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+ %
+ % Basic iTask constructs
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The main goal of this thesis is to present a way to connect small \gls{IoT}
-devices with high level \gls{TOP} languages.
-\todo{Structure of the thesis}
-\gls{TOP} is a recent new programming paradigm implemented as
-\gls{iTasks}~\cite{achten_introduction_2015} in
-the pure lazy functional language \gls{Clean}
-\todo{Main terms}
-The lazy functional programming language based on graph rewriting
-\todo{What am I doing}
+devices with high level \gls{TOP} implementations languages. This thesis shows
+how a new frontend for the class based shallowly embedded \glspl{DSL} called
+\gls{mTask} written in \gls{Clean} can be used to compile \gls{IoT}-tasks on
+the fly and send them to the device as bytecode which is interpreted. All of
+this adheres to the \gls{TOP} philosophy where familiar concepts such as
+\glspl{SDS} and task-combinators are available to use.
+\todo{Show relevance of the research}
+\section{Research questions}
+\todo{Formulate research question}
+\section{Document structure}
+The structure of the thesis is as follows.
+Chapter~\ref{chp:introduction} contains the research questions, motivation and
+the structure of the document
+Chapter~\ref{chp:theoretical-framework} introduces the reader with all the
+terminology and techniques lying at the foundation of the study.
+Chapter~\ref{chp:methods} will describe the actual techniques used for the
+Chapter~\ref{chp:results} shows the results in the form of an example
+application accompanied with implementation.
+Chapter~\ref{chp:conclusion} concludes by answering the research question (s)
+and discusses future research.
+Appendix~\ref{app:communication-protocol} shows the concrete protocol used for
+communicating between the server and client.
-\todo{What is IoT}
-\todo{What is top}
--- /dev/null
+module Life
+Start :: *World -> *World
+Start w = w
+\gls{TOP} is a recent new programming paradigm implemented as
+\gls{iTasks}~\cite{achten_introduction_2015} in
+the pure lazy functional language \gls{Clean}
+\todo{Main terms}
+The lazy functional programming language based on graph rewriting
\usepackage{caption} % Captions
\usepackage{subcaption} % Subcaptions
\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text
+\usepackage{clean} % dummy text
\newacronym{SDS}{SDS}{Shared Data Source}
\newacronym{IoT}{IoT}{Internet of Things}
\newacronym{TOP}{TOP}{Task Oriented Programming}
- name=Clean,
+\newacronym{DSL}{DSL}{Design Specific Language}
description={is a pure lazy functional programming language based on graph
- rewriting}
- name=iTasks,
- description={is a \acrshort{TOP} implementation written in the \gls{Clean}
- programming language}
+ rewriting}}
+ description={is a \acrshort{TOP} implementation written as a \acrshort{DSL}
+ in the \gls{Clean} programming language}}
+ description={is an abstraction for tasks living on \acrshort{IoT} devices}}
+\chapter{Theoretical Framework}\label{chp:theoretical-framework}
-\chapter{Conclusion \& Discussion}
+\chapter{Conclusion \& Discussion}\label{chp:conclusion}
-\chapter{Communication protocol}
+\chapter{Communication protocol}\label{app:communication-protocol}