History of git and why to choose git added.
-git.pdf: git.tex preamble.fmt
+git.pdf: git.tex preamble.fmt 1.png
pdflatex $<
pdflatex $<
preamble.fmt: preamble.tex vc.tex
pdflatex -ini -jobname="$(basename $<)" "&pdflatex $<\dump"
+ wget -qO- http://www.androidworld.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/linus-torvalds-getty-final.jpg\
+ | convert -resize 10\% - $@
vc.tex: .git/logs/HEAD
git log -1 --format="format:\\gdef\\GITAbrHash{%H}" > $@
- $(RM) -v *.{eps,aux,fmt,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,toc,nav,snm,pdf} vc.tex
+ $(RM) -v *.{png,eps,aux,fmt,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,toc,nav,snm,pdf} vc.tex
Slides for the GIT flashtalk for AI students.
+Requirements to build the slides:
+ - Pdflatex
+ - Imagemagick to convert the images
+ - Wget to download the images
+ - Latex TIPA package
+ - Latex Beamer package
+ \frametitle{Why GIT?}
+ \framesubtitle{Where did GIT come from?}
+ \begin{block}{Since 2005}
+ \begin{columns}
+ \column{0.4\linewidth}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textipa{[g \'i t]}
+ \item Linus Thorvalds
+ \item Linux kernel
+ \end{itemize}
+ \column{0.5\linewidth}
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{1.png}
+ \caption{Linus Torvalds}
+ \end{figure}
+ \end{columns}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Why GIT}
+ Fast, scalable, simple, support for non-linear development.
+ \end{block}
-\title[GIT] {Git flashtalk}
+\title[GIT]{Git flashtalk}
\subtitle{A short introduction to GIT}
-\author[Lubbers] % (optional, for multiple authors)
-\institute[Radboud University] % (optional)
+\institute[Radboud University]{%
Artificial Intelligence\\
Radboud University Nijmegen