import StdGeneric
generic consName a :: a -> String
-derive consName CONS of {gcd_name},UNIT,PAIR,EITHER,OBJECT,RECORD,FIELD,Int,Bool,Char,String,(->)
+derive consName CONS of {gcd_name},UNIT,PAIR,EITHER,OBJECT,RECORD,FIELD,Int,Bool,Char,String,(->),[]
generic consIndex a :: a -> Int
-derive consIndex CONS of {gcd_index},UNIT,PAIR,EITHER,OBJECT,Int,Bool,Char,String
+derive consIndex CONS of {gcd_index},UNIT,PAIR,EITHER,OBJECT,Int,Bool,Char,String,[]
generic conses a :: [a]
derive conses CONS,UNIT,PAIR,EITHER,OBJECT,FIELD,RECORD,Int,Bool,Char,Real,String,(),{},{!},[],[! ],[ !],[!!],(->)
//import iTasks
import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray, GenBimap
import GenPrint
+import StdEnum
import mTask
import StdFile
import StdString
-from StdFunc import o
+from StdFunc import o, const
import StdBool
import StdTuple
import Data.Tuple
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Functor
import StdList
from Data.Func import $
from Text import class Text(concat,join,toUpperCase), instance Text String
toByteVal :: BC -> [Char]
toByteVal b
-# bt = toByteCode b
+# bt = toBC b
= [bt:case b of
- (BCPush i) = [toChar i]
+ (BCPush i) = i
(BCAnalogRead i) = [toChar i]
(BCAnalogWrite i) = [toChar i]
(BCDigitalRead i) = [toChar i]
(BCJmpF i) = [toChar i]
_ = []]
- toByteCode b = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} b + 1
+ toBC b = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} b + 1
+instance Semigroup (ByteCode a p) where
+ mappend m n = BC \s->let (b1, (b2, t)) = runBC m <$> runBC m s in (b1 ++ b2, t)
+instance Monoid (ByteCode a p) where
+ mempty = retrn []
+(<++>) infixl 2 :: (ByteCode a p) (ByteCode b q) -> ByteCode c r
+(<++>) m n = BC \s->let (b1, (b2, t)) = runBC n <$> runBC m s in (b1 ++ b2, t)
+(<+->) infixr 1
+(<+->) m n :== m <++> retrn n
+runBC (BC m) = m
+retrn :: ([BC] -> ByteCode a p)
+retrn = BC o tuple
instance toByteCode Bool where
toByteCode True = [toChar 1]
derive consIndex BC, Pin, Button
derive consName BC, Pin, Button
-toReadableByteVal :: BC -> String
-toReadableByteVal a = printToString a
instance arith ByteCode where
- lit x = BC [BCPush 1]
+ lit x = retrn [BCPush $ toByteCode x]
(+.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCAdd]
(-.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCSub]
(*.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCMul]
(>=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCGeq]
instance analogIO ByteCode where
- analogRead p = BC [BCAnalogRead $ pin p]
+ analogRead p = retrn [BCAnalogRead $ pin p]
analogWrite p b = b <+-> [BCAnalogWrite $ pin p]
instance digitalIO ByteCode where
- digitalRead p = BC [BCDigitalRead $ pin p]
+ digitalRead p = retrn [BCDigitalRead $ pin p]
digitalWrite p b = b <+-> [BCDigitalWrite $ pin p]
instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
instance If ByteCode x y Expr where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
instance IF ByteCode where
IF b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
- (?) b t = BCIfStmt b t $ BC []
-BCIfStmt b t e = b <+-> [BCJmpF $ length <$> t + 1] <++> t
- <+-> [BCJmp $ length <$> e] <++> e
+ (?) b t = BCIfStmt b t $ retrn []
+BCIfStmt b t e = withLabel \else->withLabel \endif->retrn [BCJmpF else] <++> t
+ <++> retrn [BCJmp endif] <++> e <++> retrn [BCLab endif]
+instance noOp ByteCode where noOp = mempty
-instance noOp ByteCode where noOp = BC []
+withLabel :: (Int -> (ByteCode b q)) -> ByteCode b q
+withLabel f = BC \s->let [fresh:fs] = s.freshl
+ in runBC (f fresh) {s & freshl=fs}
instance sds ByteCode where
sds f = undef/*{main =
let var = 42
in unMain body
con f = undef
instance serial ByteCode where
- serialAvailable = BC [BCSerialAvail]
- serialPrint s = BC [BCSerialPrint]
- serialPrintln s = BC [BCSerialPrintln]
- serialRead = BC [BCSerialRead]
- serialParseInt = BC [BCSerialParseInt]
-(<++>) infixl 7
-(<++>) (BC x) (BC y) = BC $ x ++ y
-(<+->) infixl 7
-(<+->) (BC x) y = BC $ x ++ y
-(<-+>) infixl 7
-(<-+>) x (BC y) = BC $ x ++ y
-(<$>) infixl 9
-(<$>) f (BC x) = f x
+ serialAvailable = retrn [BCSerialAvail]
+ serialPrint s = retrn [BCSerialPrint]
+ serialPrintln s = retrn [BCSerialPrintln]
+ serialRead = retrn [BCSerialRead]
+ serialParseInt = retrn [BCSerialParseInt]
instance zero BCState where
- zero = {a=()}
+ zero = {freshl=[1..]}
toRealByteCode :: (ByteCode a Expr) -> String
-toRealByteCode (BC x) = concat $ map (toString o toByteVal) x
+toRealByteCode x
+# (bc, st) = runBC x zero
+= concat $ map (toString o toByteVal) bc
-//Start :: ByteCode Int Expr
-//Start = (lit 36 +. lit 42) +. lit 84
+toReadableByteCode :: (ByteCode a Expr) -> String
+toReadableByteCode x
+# (bc, st) = runBC x zero
+= join "\n" $ map printToString bc
+toReadableByteVal :: BC -> String
+toReadableByteVal a = printToString a
-to16bit :: Int -> String
-to16bit i = toString (toChar (i/265)) +++ toString (toChar (i rem 265))
-//Run test programma en pretty print
-//Start :: String
-//Start = "t" +++ to16bit (size b) +++ b
-Start :: Main (ByteCode Int Expr)
-Start = bc
+Start :: String
+Start = toReadableByteCode bc
- bc = sds \x=43 In {main = If (x ==. lit 42) (analogRead A1) (analogRead A0)}
- b = toRealByteCode bc
+ bc :: ByteCode Int Expr
+ bc = (lit 36 +. lit 42) +. lit 44
+//to16bit :: Int -> String
+//to16bit i = toString (toChar (i/265)) +++ toString (toChar (i rem 265))
+////Run test programma en pretty print
+////Start :: String
+////Start = "t" +++ to16bit (size b) +++ b
+//Start :: Main (ByteCode Int Expr)
+//Start = bc
+// where
+// bc = sds \x=43 In {main = If (x ==. lit 42) (analogRead A1) (analogRead A0)}
+// b = toRealByteCode bc
//Start :: ByteCode Int Expr
//Start = If (lit True) (analogRead A1) (analogRead A0)
//Start = If ((lit 36) ==. (lit 42)) (noOp) (noOp)