| KICK String String (Maybe String)
| KILL String String
| LINKS (Maybe (Maybe String, String))
- | LIST [String]
+ | LIST (Maybe ([String], Maybe String))
| LUSERS (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
- | MODE String
+ | MODE String String (Maybe String) (Maybe String) (Maybe String)
| MOTD (Maybe String)
| NAMES [String]
- | NICK String
+ | NICK String (Maybe String)
| NOTICE String String
| OPER String String
| PASS String
| PING String (Maybe String)
| PONG String (Maybe String)
- | PRIVMSG String String
+ | PRIVMSG [String] String
| QUIT (Maybe String)
| TIME (Maybe String)
| TOPIC String (Maybe String)
| TRACE (Maybe String)
- | USER String Int String
+ | USER String String String
| USERHOST [String]
| USERS (Maybe String)
| VERSION (Maybe String)
pCommand3 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (Parser Char c) (a b c -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
pCommand3 s p q r c = pCommand s >>| liftM3 c p q r
+pCommand4 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (Parser Char c) (Parser Char d) (a b c d -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
+pCommand4 s p q r t c = pCommand s >>| liftM4 c p q r t
+pCommand5 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (Parser Char c) (Parser Char d) (Parser Char e) (a b c d e -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
+pCommand5 s p q r t u c = pCommand s >>| liftM5 c p q r t u
+pMode :: Parser Char String
+pMode = toString <$> pSome (pOneOf ['+','-','o','p','i','t','n','b','v','w','s'])
parseCommand :: Parser Char IRCCommand
parseCommand =
pCommand1 "ADMIN" (optional pMiddle) ADMIN
<|> pCommand1 "JOIN" (pSepBy (liftM2 tuple pMiddle $ optional pMiddle) pComma) JOIN
<|> pCommand3 "KICK" pMiddle pMiddle (optional pParam) KICK
<|> pCommand2 "KILL" pMiddle pParam KILL
- <|> pCommand1 "LINKS" (optional (liftM2 tuple (optional pMiddle) pMiddle)) LINKS
- //<|> pCommand "QUIT" (optional pParam))
+ <|> pCommand1 "LINKS" (optional $ liftM2 tuple (optional pMiddle) pMiddle) LINKS
+ <|> pCommand1 "LIST" (optional $ liftM2 tuple (pSepBy pMiddle pComma) $ optional pMiddle) LIST
+ <|> pCommand1 "LUSERS" (optional $ liftM2 tuple pMiddle $ optional pMiddle) LUSERS
+ <|> pCommand5 "MODE" pMiddle pMode (optional pMiddle) (optional pMiddle) (optional pMiddle) MODE
+ <|> pCommand1 "MOTD" (optional pMiddle) MOTD
+ <|> pCommand1 "NAMES" (pSepBy pMiddle pComma) NAMES
+ //NOTICE String String
+ //OPER String String
+ //PART [String]
+ //PASS String
+ <|> pCommand2 "PING" pMiddle (optional pMiddle) PING
+ <|> pCommand2 "PONG" pMiddle (optional pMiddle) PONG
+ <|> pCommand2 "PRIVMSG" (pSepBy pMiddle pComma) pParam PRIVMSG
+ <|> pCommand1 "QUIT" (optional pParam) QUIT
+ //SERVICE String String String String
+ //SERVLIST (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //SQUERY String String
+ //SQUIT String String
+ //STATS (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //SUMMON String (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //TIME (Maybe String)
+ //TOPIC String (Maybe String)
+ //TRACE (Maybe String)
+ <|> pCommand3 "USER" pMiddle pMiddle (pMiddle >>| pParam) USER
+ //USERHOST [String]
+ //USERS (Maybe String)
+ //VERSION (Maybe String)
+ //WALLOPS String
+ //WHO (Maybe String)
+ //WHOIS (Maybe String) [String]
+ //WHOWAS (Maybe String) [String]
instance toString IRCCommand where
toString r = flip (+++) "\r\n" case r of
//KICK String String (Maybe String)
//KILL String String
//LINKS (Maybe (Maybe String, String))
- //LIST [String]
+ //LIST (Maybe ([String], Maybe String))
//LUSERS (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
- //MODE String
+ //MODE String String (Maybe String) (Maybe String) (Maybe String)
//MOTD (Maybe String)
//NAMES [String]
- NICK n = jon " " ["NICK", n]
+ NICK n ms = jon " " ["NICK", n]
//NOTICE String String
//OPER String String
//PASS String
PING a mb = jon " " ["PING",a:maybeToList mb]
PONG a mb = jon " " ["PONG",a:maybeToList mb]
- PRIVMSG dest msg = jon " " ["PRIVMSG", dest, ":"+++msg]
+ PRIVMSG dest msg = undef //jon " " ["PRIVMSG", dest, ":"+++msg]
QUIT msg = jon " " ["QUIT":maybeToList msg]
//TIME (Maybe String)
//TOPIC String (Maybe String)
//TRACE (Maybe String)
- USER login mode rn = jon " " ["USER", login, toString mode, "*", ":"+++rn]
+ USER login mode rn = jon " " ["USER", login, mode, "*", ":"+++rn]
//USERHOST [String]
//USERS (Maybe String)
//VERSION (Maybe String)
commands :: [String]
commands = map toString
- [NICK "clooglebot"
- ,USER "cloogle" 0 "Cloogle bot"
+ [NICK "clooglebot" Nothing
+ ,USER "cloogle" "0" "Cloogle bot"
,JOIN [("#cloogle", Nothing)]
# resp = fromOk mer
= case fromJSON $ fromString resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_data of
Nothing = ("couldn't parse json", w)
- Just clr = ("Results for " + data + " -- https://cloogle.org/#" + urlEncode data + "\n" +
+ Just clr = ("Results for " + data + " -- https://cloogle.org/#" + replaceSubString "+" "%20" (urlEncode data) + "\n" +
processResults clr, w)
processResults :: Response -> String
= (toString <$> resp, {sChannel=sChannel,rChannel=rChannel}, w)
msg :: (String -> IRCCommand)
-msg = PRIVMSG "#cloogle"
+msg = PRIVMSG ["#cloogle"]
process :: *File TCP_DuplexChannel *World -> (*File, TCP_DuplexChannel, *World)
process io chan w