>>| mapM_ g fds
programContext :: SSMProgram
-programContext = [Lab "print" //there is no actual IO in SSM
+programContext = [Lab "1printint"
,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
+ ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load first argument"
+ ,Instr "trap" [Lit 0] "print int"
,Instr "unlink" [] ""
,Instr "ret" [] ""
- ,Lab "read" //there is no actual IO in SSM
+ ,Lab "1printchar"
,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
- ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""
- ,Instr "sth" [] ""
+ ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load first argument"
+ ,Instr "trap" [Lit 1] "print char"
+ ,Instr "unlink" [] ""
+ ,Instr "ret" [] ""
+ ,Lab "1readint"
+ ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
+ ,Instr "trap" [Lit 10] "read int"
+ ,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""
+ ,Instr "unlink" [] ""
+ ,Instr "ret" [] ""
+ ,Lab "1readchar"
+ ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
+ ,Instr "trap" [Lit 11] "read char"
,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""
,Instr "unlink" [] ""
,Instr "ret" [] ""
derive gPrint TokenValue
+preamble :: AST -> AST
+preamble (AST fd) = AST (pre ++ fd)
+ where
+ pre = [
+ FunDecl zero "1printstr" ["x"] Nothing [] [
+ IfStmt (FunExpr zero "isEmpty" [VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" [])] [])
+ []
+ [FunStmt "1printchar" [VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" [FieldHd])] []
+ ,FunStmt "1printstr" [VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" [FieldTl])] []]]]
Start :: *World -> *World
Start w
# (args, w) = parseArgs w
(Right parseOut)
# stdin = if (not args.parse) stdin (
stdin <<< "//PARSER\n" <<< toString parseOut <<< "//PARSER\n")
- = case sem parseOut of
+ = case sem (preamble parseOut) of
(Left e) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< join "\n" (map toString e) <<< "\n") w
(Right ast)
# stdin = if (not args.sem) stdin (stdin