--- /dev/null
+Verify all pages and resources by default require
+authentication except those specifically intended to be
+public (Principle of complete mediation).
+ All admin pages are private. Unpublished posts are also private.
+ However, the install submission page does not do any authentication at all,
+ allowing any user to reset the database and claim an admin account.
+ User pages can be viewed (and submitted) by any authenticated user.
+Verify that forms containing credentials are not filled in by
+the application. Pre-filling by the application implies that
+credentials are stored in plaintext or a reversible format,
+which is explicitly prohibited.
+No credentials (that should not be stored in plain text) are ever filled in by
+the application.
+Verify all authentication controls are enforced on the
+server side.
+ All authentication controls (login credentials and client cookies) are
+ enforced by the application. Note however item~\ref{auth:6}, about the
+ security of these controls in the immplementation.
+Verify all authentication controls fail securely to ensure
+attackers cannot log in.
+ The input to various forms is not sanitized at all. This makes the implementation
+ in (not only) \texttt{Users::find} vulnerable to SQL injections. The login form
+ is also vulnerable. Any user can execute arbitrary SQL code from the username field.
+ The following example code can submitted as username in the login form, which
+ will set the password of the \texttt{admin} user to \texttt{s3cret}:
+ \code{"; UPDATE users SET password='\$1\$OWgsBb90\$Lkko6aZwmp9XOVrFI09Ab0' WHERE \\username='admin' AND 'a' = "a}
+ After using this exploit, the attacker (of course) knows the admin password.
+Verify password entry fields allow, or encourage, the use
+of passphrases, and do not prevent password managers,
+long passphrases or highly complex passwords being
+ The application allows the user to use any password (except ones that contain
+ SQL code).
+Verify all account identity authentication functions (such
+as update profile, forgot password, disabled / lost token,
+help desk or IVR) that might regain access to the account
+are at least as resistant to attack as the primary
+authentication mechanism.
+ The only alternative mechanism for authenticating (except for using
+ vulnerabilities as described in other point) is using the ``Recover
+ password'' functionality. This sends a secret token to the email
+ address owning the account.
+ After such a token is used, it cannot be reused, because the token is
+ derived from the password hash (and thus a random salt). Tokens do not
+ expire, however. It would be even better to require that a token be used
+ withing a day (or so) after creation.
+ The security of the SMTP connection is at the discretion of the web server.
+ Often these connections are not very secure, but this worry is beyond the
+ scope of this audit.
+Verify that the changing password functionality includes
+the old password, the new password, and a password
+ Changing a user's password does not require the original password, nor does the
+ password Changing form request for a password confirmation. This makes it easy
+ to set a wrong password for yourself.
+Verify that all authentication decisions can be logged,
+without storing sensitive session identifiers or passwords.
+This should include requests with relevant metadata
+needed for security investigations.
+ The application does not log any notable authentication event.
+Verify that account passwords are one way hashed with a
+salt, and there is sufficient work factor to defeat brute
+force and password hash recovery attacks.
+ Password are stored in database using the PHP function \texttt{crypt}. Internally, this
+ function uses salted MD5. This is way too reverse with brute-force attacks using dictionary files.
+ Instead it would be better to use the \texttt{argon2} password hashing algorithm
+ or the PHP \texttt{password\_hash} function (which currently uses BCRYPT).
+Verify that credentials are transported using a suitable
+encrypted link and that all pages/functions that require a
+user to enter credentials are done so using an encrypted
+ The app allows admin users to log in over HTTP. This is insecure, as it allows
+ eavesdroppers to intercept password.
+ The app should force HTTPS for at least the login form, the \texttt{admin\_controller} and
+ for the installation script (because the users posts secrets like the database
+ password to this page).
+Verify that the forgotten password function and other
+recovery paths do not reveal the current password and
+that the new password is not sent in clear text to the user.
+ No password is stored in plain text. The password recovery path works with
+ a secret token, which is used to reset the password. Although this token
+ is derived from the password hash, it does not reveal any secret
+ information.
+Verify that information enumeration is not possible via
+login, password reset, or forgot account functionality.}
+Verify there are no default passwords in use for the
+application framework or any components used by the
+application (such as “admin/password”).}
+Verify that anti-automation is in place to prevent breached
+credential testing, brute forcing, and account lockout
+ No anti-automation measures are deployed.
+ This is needed for:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Email validation, to harden brute force email address discovery
+ \item Installation database check, to prevent guessing attacks for the database password
+ \item Login, to prevent login guessing
+ \item And comment submission, to prevent spam, phishing et cetera (by using CAPTCHA).
+ \end{itemize}
+Verify that all authentication credentials for accessing
+services external to the application are encrypted and
+stored in a protected location.}
+Verify that forgotten password and other recovery paths
+use a TOTP or other soft token, mobile push, or other
+offline recovery mechanism. Use of a random value in an
+e-mail or SMS should be a last resort and is known weak.}
+Verify that account lockout is divided into soft and hard
+lock status, and these are not mutually exclusive. If an
+account is temporarily soft locked out due to a brute force
+attack, this should not reset the hard lock status.}
+Verify that if shared knowledge based questions (also
+known as "secret questions") are required, the questions
+do not violate privacy laws and are sufficiently strong to
+protect accounts from malicious recovery.}
+Verify that the system can be configured to disallow the
+use of a configurable number of previous passwords.}
+Verify that risk based re-authentication, two factor or
+transaction signing is in place for high value transactions.}
+Verify that measures are in place to block the use of
+commonly chosen passwords and weak passphrases.}
+Verify that all authentication challenges, whether
+successful or failed, should respond in the same average
+response time.}
+Verify that secrets, API keys, and passwords are not
+included in the source code, or online source code
+Verify that if an application allows users to authenticate,
+they can authenticate using two-factor authentication or
+other strong authentication, or any similar scheme that
+provides protection against username + password
+Verify that administrative interfaces are not accessible to
+untrusted parties.}
+Browser autocomplete, and integration with password
+managers are permitted unless prohibited by risk based