--- /dev/null
+/* assignment 1
+ *
+ * Charlie Gerhardus, s3050009
+ * Mart Lubbers s4109503
+ */
+module skeleton1
+ Course I00032 Advanced Programming 2014
+ Skeleton for assignment 1
+ Pieter Koopman
+import StdEnv
+/**************** Prelude: *******************************/
+// Example types
+:: Color = Red | Yellow | Blue
+:: Tree a = Tip | Bin a (Tree a) (Tree a)
+:: Rose a = Rose a [Rose a]
+// Binary sums and products (in generic prelude)
+:: PAIR a b = PAIR a b
+:: EITHER a b = LEFT a | RIGHT b
+// Generic type representations
+:: RoseG a :== PAIR a [Rose a]
+// Conversions
+fromRose :: (Rose a) -> RoseG a
+fromRose (Rose a l) = PAIR a l
+// Oerdering
+:: Ordering = Smaller | Equal | Bigger
+class (><) infix 4 a :: !a !a -> Ordering
+instance >< Int where // Standard ordering for Int
+ (><) x y
+ | x < y = Smaller
+ | x > y = Bigger
+ | otherwise = Equal
+instance >< Char where // Standard ordering for Char
+ (><) x y
+ | x < y = Smaller
+ | x > y = Bigger
+ | otherwise = Equal
+instance >< String where // Standard lexicographical ordering
+ (><) x y
+ | x < y = Smaller
+ | x > y = Bigger
+ | otherwise = Equal
+instance >< Bool where // False is smaller than True
+ (><) False True = Smaller
+ (><) True False = Bigger
+ (><) _ _ = Equal
+/**************** End Prelude *************************/
+/* compare ordering */
+instance == Ordering where
+ (==) Equal Equal = True
+ (==) Smaller Smaller = True
+ (==) Bigger Bigger = True
+ (==) _ _ = False
+/* color to rgb encoding
+ *
+ * Blue = 0x0000FF
+ * Red = 0xFF0000
+ * Yellow = 0xFFFF00
+ */
+color2RGB :: Color -> Int
+color2RGB Blue = 0x0000FF
+color2RGB Red = 0xFF0000
+color2RGB Yellow = 0xFFFF00
+/* list operator instance */
+instance >< [a] | >< a where
+ (><) [] [] = Equal
+ (><) _ [] = Bigger
+ (><) [] _ = Smaller
+ (><) [x:xs] [y:ys]
+ | ( (x >< y) == Equal ) = xs >< ys
+ | otherwise = x >< y
+/* tuple operator */
+instance >< (a, b) | >< a & >< b where
+ (><) (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
+ | ( (x1 >< x2) == Equal ) = y1 >< y2
+ | otherwise = x1 >< x2
+/* color comparison */
+instance >< Color where
+ (><) x y = color2RGB x >< color2RGB y
+/* tree comparison */
+instance >< (Tree a) | >< a where
+ (><) Tip Tip = Equal
+ (><) _ Tip = Bigger
+ (><) Tip _ = Smaller
+ (><) (Bin x xl xr) (Bin y yl yr)
+ | ( (x >< y) == Equal ) = (xl, xr) >< (yl, yr)
+ | otherwise = x >< y
+/* rose comparison */
+instance >< (Rose a) | >< a where
+ (><) (Rose x xs) (Rose y ys) = (x, xs) >< (y , ys)
+/* we take >-< as the generic ordering operator */
+class (>-<) infix 4 a :: !a !a -> Ordering
+/* instances for Int, Char, String and Bool
+ *
+ * instance >-< Int Char String Bool where
+ * (>-<) x y = x >< y
+ *
+ * not possible?
