import Data.Functor
import Data.Func
import Data.List
+import Data.Tuple
import StdEnv
import ast
:: Parser a :== StateT ParseState (Either [String]) a
:: ParseState =
{ tokens :: [Token]
- , infixs :: [(Bool, [Char], Int)]
+ , ifxs :: [((Parser Expression) -> Parser Expression, Int)]
-instance zero ParseState where zero = {tokens=[],infixs=[]}
+instance zero ParseState where zero = {tokens=[],ifxs=[]}
pTop :: Parser Token
pTop = getState >>= \s->case s.tokens of
[t:ts] = put {s & tokens=ts} >>| pure t
[] = liftT (Left ["Fully consumed input"])
+pEof :: Parser ()
+pEof = getState >>= \s->case s.tokens of
+ [] = pure ()
+ [t:ts] = liftT (Left ["Expected EOF"])
pSatisfy :: (Token -> Bool) -> Parser Token
pSatisfy f = pTop >>= \t->if (f t) (pure t) empty
pChainr op p = flip ($) <$> p <*> (flip <$> op <*> pChainr op p) <|> p
parse :: [Token] -> Either [String] AST
-parse ts = case runStateT pAST {zero & tokens=ts} of
- Right (a, {tokens=[]}) = Right a
- Right (a, _) = Left ["No complete parse result"]
+parse ts = case runStateT (AST<$> pAST <* pEof) {zero & tokens=ts} of
+ Right (a, _) = Right a
Left e = Left e
- pAST :: Parser AST
- pAST = AST <$> many pFunction
+ pAST :: Parser [Function]
+ pAST = many pFunction >>= mapM \(id, args, body)->Function id args <$
+ modify (\t->{t&tokens=body}) <*> pExpression <* pEof
pId = (\(TTIdent i)->i) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:(TTIdent _))
- pOp t` = pId >>= \t->if (t == t`) (pure t) empty
+ pCId a = pId >>= \b->if (a == b) (pure a) empty
- pFunction :: Parser Function
+ pFunction :: Parser ([Char], [[Char]], [Token])
- = Function
- <$> pId
+ = tuple3
+ <$> (pFunId <|> pId)
<*> many pId
<* pToken TTEq
- <*> pExpression
+ <*> many (pSatisfy ((=!=)TTSemiColon))
<* pToken TTSemiColon
+ pFunId :: Parser [Char]
+ pFunId = pId
+ >>= \i->pChainr <$ pCId ['ifxr'] <|> pChainl <$ pCId ['ifxl']
+ >>= \p->(\(TTInt i)->i) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:(TTInt _))
+ >>= \s->modify (\t->{t & ifxs=[(p (App o App (Var i) <$ pCId i), s):t.ifxs]})
+ >>| pure i
pExpression :: Parser Expression
- pExpression = getState >>= \{infixs}->foldr ($) pBasic
- [ pChainl (pure App)
- : [ if ifxr pChainr pChainl $ App o App (Var op) <$ pOp op
- \\(ifxr, op, _)<-infixs]]
- pBasic :: Parser Expression
- pBasic
- = Lambda <$ pToken TTLambda <*> pId <* pToken TTDot <*> pExpression
+ pExpression = getState >>= \{ifxs}->flip (foldr ($))
+ [pChainl (pure App):map fst $ sortBy (on (<) snd) ifxs]
+ $ Lambda <$ pToken TTLambda <*> pId <* pToken TTDot <*> pExpression
<|> pToken TTBrackOpen *> pExpression <* pToken TTBrackClose
- <|> (\(TTInt i)->Lit (Int i)) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:(TTInt _))
- <|> (\(TTInt i)->Lit (Int i)) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:(TTInt _))
+ <|> Lit o Int <$> (\(TTInt i)->i) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:(TTInt _))
<|> (\(TTBool i)->Lit (Bool i)) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:(TTBool _))
<|> Var <$> pId