media to digital media. The \gls{IFPI} stated that about $43\%$ of music
revenue arises from digital distribution. Another $39\%$ arises from the
physical sale and the remaining $16\%$ is made through performance and
-synchronisation reveneus. The overtake of digital formats on physical formats
+synchronisation revenues. The overtake of digital formats on physical formats
took place somewhere in 2015. Moreover, ever since twenty years the music
industry has seen significant growth
These techniques are heavily researched and working systems have been created
for segmenting audio and even forced alignment (e.g.\ LyricSynchronizer%
\cite{fujihara_lyricsynchronizer:_2011}). However, these techniques are designed
-to detect a clean singing voice and have not been testen on so-called
+to detect a clean singing voice and have not been tested on so-called
\emph{extended vocal techniques} such as grunting or growling. Growling is
heavily used in extreme metal genres such as \gls{dm} but it must be noted that
grunting is not a technique only used in extreme metal styles. Similar or equal