% Search for model-based testing tools, select two MBT tools, and
% argue why you selected these
-% tools. (See also the list of MBT tools below.)
\ No newline at end of file
+% tools. (See also the list of MBT tools below.)
+\subsection{JTorx of Jwhatever ofzo}
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% interfaces; explain your choices. Try to reuse (parts of) the
% test-execution automation environment that you developed during the
% second assignment.
+To test the SUT \GAST needs to be able to send input to the SUT and receive its
+output. To simplify the input and output handled by \GAST an adapter is added
+between \GAST and the SUT. This adapter abstracts away from parts of the
+specification that are not needed for these tests, such as the payload,
+sequence number, etc. Essentially reducing each segment to only its flags (SYN,
+ACK, FIN, etc.)
+An EchoServer will connect to the SUT to offer an application which will accept
+the incoming connection. However, since no data will be exchanged the EchoServer
+will not be used for anything else.
+Figure~\ref{fig:architecture_down} shows the flow of data from \GAST to the SUT
+and Figure~\ref{fig:architecture_up} shows the flow of data from the SUT back
+to \GAST.
+Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph TestSetupDown'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:architecture_down}
+Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph TestSetupUp'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:architecture_up}
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