//Start = runRWST (infer (AST [(Function ['s','t','a','r','t'] [] (Lit (Int 42)))])
Start = runRWST (infer (TypeEnv 'DM'.newMap) t) [] {tiSupply=0,tiSubst='DM'.newMap}
- t = Function ['start'] [] (Lit (Int 42))
+// t = Function ['start'] [] (Lit (Int 42))
+ t =
+ [Function ['id'] [] (Lit (Int 42))
+ ,Function ['start'] [] (App (Var ['id']) (Lit (Int 42)))
+ ]
+check :: AST -> Either [String] AST
+check (AST fs) = case sortBy (on (>) isStart) fs of
+ [(Function ['start'] as _):rest]
+ = case runRWST (infer (TypeEnv 'DM'.newMap) fs) [] {tiSupply=0,tiSubst='DM'.newMap} of
+ Left e = Left e
+ Right _ = Right (AST fs)
+ _ = Left ["No start function defined"]
+ isStart a = a=:(Function ['start'] [] _)
-check :: AST -> Either [String] (Type, AST)
-check (AST fs) = case find (\f->f=:(Function ['start'] [] _)) fs of
- Nothing = Left ["No start function defined"]
- Just _ = Right undef/*case runRWST (infer fs) [] 'DM'.newMap of
- Left e = Left e
- Right (a, s, _) = Right (a, s)
+instance < Bool where
+ < False True = True
+ < _ _ = False
:: Type
= TVar [Char]
in infer env`` e
>>= \(s1, t1)->pure (s1, TFun (apply s1 tv) t1)
-instance infer Function where
- infer env (Function name [] body)
- = infer env body
+instance infer [Function] where
+ infer env [] = pure ('DM'.newMap, TInt)
+ infer env [Function name args body:rest]
+ = infer env (foldr Lambda body args) >>= \(s1, t1)->
+ let (TypeEnv env`) = remove env name
+ t` = generalize (apply s1 env) t1
+ env`` = TypeEnv ('DM'.put name t` env`)
+ in infer (apply s1 env``) rest >>= \(s2, t2)->pure (composeSubst s1 s2, t2)
typeInference :: ('DM'.Map [Char] Scheme) Expression -> TI Type
typeInference env e = uncurry apply <$> infer (TypeEnv env) e
import ast
import check
import int
+import gen
chars :: *File -> ([Char], *File)
chars f
# (cs,f) = chars f
= ([c:cs], f)
-:: Mode = MHelp | MLex | MParse | MType | MInterpret
+:: Mode = MHelp | MLex | MParse | MType | MInterpret | MGen
:: Result
= Lex [Token]
| Parse AST
- | Type (Type, AST)
+ | Type AST
| Interpret Value
+ | Gen [String]
options :: [OptDescr (Mode->Mode)]
options =
, Option ['p'] ["parse"] (NoArg (const MParse)) "Up to and including parse"
, Option ['t'] ["type"] (NoArg (const MType)) "Up to and including typing"
, Option ['i'] ["interpret"] (NoArg (const MInterpret)) "Up to and including interpretation"
+ , Option ['g'] ["gen"] (NoArg (const MInterpret)) "Up to and including generation"
Start :: *World -> Either [String] Result
MLex = Lex <$> lex cs
MParse = Parse <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
MType = Type <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
- MInterpret = Interpret <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int o snd)
+ MInterpret = Interpret <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int)
+ MGen = Gen <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= gen)