
+ \item The standard \gls{FT} gives a spectral representation that has
+ linearly scaled frequencies. This scale is converted to the \gls{MS}
+ using triangular overlapping windows.
+ \item
\todo{Explain why MFCC and which parameters}