import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
-import Data.List
+import Data.List
import Data.Functor
import StdString
import AST
-:: Scheme = Forall [String] Type
-:: Gamma :== 'Map'.Map String Scheme
+:: Scheme = Forall [TVar] Type
+:: Gamma :== 'Map'.Map String Scheme //map from Variables! to types
+:: Substitution :== 'Map'.Map TVar Type
:: Constraints :== [(Type, Type)]
:: Infer a :== RWST Gamma Constraints [String] (Either SemError) a
:: SemError
instance zero Gamma where
zero = 'Map'.newMap
-//runInfer :: Gamma (Infer a) -> Either SemError a
-//runInfer env m = evalRWST m env variableStream
variableStream :: [String]
variableStream = map toString [1..]
Right (a, b) = Right b
constraints :: [FunDecl] -> Infer ()
- constraints fds = mapM_ funconstraint fds >>| pure ()
+ constraints _ = pure ()
+ //TODO: fix
+ //constraints fds = mapM_ funconstraint fds >>| pure ()
funconstraint :: FunDecl -> Infer ()
funconstraint fd=:(FunDecl _ ident args mt vardecls stmts) = case mt of
mapM_ vardeclconstraint vardecls >>| pure ())
vardeclconstraint :: VarDecl -> Infer ()
- vardeclconstraint (VarDecl p mt ident expr) = infer expr
- >>= \it->inEnv (ident, (Forall [] it)) (pure ())
+ vardeclconstraint _ = pure ()
+ //TODO: fix!
+ //vardeclconstraint (VarDecl p mt ident expr) = infer expr
+ //>>= \it->inEnv (ident, (Forall [] it)) (pure ())
hasNoDups :: [FunDecl] FunDecl -> Either SemError ()
hasNoDups fds (FunDecl p n _ _ _ _)
"SemError: SanityError: ", e]
toString se = "SemError: "
-// ------------------------
-// First step: Inference
-// ------------------------
-unify :: Type Type -> Infer ()
-unify t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> Infer a
inEnv (x, sc) m = local ('Map'.put x sc) m
-fresh :: Infer Type
-fresh = (gets id) >>= \vars-> (put $ tail vars) >>| (pure $ IdType $ head vars)
-op2Type :: Op2 -> Infer Type
-op2Type op
-| elem op [BiPlus, BiMinus, BiTimes, BiDivide, BiMod]
- = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> IntType)
-| elem op [BiEquals, BiUnEqual]
- = fresh >>= \t1-> fresh >>= \t2-> pure (t1 ->> t2 ->> BoolType)
-| elem op [BiLesser, BiGreater, BiLesserEq, BiGreaterEq]
- = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> BoolType)
-| elem op [BiAnd, BiOr]
- = pure (BoolType ->> BoolType ->> BoolType)
-| op == BiCons
- = fresh >>= \t1-> pure (t1 ->> ListType t1 ->> ListType t1)
-op1Type :: Op1 -> Infer Type
-op1Type UnNegation = pure $ (BoolType ->> BoolType)
-op1Type UnMinus = pure $ (IntType ->> IntType)
-//instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type
-//instantiate (Forall as t) = mapM (const fresh) as
-lookupEnv :: String -> Infer Type
-lookupEnv ident = asks ('Map'.get ident)
- >>= \m->case m of
- Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError zero ident
- Just (Forall as t) = pure t //instantiate ???
