eof :: Parser a Void
+\subsection{Lexing \& Grammar}
+The existing \SPL{} grammar was not suitable for parsing and lexing. The
+grammar listed in Listing~\ref{lst:grammar} shows the current and final
+grammar. We have added several clauses that are explained in
+Section~\ref{sec:ext} such as string literals and higher order functions. The
+transformation of the grammar include eliminating left recursion, fixing
+operator priority and associativity.
+To make the parsing more easy we first lex the character input into tokens. In
+this way the parser can be simplified a lot and some more complex constructs
+can be lexed as one token such as literal characters.
+As said, the lexer uses a \Yard{} parser. The parser takes a list of characters
+and returns a list of \CI{Token}s. A token is a \CI{TokenValue} accompanied
+with a position and the \emph{ADT} used is show in Listing~\ref{lst:lextoken}.
+Parser combinators make it very easy to account for arbitrary whitespace and it
+is much less elegant to do this in a regular way. By choosing to lex with
+parser combinators the speed of the phase decreases. However, since the parsers
+are very easy this increase is very small.
+ language=Clean,
+ label={lst:lextoken},
+ caption={Lexer token ADT}]
+:: Pos = {line :: Int, col :: Int}
+:: Token :== (Pos, TokenValue)
+:: TokenValue
+ //Value tokens
+ = IdentToken String
+ | NumberToken Int
+ | CharToken Char
+ | StringToken [Char]
+ //Keyword tokens
+ | VarToken
+ | ReturnToken
+ | IfToken
+ | ...
+A lexer written with parser combinators is pretty straight forward and in
+practice it is just a very long list of \texttt{alternative} monadic
+combinators. However the order is very important since some tokens are very
+greedy. Almost all tokens can be lexed trivially with the \CI{list} combinator
+for matching literal strings. Comments and literals are the only exception that
+require a non trivial parser.
%On March 10 you have to give a very brief presentation. In this presentation you tell the other