import Data.List
import System.Directory
-import iTasks.UI.Definition
-import iTasks._Framework.TaskState
-import iTasks._Framework.TaskServer
-import iTasks._Framework.IWorld
import iTasks._Framework.Store
import TTY, iTasksTTY
-derive class iTask Queue, TTYSettings, Parity, BaudRate, ByteSize
derive class iTask MTaskMSGRecv, MTaskMSGSend, SerTCP, UserLED
-:: *Resource | TTYd !*TTY
:: Channels :== ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend], Bool)
:: SerTCP = SerialDevice | TCPDevice
realShare="mTaskSDS-" +++ toString i}
makeShares = foldr (\sh t->set sh.initValue (getSDSStore sh) >>| t) (treturn ())
getSDSStore :: MTaskShare -> Shared Int
getSDSStore sh = memoryShare sh.realShare 0
+ getSDSRecord :: Int -> Task MTaskShare
+ getSDSRecord i = get sdsStore @ \l->hd [s\\s<-l | s.identifier == i]
channels :: MTaskDevice -> Shared Channels
channels d = memoryShare (fromJust d.deviceConnected) ([], [], False)
viewShares :: Task ()
- viewShares = forever $ viewSharedInformation "Shares" [] sdsStore @! ()
+ viewShares = whileUnchanged sdsStore $ anyTask o map viewer
+ where
+ viewer :: MTaskShare -> Task ()
+ viewer m = viewSharedInformation "" [] (getSDSStore m)
+ <<@ Title ("SDS: " +++ toString m.identifier) @! ()
// enterChoiceWithShared "Shares" [ChooseFromList id] sdsStore
// >>* [OnValue $ withValue $ Just o updateShare]
// >>* [OnAction (Action "Back") (const $ Just $ treturn ())]
>>= \(name, (host, port))->cont name (syncNetworkChannel host port)
SerialDevice = accWorld getTTYDevices
>>= \dl->(enterInformation "Name" [] -&&- enterChoice "Device" [] dl -&&- updateInformation "Settings" [] zero)
- >>= \(name, (dev, set))->cont name (syncSerialChannel dev set)
+ >>= \(name, (dev, set))->cont name (syncSerialChannel dev set encode decode)
cont :: String ((Shared Channels) -> Task ()) -> Task ()
cont name synfun = get randomInt
@ (\randint->{deviceConnected=Just (name +++ toString randint), deviceName=name, deviceTasks=[], deviceTask=Nothing})
- >>= \dev->appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True (synfun $ channels dev)
+ >>= \dev->appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True (let ch = channels dev in process ch -||- synfun ch)
>>= \tid->upd (\l->[{dev & deviceTask=Just tid}:l]) devices
@! ()
-// >= \ty->get randomInt @ (\randint->{deviceConnected=Just (name +++ toString randint), deviceName=name, deviceTasks=[]})
-// >>= \dev->let ch = channels dev in case ty of
-// TCPDevice = enterInformation "Hostname and port" []
-// >>= \(host, port)->cont dev ||- syncNetworkChannel host port ch
-// SerialDevice = accWorld getDevices
-// >>= \dl->(enterChoice "Device" [] dl -&&- updateInformation "Settings" [] zero)
-// >>= \(device, settings)->cont dev ||- syncSerialChannel device settings ch
-// where
-// cont d = (upd (\l->[d:l]) devices >>| addDevice devices)
-// connectDevice :: [MTaskDevice] -> Task ()
-// connectDevice [] = treturn ()
-// connectDevice [d:ds] = (case d.deviceConnected of
-// (Just sh) = viewSharedInformation "Buffers" [] sh @! ()
-// Nothing = viewInformation ("Connect " +++ d.deviceName) [] "" >>* [
-// OnAction (Action "connect") (const $ Just $ connect d)]
-// ) -|| connectDevice ds
+ process :: (Shared Channels) -> Task ()