-class infer a :: a -> Infer Type
-instance infer Expr where
- infer (VarExpr _ (VarDef ident fs)) = lookupEnv ident
- infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) =
- infer e1 >>= \t1 ->
- infer e2 >>= \t2 ->
- fresh >>= \frsh ->
- let given = t1 ->> (t2 ->> frsh) in
- op2Type op >>= \expected ->
- unify expected given >>|
- return frsh
- infer (Op1Expr _ op e) =
- infer e >>= \t1 ->
- fresh >>= \frsh ->
- let given = t1 ->> frsh in
- op1Type op >>= \expected ->
- unify expected given >>|
- pure frsh
- infer (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType
- infer (CharExpr _ _) = pure CharType
- infer (BoolExpr _ _) = pure BoolType
- infer (FunExpr _ f args sels) = //todo, iets met field selectors
- lookupEnv f >>= \expected ->
- fresh >>= \frsh ->
- mapM infer args >>= \argTypes ->
- let given = foldr (->>) frsh argTypes in
- unify expected given >>|
- pure frsh
- infer (EmptyListExpr _) = ListType <$> fresh
- infer (TupleExpr _ (e1, e2)) =
- infer e1 >>= \et1->infer e2 >>= \et2->pure $ TupleType (et1, et2)
-//:: VarDef = VarDef String [FieldSelector]
-//:: FieldSelector = FieldHd | FieldTl | FieldFst | FieldSnd
-//:: Op1 = UnNegation | UnMinus
-//:: Op2 = BiPlus | BiMinus | BiTimes | BiDivide | BiMod | BiEquals | BiLesser |
-// BiGreater | BiLesserEq | BiGreaterEq | BiUnEqual | BiAnd | BiOr | BiCons
-//:: FunDecl = FunDecl Pos String [String] (Maybe Type) [VarDecl] [Stmt]
-//:: FunCall = FunCall String [Expr]
-//:: Stmt
-// = IfStmt Expr [Stmt] [Stmt]
-// | WhileStmt Expr [Stmt]
-// | AssStmt VarDef Expr
-// | FunStmt FunCall
-// | ReturnStmt (Maybe Expr)
-//:: Pos = {line :: Int, col :: Int}
-//:: AST = AST [VarDecl] [FunDecl]
-//:: VarDecl = VarDecl Pos Type String Expr
-//:: Type
-// = TupleType (Type, Type)
-// | ListType Type
-// | IdType String
-// | IntType
-// | BoolType
-// | CharType
-// | VarType
-// | VoidType
-// | (->>) infixl 7 Type Type
+class Typeable a where
+ ftv :: a -> [TVar]
+ subst :: Substitution a -> a
+instance Typeable Scheme where
+ ftv (Forall bound t) = difference (ftv t) bound
+ subst s (Forall bound t) = Forall bound $ subst s_ t
+ where s_ = 'Map'.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (elem k bound)) s
+instance Typeable [a] | Typeable a where
+ ftv types = foldr (\t ts-> ftv t ++ ts) [] types
+ subst s ts = map (\t->subst s t) ts
+instance Typeable Type where
+ ftv (TupleType (t1, t2)) = ftv t1 ++ ftv t2
+ ftv (ListType t) = ftv t
+ ftv (IdType tvar) = [tvar]
+ ftv (t1 ->> t2) = ftv t1 ++ ftv t2
+ ftv _ = []
+ subst s (TupleType (t1, t2))= TupleType (subst s t1, subst s t2)
+ subst s (ListType t1) = ListType (subst s t1)
+ subst s (t1 ->> t2) = (subst s t1) ->> (subst s t2)
+ subst s t1=:(IdType tvar) = 'Map'.findWithDefault t1 tvar s
+ subst s t = t
+instance Typeable Gamma where
+ ftv gamma = concatMap id $ map ftv ('Map'.elems gamma)
+ subst s gamma = Mapmap (subst s) gamma
+//// ------------------------
+//// algorithm U, Unification (outside of Monad)
+//// ------------------------
+instance zero Substitution where zero = 'Map'.newMap
+compose :: Substitution Substitution -> Substitution
+compose s1 s2 = undef
+//unify ::
+Mapmap :: (a->b) ('Map'.Map k a) -> ('Map'.Map k b)
+Mapmap _ 'Map'.Tip = 'Map'.Tip
+Mapmap f ('Map'.Bin sz k v ml mr) = 'Map'.Bin sz k (f v)
+ (Mapmap f ml)
+ (Mapmap f mr)
+//// ------------------------