+ */
+instance >-< Int where
+ (>-<) x y = x >< y
+instance >-< Char where
+ (>-<) x y = x >< y
+instance >-< String where
+ (>-<) x y = x >< y
+instance >-< Bool where
+ (>-<) x y = x >< y
+/* for unit */
+instance >-< UNIT where
+ (>-<) UNIT UNIT = Equal
+/* for pair */
+instance >-< (PAIR a b) | >-< a & >-< b where
+ (>-<) (PAIR x1 x2) (PAIR y1 y2)
+ | ( (x1 >-< y1) == Equal ) = x2 >-< y2
+ | otherwise = x1 >-< y1
+/* for either */
+instance >-< (EITHER a b) | >-< a & >-< b where
+ (>-<) (LEFT x) (LEFT y) = x >-< y
+ (>-<) (RIGHT x) (RIGHT y) = x >-< y
+ (>-<) (LEFT _) (RIGHT _) = Bigger
+ (>-<) (RIGHT _) (LEFT _) = Smaller
+/* generic representations */
+:: ListG a :== EITHER (PAIR a [a]) UNIT
+:: TupleG a b :== PAIR a b
+:: TreeG a :== EITHER ( PAIR a ( TupleG (Tree a) (Tree a) ) ) UNIT
+/* convert color to generic representation */
+fromColor :: Color -> ColorG
+fromColor Yellow = LEFT (LEFT UNIT)
+fromColor Red = LEFT (RIGHT UNIT)
+fromColor Blue = RIGHT UNIT
+/* convert list to generatic representation */
+fromList :: [a] -> ListG a
+fromList [] = RIGHT UNIT
+fromList [x:xs] = LEFT (PAIR x xs)
+/* convert tuple to generic representation */
+fromTuple :: (a, b) -> TupleG a b
+fromTuple (x, y) = PAIR x y
+/* convert tree to generic representation */
+fromTree :: (Tree a) -> TreeG a
+fromTree Tip = RIGHT UNIT
+fromTree (Bin x l r) = LEFT ( PAIR x ( fromTuple (l, r) ) )
+/* generic conversion for >-< operator */
+instance >-< Color where
+ (>-<) x y = fromColor x >-< fromColor y
+instance >-< (a, b) | >-< a & >-< b where
+ (>-<) x y = fromTuple x >-< fromTuple y
+instance >-< [a] | >-< a where
+ (>-<) x y = fromList x >-< fromList y
+instance >-< (Rose a) | >-< a where
+ (>-<) x y = fromRose x >-< fromRose y
+instance >-< (Tree a) | >-< a where
+ (>-<) x y = fromTree x >-< fromTree y
+/* test trees */
+tree1 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Bin 1 (Bin 5 Tip Tip) (Bin 6 Tip Tip)
+tree2 :: Tree Int
+tree2 = Bin 1 (Bin 5 Tip Tip) (Bin 8 Tip Tip)
+/* test roses */
+rose1 :: Rose Int
+rose1 = Rose 2 [ Rose 1 [], Rose 2 [], Rose 5 [] ]
+rose2 :: Rose Int
+rose2 = Rose 2 [ Rose 1 [], Rose 2 [], Rose 8 [] ]
+/* our two comparison lists */
+cmp1 :: [Ordering]
+cmp1 = [[1..3] >< [1..2], [1..2] >< [1..5], (1,2) >< (1,2), (1,3) >-< (1,2), Red >< Yellow, Yellow >< Blue, tree1 >< tree1, tree1 >< tree2, tree2 >< tree1, rose1 >< rose1, rose1 >< rose2, rose2 >< rose1]
+cmp2 :: [Ordering]
+cmp2 = [[1..3] >-< [1..2], [1..2] >-< [1..5], (1,2) >-< (1,2), (1,3) >-< (1,2), Red >-< Yellow, Yellow >-< Blue, tree1 >-< tree1, tree1 >-< tree2, tree2 >-< tree1, rose1 >-< rose1, rose1 >-< rose2, rose2 >-< rose1]
+/* entry point */
+Start = ([cmp1, cmp2], cmp1 == cmp2)