+ process ch = forever (watch ch >>* [OnValue (
+ ifValue (not o isEmpty o fst3)
+ (\t->upd (appFst3 (const [])) ch >>| process (fst3 t)))])
+ where
+ process :: [MTaskMSGRecv] -> Task ()
+ process [] = treturn ()
+ process [m:ms] = (case m of
+ MTTaskAck i = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
+ MTTaskDelAck i = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
+ MTSDSAck i = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
+ MTSDSDelAck i = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
+ MTPub i val = getSDSRecord i >>= set (toInt val.[0]*256 + toInt val.[1]) o getSDSStore @! ()
+ MTMessage val = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
+ MTEmpty = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
+ ) >>| process ms
deviceviewer :: [MTaskDevice] -> [MTaskDeviceStatus]
deviceviewer ds = [{MTaskDeviceStatus | name = d.deviceName,
connected = if (isNothing d.deviceConnected) False True,
tasks = d.deviceTasks}\\d<-ds]
-// showTabbed :: [MTaskDevice] -> Task ()
-// showTabbed [] = viewInformation "" [] "No devices yet" @! ()
-// showTabbed [l:ls] = foldr (\e es->manageDevice e ||- es) (manageDevice l) ls
-// manageDevice :: MTaskDevice -> Task ()
-// manageDevice md =
-// either viewTCP viewSer md.deviceSettings
-// ||- maybe
-// (treturn () >>* [OnAction (Action "Connect") (always shutDown)] @! ())
-// (\b->viewSharedInformation "Buffers" [] b @! ())
-// md.deviceConnected
-// <<@ ArrangeVertical
mapPar :: (a -> Task a) [a] -> Task ()
mapPar f l = foldr1 (\x y->f x ||- y) l <<@ ArrangeWithTabs @! ()
allAtOnce t = foldr1 (||-) t @! ()
//allAtOnce = (flip (@!) ()) o foldr1 (||-)
-//mTaskTask :: Task ()
-//mTaskTask = let (msgs, sdsShares) = makeMsgs 1000 bc in
-// withDevice \ch->
-// sendMsg msgs ch
-// ||- processMessages ch messageShare sdsShares
-// ||- forever (enterChoice "Choose led to enable" [] [LED1, LED2, LED3]
-// >>= \p->sendMsg (fst (makeMsgs 0 (bc2 p))) ch)
-// ||- forever (enterChoice "Choose led to disable" [] [LED1, LED2, LED3]
-// >>= \p->sendMsg (fst (makeMsgs 0 (bc3 p))) ch)
-// ||- viewSharedInformation "channels" [ViewAs lens] ch
-// ||- viewSharedInformation "messages" [] messageShare
-// ||- viewSh sdsShares ch
-// >>* [OnAction ActionFinish (always shutDown)]
-// where
-// messageShare :: Shared [String]
-// messageShare = sharedStore "mTaskMessagesRecv" []
-// makeMsgs :: Int (Main (ByteCode () Stmt)) -> ([MTaskMSGSend], [(Int, Shared Int)])
-// makeMsgs timeout bc
-// # (msgs, st) = toMessages timeout (toRealByteCode (unMain bc))
-// = (msgs, map f st.sdss)
-// where
-// f (i,d) = (i, sharedStore ("mTaskSDS-" +++ toString i) (dd d))
-// dd [x,y] = toInt x*265 + toInt y
-// updateSDSs :: [(Int, Shared Int)] (Shared [String]) MTaskMSGRecv -> Task ()
-// updateSDSs [(id, sh):xs] m n=:(MTPub i d)
-// | id == i = set ((toInt d.[0])*265 + toInt d.[1]) sh @! ()
-// = updateSDSs xs m n
-// updateSDSs _ m mtm = case mtm of
-// MTMessage s = upd (\l->take 5 [s:l]) m @! ()
-// mta=:(MTTaskAck _) = upd (\l->take 5 [toString mta:l]) m @! ()
-// //TODO other recv msgs
-// _ = return ()
-// lens :: ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> ([String], [String])
