import Data.Either
import Data.Func
import Data.List
+import Text => qualified join
import Data.Functor
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
# nearby = filter (not o isEmpty) nearby
= (one fields nearby, two fields myticket nearby)
+one :: [([Char], [Int])] -> ([[Int]] -> Int)
one fields = sum o flatten o map (filter \e->not $ isMember e $ flatten $ map snd fields)
valid fields = isEmpty o filter \e->not $ isMember e $ flatten $ map snd fields
-foldr1 f [x:xs] = foldr f x xs
-foldr1 f [] = []
-intersect` [] xs = xs
-intersect` xs [] = xs
-intersect` ys xs = intersect ys xs
// for every ticket, for every field, every option
-//two :: [([Char],[Int])] a [[Int]] -> [[[String]]]
-two fields myticket nearby = (\x->proc x x [] []) $ map (foldr1 intersect) $ transpose $ map (collectConstraints fields) $ filter (valid fields) nearby
+two :: [([Char], [Int])] [Int] [[Int]] -> Int
+two fields myticket nearby
+ // Translate to numbers and multiply
+ = prod $ zipWith (\i [s]->if (startsWith ['departure'] s) i 1) myticket
+ // iteratively find all singletons and apply constraint
+ $ proc []
+ // Transpose and merge all fieldconstraints
+ $ map (\[x:xs]->foldr intersect x xs) $ transpose
+ // Remove all invalid fields
+ $ map (collectConstraints fields)
+ // Remove all invalid tickets
+ $ filter (valid fields) nearby
- //Per field show all options for the field
- collectConstraints :: [([Char], [Int])] [Int] -> [[String]]
+ collectConstraints :: [([Char], [Int])] [Int] -> [[[Char]]]
collectConstraints fields fs = map collectConstraint fs
- //For a field, return the possible fields
- collectConstraint :: Int -> [String]
- collectConstraint num = [toString f\\(f, rng)<-fields | isMember num rng]
+ collectConstraint :: Int -> [[Char]]
+ collectConstraint num = [f\\(f, rng)<-fields | isMember num rng]
- proc :: [[String]] [[String]] [String] [[String]] -> [[String]]
- proc orig [[x:xs]:xxs] acc accum = proc orig (map (filter ((<>)x)) xxs) [x:acc] $ proc orig [xs:xxs] acc accum
- proc orig [[]:xxs] acc accum = proc orig xxs acc accum
- proc orig [] acc accum = if (valid orig (reverse acc)) [acc:accum] accum
- where
- valid :: [[String]] [String] -> Bool
- valid [x:xs] [y:ys]
- | isMember y x = valid xs ys
- valid [] [] = True
- valid _ _ = False
+ proc :: [[[Char]]] [[[Char]]] -> [[[Char]]]
+ proc had [[x]:todo] = proc [[x]:map (filter ((<>)x)) had] $ map (filter ((<>)x)) todo
+ proc had [x:todo] = proc [x:had] todo
+ proc had [] = if (any ((<>) 1 o length) had) (proc [] had) had
parseInput :: Parser Char ([([Char], [Int])], [Int], [[Int]])
parseInput = tuple3 <$> many pField