--- /dev/null
+all: $(BASE).pdf
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+ $(LATEX) $(basename $@)
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--- /dev/null
+ pdfstartview={Fit},
+ pdftitle={Adaptable crawler specification generation system for leisure %
+activity RSS feeds},
+ pdfauthor={Mart Lubbers},
+ pdfsubject={Crawler generation}
+\title{Adaptable crawler specification generation system for leisure activity %
+RSS feeds}
+Mart Lubbers\\
+Radboud University, Nijmegen\\\vspace{1mm}
+Alessandro Paula\footnote{External supervisor}\\
+Hyperleap, Nijmegen\\\vspace{1mm}
+Franc Grootjen\footnote{Internal supervisor}\\
+Radboud University, Nijmegen
+%\institute[Radboud University]{Radboud University Nijmegen}
+\subject{Crawler generation}
+ \begin{frame}
+ \frametitle{Table of Contents}
+ \tableofcontents[currentsection]
+ \end{frame}
--- /dev/null
+ \frame{\titlepage}
+ \section{Introduction}
+ \begin{frame}
+ \frametitle{This is the first slide}
+ \end{frame}
+ \section{Introduction}
+ \subsection{Hyperleap}
+ \subsection{Graphs}
+ \section{Methods}
+ \subsection{Algorithm}
+ \subsection{Program}
+ \section{Conclusion \& Discussion}
+ \subsection{Conclusion}
+ \subsection{Discussion}