+//// First step: Inference
+//// ------------------------//
+//unify :: Type Type -> Infer ()
+//unify t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]//
+//fresh :: Infer Type
+//fresh = (gets id) >>= \vars-> (put $ tail vars) >>| (pure $ IdType $ head vars)//
+//op2Type :: Op2 -> Infer Type
+//op2Type op
+//| elem op [BiPlus, BiMinus, BiTimes, BiDivide, BiMod]
+// = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> IntType)
+//| elem op [BiEquals, BiUnEqual]
+// = fresh >>= \t1-> fresh >>= \t2-> pure (t1 ->> t2 ->> BoolType)
+//| elem op [BiLesser, BiGreater, BiLesserEq, BiGreaterEq]
+// = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> BoolType)
+//| elem op [BiAnd, BiOr]
+// = pure (BoolType ->> BoolType ->> BoolType)
+//| op == BiCons
+// = fresh >>= \t1-> pure (t1 ->> ListType t1 ->> ListType t1)//
+//op1Type :: Op1 -> Infer Type
+//op1Type UnNegation = pure $ (BoolType ->> BoolType)
+//op1Type UnMinus = pure $ (IntType ->> IntType)//
+////instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type
+////instantiate (Forall as t) = mapM (const fresh) as//
+//lookupEnv :: String -> Infer Type
+//lookupEnv ident = asks ('Map'.get ident)
+// >>= \m->case m of
+// Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError zero ident
+// Just (Forall as t) = pure t //instantiate ???//
+//class infer a :: a -> Infer Type
+//instance infer Expr where
+// infer (VarExpr _ (VarDef ident fs)) = lookupEnv ident
+// infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) =
+// infer e1 >>= \t1 ->
+// infer e2 >>= \t2 ->
+// fresh >>= \frsh ->
+// let given = t1 ->> (t2 ->> frsh) in
+// op2Type op >>= \expected ->
+// unify expected given >>|
+// return frsh
+// infer (Op1Expr _ op e) =
+// infer e >>= \t1 ->
+// fresh >>= \frsh ->
+// let given = t1 ->> frsh in
+// op1Type op >>= \expected ->
+// unify expected given >>|
+// pure frsh
+// infer (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType
+// infer (CharExpr _ _) = pure CharType
+// infer (BoolExpr _ _) = pure BoolType
+// infer (FunExpr _ f args sels) = //todo, iets met field selectors
+// lookupEnv f >>= \expected ->
+// fresh >>= \frsh ->
+// mapM infer args >>= \argTypes ->
+// let given = foldr (->>) frsh argTypes in
+// unify expected given >>|
+// pure frsh
+// infer (EmptyListExpr _) = ListType <$> fresh
+// infer (TupleExpr _ (e1, e2)) =
+// infer e1 >>= \et1->infer e2 >>= \et2->pure $ TupleType (et1, et2)//
+////:: VarDef = VarDef String [FieldSelector]
+////:: FieldSelector = FieldHd | FieldTl | FieldFst | FieldSnd
+////:: Op1 = UnNegation | UnMinus
+////:: Op2 = BiPlus | BiMinus | BiTimes | BiDivide | BiMod | BiEquals | BiLesser |
+//// BiGreater | BiLesserEq | BiGreaterEq | BiUnEqual | BiAnd | BiOr | BiCons
+////:: FunDecl = FunDecl Pos String [String] (Maybe Type) [VarDecl] [Stmt]
+////:: FunCall = FunCall String [Expr]
+////:: Stmt
+//// = IfStmt Expr [Stmt] [Stmt]
+//// | WhileStmt Expr [Stmt]
+//// | AssStmt VarDef Expr
+//// | FunStmt FunCall
+//// | ReturnStmt (Maybe Expr)
+////:: Pos = {line :: Int, col :: Int}
+////:: AST = AST [VarDecl] [FunDecl]
+////:: VarDecl = VarDecl Pos Type String Expr
+////:: Type
+//// = TupleType (Type, Type)
+//// | ListType Type
+//// | IdType String
+//// | IntType
+//// | BoolType
+//// | CharType
+//// | VarType
+//// | VoidType
+//// | (->>) infixl 7 Type Type