the case. Therefore the SUT has PASSED/FAILED this test.\r
%This failure is due to the failure of the test case(s) 1,2,3,n as specified\r
%where the SUT failed to behave in the expected way by... %behavior dat SUT wel\r
-%%liet zien\r
+%%liet zien \r
-%\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| l | X|}\r
-% \hline\r
-%Check 1 & Get the SUT in a workable state. \\\hline\r
-%Course of action & \begin{enumerate}\r
-% \item Import the VirtualBox image into VirtualBox.\r
-% \item Boot the vm.\r
-% \item Verify the SUT booted succesfully and the network module(s) are loaded.\r
-%\end{enumerate} \\\hline\r
-%Passed & \textit{\st{Yes}/No} \\\hline \hline\r
-%Check 2 & Verify the SUT is complete. \\\hline\r
-%Course of action & \begin{enumerate}\r
-% \item Use the course of action for \emph{Check 1} in order to boot the SUT.\r
-% \item Verify the loopback device exists using \emph{ifconfig}\r
-% \item Verify the \emph{echo-server} is present on the system.\r
-% \item Verify \emph{Scrappy} is present on the system.\r
-% \item Verify all scripts used for testing are present on the system.\r
-%\end{enumerate} \\\hline\r
-%Passed & \textit{\st{Yes}/No} \\\hline \hline\r
-%Check 3 & Initialize the testing environment. \\\hline\r
-%Course of action & \begin{enumerate}\r
-% \item Boot the SUT (see \emph{Check 1}).\r
-% \item Setup iptables by executing \emph{./scripts/setup/}\r
-% \item Setup ... by executing \emph{./scripts/setup/...}\r
-%\end{enumerate} \\\hline\r
-%Passed & \textit{\st{Yes}/No} \\\hline\r
+\subsection{Notes on results}\r
+Due to severe difficulties with implementing the corruption of a checksum any\r
+tests which mention corruption of the checksum, that is, all tests testing\r
+the different partitions 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a and 5b as mentioned in \r
+Section~\ref{sec:testingofsut}, are always done with a valid checksum. These\r
+tests always fall in partition 4a and 5a. \r
+These difficulties arise because TCP-checksum computation is something which is\r
+on the hardware level or somewhere otherwise quite far from the software\r
+implementation of anything calling the TCP-stack. Due to this, changing the\r
+checksum of the segments send from the test script to the SUT is not possible\r
+without writing raw data to the network sockets, which would result\r
+in high changes of manual errors.\r
+Because of this these partitions are not tested and the SUT is not tested for\r
+the requirement that it should disregard segments with invalid checksums.
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