% test-execution automation environment that you developed during the
% second assignment.
-To test the SUT \GAST needs to be able to send input to the SUT and receive its
-output. To simplify the input and output handled by \GAST an adapter is added
-between \GAST and the SUT. This adapter abstracts away from parts of the
-specification that are not needed for these tests, such as the payload,
-sequence number, etc. Essentially reducing each segment to only its flags (SYN,
+To test the SUT the tool needs to be able to communicate with the adapter, in
+this case a Python program. The Python programs listens to a TCP port and
+according to the commands received it sends TCP packets using Scapy. As said
+before the adapter abstracts away from all the technicalities such as sequence
+numbers. Essentially reducing each segment to only its flags (SYN,
ACK, FIN, etc.).
-An EchoServer will connect to the SUT to offer an application which will accept
-the incoming connection. However, since no data will be exchanged the EchoServer
-will not be used for anything else.
-Figure~\ref{fig:architecture_down} shows the flow of data from \GAST to the SUT
-and Figure~\ref{fig:architecture_up} shows the flow of data from the SUT back
-to \GAST.
-Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph TestSetupDown'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:architecture_down}
-Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph TestSetupUp'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:architecture_up}
-\subsection{Python Driver}
-The Python driver can be modeled as an Symbolic Transition
-System. The model for the connection phase can be seen in
-%meer uitleg over hoe die driver werkt. Qua sequence nummers opslaan enzo,
-%beetje toelichting bij de figuur.
-%in graphs.viz heb ik een opzetje voor die symbolic trnasition system
-%neergezet, maar ik weet neit hoe die er precies uitziet, dus het is echt heel
-%grof, dit moet aangepast worden naar iets wat daadwerkelijk op de
-%implementatie lijkt. Wat er nu staat is meer om de moeite te besparen van
-%uitzoeken hoe zo'n model er uit ziet :)
-Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph PythonDriverConnection'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:pythondriverconnection}
-Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph PythonDriverClose'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:pythondriverclose}
-% Hier moet nog meer over het automationdeel, maar ik weet neit hoe we dat
-% gaan fixen
+The adapter connects via the SUT to a Java echo server. Thus via TCP the
+echo server and the adapter connect. The adapter is an adaptation of the
+framework developed for the first part of the assignment. This architecture is
+displayed in Figure~\ref{fig:arch}. The tool always does the logging and test
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.75]{arch.eps}
+ \vspace{5mm}
+ \caption{Testing architecture}\label{fig:arch}
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