-// lens (r,s,_) = (map toString r, map toString s)
-// viewSh :: [(Int, Shared Int)] (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task ()
-// viewSh [] ch = return ()
-// viewSh [(i, sh):xs] ch
-// # sharename = "SDS-" +++ toString i
-// = (
-// viewSharedInformation ("SDS-" +++ toString i) [] sh ||-
-// forever (
-// enterInformation sharename []
-// >>* [OnAction ActionOk
-// (ifValue (\j->j>=1 && j <= 3)
-// (\c->set c sh
-// >>= \_->sendMsg (toSDSUpdate i c) ch
-// @! ()
-// )
-// )]
-// )
-// ) ||- viewSh xs ch
sendMsg :: [MTaskMSGSend] (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task ()
sendMsg m ch = upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s ++ m,True)) ch @! ()
-syncSerialChannel :: String TTYSettings (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task ()
-syncSerialChannel dev opts rw = Task eval
- where
- eval event evalOpts tree=:(TCInit taskId ts) iworld=:{IWorld|world}
- = case TTYopen dev opts world of
- (False, _, world)
- # (err, world) = TTYerror world
- = (ExceptionResult (exception err), {iworld & world=world})
- (True, tty, world)
- # iworld = {iworld & world=world, resources=Just (TTYd tty)}
- = case addBackgroundTask 42 (BackgroundTask (serialDeviceBackgroundTask rw)) iworld of
- (Error e, iworld) = (ExceptionResult (exception "h"), iworld)
- (Ok _, iworld) = (ValueResult NoValue {TaskEvalInfo|lastEvent=ts,removedTasks=[],refreshSensitive=True} NoChange (TCBasic taskId ts JSONNull False), iworld)
- eval _ _ tree=:(TCBasic _ ts _ _) iworld
- = (ValueResult NoValue {TaskEvalInfo|lastEvent=ts,removedTasks=[],refreshSensitive=False} NoChange tree, iworld)
- eval event evalOpts tree=:(TCDestroy _) iworld=:{IWorld|resources,world}
- # (TTYd tty) = fromJust resources
- # (ok, world) = TTYclose tty world
- # iworld = {iworld & world=world,resources=Nothing}
- = case removeBackgroundTask 42 iworld of
- (Error e, iworld) = (ExceptionResult (exception "h"), iworld)
- (Ok _, iworld) = (DestroyedResult, iworld)
-serialDeviceBackgroundTask :: (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) !*IWorld -> (MaybeError TaskException (), *IWorld)
-serialDeviceBackgroundTask rw iworld
- = case read rw iworld of
- (Error e, iworld) = (Error $ exception "share couldn't be read", iworld)
- (Ok (r,s,ss), iworld)
- # (Just (TTYd tty)) = iworld.resources
- # tty = writet (map encode s) tty
- # (ml, tty) = case TTYavailable tty of
- (False, tty) = ([], tty)
- (_, tty)
- # (l, tty) = TTYreadline tty
- = ([decode l], tty)
- # iworld = {iworld & resources=Just (TTYd tty)}
- = case write (r++ml,[],False) rw iworld of
- (Error e, iworld) = (Error $ exception "share couldn't be written", iworld)
- (Ok _, iworld) = case notify rw iworld of
- (Error e, iworld) = (Error $ exception "share couldn't be notified", iworld)
- (Ok _, iworld) = (Ok (), iworld)
- where
- writet :: [String] -> (*TTY -> *TTY)
- writet [] = id
- writet [x:xs] = writet xs o TTYwrite x
syncNetworkChannel :: String Int (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend], Bool)) -> Task ()
syncNetworkChannel server port channel = catchAll
(tcpconnect server port channel {ConnectionHandlers|onConnect=onConnect,whileConnected=whileConnected,onDisconnect=onDisconnect} @! ())