\subsection{Add a device}
A device can be added by filling in the \CI{MTaskDevice} record as much as
-possible and running the \CI{connectDevice} function. This function grabs the
-channels, starts the synchronization \gls{Task} (\CI{synFun}), makes sure the
-errors are handled when needed and runs a processing function in parallel to
-react on the incoming messages. Moreover, it sends a specification request to
-the device in question to determine the details of the device and updates the
-record to contain the top-level \gls{Task}-id. All device functionality
-heavily depends on the specific \CI{deviceShare} function that generates an
-\gls{SDS} for a specific device. This allows giving an old device record to the
-function and still update the latest instance. Listing~\ref{lst:connectDevice}
-shows the connection function.
+possible and running the \CI{connectDevice} function. This function grabs and
+clears the channels, starts the synchronization \gls{Task} (\CI{synFun}), makes
+sure the errors are handled when needed and runs a processing function in
+parallel to react on the incoming messages. Moreover, it sends a specification
+request to the device in question to determine the details of the device and
+updates the record to contain the top-level \gls{Task}-id. All device
+functionality heavily depends on the specific \CI{deviceShare} function that
+generates an \gls{SDS} for a specific device. This allows giving an old device
+record to the function and still update the latest instance.
+Listing~\ref{lst:connectDevice} shows the connection function.
caption={Connect a device}]
-connectDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task Channels
-connectDevice procFun device = set ([], [], False) ch
- >>| appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True
- ( procFun device ch -||- catchAll (getSynFun device.deviceData ch) errHdl)
- >>= \tid->upd (\d->{d&deviceTask=Just tid,deviceError=Nothing}) (deviceShare device)
- >>| set (r,[MTSpec],ss) ch
- >>| treturn device
+process :: MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()
+process device ch = forever $ wait "process" (not o isEmpty o fst3) ch
+ >>= \(r,s,ss)->upd (appFst3 (const [])) ch >>| proc r
+ proc :: [MTaskMSGRecv] -> Task ()
+ proc [] = treturn ()
+ proc [m:ms] = (case m of
+ MTPub i val = updateShareFromPublish device i val @! ()
+ ...
+ MTDevSpec s = deviceAddSpec device s @! ()
+ ) >>| proc ms
+connectDevice :: MTaskDevice -> Task Channels
+connectDevice device = set ([], [], False) ch
+ >>| appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True
+ ( process device ch -||- catchAll (getSynFun device.deviceData ch) errHdl)
+ >>= \tid->upd (\d->{d&deviceTask=Just tid,deviceError=Nothing}) (deviceShare device)
+ >>| set (r,[MTSpec],ss) ch
+ >>| treturn device
errHdl e = upd (\d->{d & deviceTask=Nothing, deviceError=Just e}) (deviceShare device) @! ()
ch = channels device
makeShare :: String Int BCValue -> MTaskShare
makeShare withTask identifier value = {MTaskShare | withTask=[withTask], identifier=identifier, value=value}
-sendTaskToDevice :: String (Main (ByteCode a Stmt)) (MTaskDevice, MTaskInterval) -> Task MTaskTask
+sendTaskToDevice :: String (Main (ByteCode a Stmt)) (MTaskDevice, MTaskInterval) -> Task (MTaskTask, [MTaskShare])
sendTaskToDevice wta mTask (device, timeout)
# (msgs, newState=:{sdss}) = toMessages timeout mTask device.deviceState
# shares = [makeShare wta "" sdsi sdsval\\{sdsi,sdsval}<-sdss, (MTSds sdsi` _)<-msgs | sdsi == sdsi`]
>>| makeTask wta -1
>>= \t->upd (addTaskUpState newState t) (deviceShare device)
>>| wait "Waiting for task to be acked" (taskAcked t) (deviceShare device)
- >>| treturn t
+ >>| treturn (t, shares)
addTaskUpState :: BCState MTaskTask MTaskDevice -> MTaskDevice
addTaskUpState st task device = {MTaskDevice | device & deviceState=st, deviceTasks=[task:device.deviceTasks]}
-Here comes a description of the demo program.
+Systems built with support for \gls{mTask} are often following the same design
+pattern. First the devices are created --- with or without the interaction of
+the user --- and they are then connected. When all devices are registered, the
+\gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} can be sent and \gls{iTasks}-\glspl{Task} can be
+started to monitor the output. When everything is finished, the devices are
+removed and the system is powered off.
+ caption={\gls{mTask} framework for building applications}]
+w :: Task ()
+w = makeDevice "dev1" (...) >>= connectDevice
+ >>= \dev1->makeDevice "dev2" (...) >>= connectDevice
+ >>= \dev2->...
+ ...
+ >>* [OnAction (Action "Shutdown") $ always
+ $ deleteDevice dev1
+ >>| deleteDevice dev2
+ >>| ...
+ >>| shutDown 0
+ ]
+The thermostat is a classic example program for showing interactions between
+peripherals. The following program shows a system containing two devices. One
+device is connected via \gls{TCP} and contains a temperature sensor. The second
+\subsection[Lifting mTasks to iTasks-Tasks]%
+ {Lifting \gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} to \gls{iTasks}-\glspl{Task}}
+If the user does not want to know where and when a \gls{mTask} is actually
+executed and is just interested in the results it can lift the \gls{mTask} to
+an \gls{iTasks}-\gls{Task}. The function is called with a name, \gls{mTask},
+device and interval specification and it will return a \gls{Task} that finishes
+if and only if the \gls{mTask} has returned.
+\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Starting up the devices}]
+liftmTask :: String (Main (ByteCode () Stmt)) (MTaskDevice, MTaskInterval) -> Task [MTaskShare]
+liftmTask wta mTask c=:(dev, _)= sendTaskToDevice wta mTask c
+ >>= \(t, shs)->wait "Waiting for mTask to return" (taskRemoved t) (deviceShare dev)
+ >>| viewInformation "Done!" [] ()
+ >>| treturn shs
+ taskRemoved t d = isNothing $ find (\t1->t1.ident==t.ident) d.deviceTasks
+The factorial example can then be lifted to a real \gls{iTasks}-\gls{mTask}
+with the following code:
+\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Lifting the factorial \gls{Task} to \gls{iTasks}}]
+factorial :: MTaskDevice -> Task BCValue
+factorial dev = enterInformation "Factorial of ?" []
+ >>= \fac->liftmTask "fact" (fact fac) (dev, OnInterval 100)
+ @ fromJust o find (\x->x.humanName == "result")
+ @ \s->s.MTaskShare.value
+ fact i = sds \y=i
+ In namedsds \x=(1 Named "result")
+ In {main = IF (y <=. lit 1)
+ ( pub x :. retrn )
+ ( x =. x *. y :. y =. y -. lit 1 )}
+++ /dev/null
-If the user does not want to know where and when a \gls{mTask} is actually
-executed and is just interested in the results it can lift the \gls{mTask} to
-an \gls{iTasks}-\gls{Task}. The function is called with a name, \gls{mTask},
-device and interval specification and it will return a \gls{Task} that finishes
-if and only if the \gls{mTask} has returned.
-\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Starting up the devices}]
-liftmTask :: String (Main (ByteCode () Stmt)) (MTaskDevice, MTaskInterval) -> Task ()
-liftmTask wta mTask c=:(dev, _)= sendTaskToDevice wta mTask c
- >>= \t->wait "Waiting for mTask to return" (taskRemoved t) (deviceShare dev)
- >>| viewInformation "Done!" [] ()
- taskRemoved t d = isNothing $ find (\t1->t1.ident==t.ident) d.deviceTasks