) :.
IF (pinnetje ==. lit 1) (
- digitalWrite D0 (lit True) :.
- digitalWrite D1 (lit False) :.
- digitalWrite D2 (lit False)
+ digitalWrite D0 (lit True)
) (
IF (pinnetje ==. lit 2) (
- digitalWrite D0 (lit False) :.
- digitalWrite D1 (lit True) :.
- digitalWrite D2 (lit False)
+ digitalWrite D1 (lit True)
) (
- digitalWrite D0 (lit False) :.
- digitalWrite D1 (lit False) :.
digitalWrite D2 (lit True)
+bc2 :: DigitalPin -> Main (ByteCode () Stmt)
+bc2 d = {main = digitalWrite d (lit True) :. noOp}
+bc3 :: DigitalPin -> Main (ByteCode () Stmt)
+bc3 d = {main = digitalWrite d (lit False) :. noOp}
withDevice :: ((Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task a) -> Task a | iTask a
withDevice t = withShared ([], [], False) \ch->
enterInformation "Type" []
mTaskTask :: Task ()
mTaskTask = let (msgs, sdsShares) = makeMsgs 1000 bc in
- withDevice (\ch->
+ withDevice \ch->
sendMsg msgs ch
||- processMessages ch messageShare sdsShares
+ ||- forever (enterChoice "Choose led to enable" [] [D0, D1, D2]
+ >>= \p->sendMsg (fst (makeMsgs 0 (bc2 p))) ch)
+ ||- forever (enterChoice "Choose led to disable" [] [D0, D1, D2]
+ >>= \p->sendMsg (fst (makeMsgs 0 (bc3 p))) ch)
||- viewSharedInformation "channels" [ViewWith lens] ch
||- viewSharedInformation "messages" [] messageShare
||- viewSh sdsShares ch
>>* [OnAction ActionFinish (always shutDown)]
- )
messageShare :: Shared [String]
messageShare = sharedStore "mTaskMessagesRecv" []
dd [x,y] = toInt x*265 + toInt y
updateSDSs :: [(Int, Shared Int)] (Shared [String]) MTaskMSGRecv -> Task ()
- updateSDSs _ m (MTMessage s) = upd (\l->take 20 [s:l]) m @! ()
updateSDSs [(id, sh):xs] m n=:(MTPub i d)
| id == i = set ((toInt d.[0])*265 + toInt d.[1]) sh @! ()
= updateSDSs xs m n
- updateSDSs _ _ _ = return ()
+ updateSDSs _ m mtm = case mtm of
+ MTMessage s = upd (\l->take 20 [s:l]) m @! ()
+ mta=:(MTTaskAdded _) = upd (\l->take 20 [toString mta:l]) m @! ()
+ _ = return ()
lens :: ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> ([String], [String])
lens (r,s,_) = (map toString r, map toString s)