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+\section{General approach}
+Implementing all the problems by hand in SMT-Lib format would be too much work
+and therefore all problems have an accompanying bash script contains a function
+\lstinline{generate} that generates the SMT-Lib format. The script feeds the
+SMT-Lib format to yices after which the output is feeded to a Python script
+that visualizes the solution. This means that for all problems $p$ for $p\in
+\{1,\ldots, 4\}$ there exist $2$ files. \texttt{ap.bash} that generates the
+solution and \texttt{ap.py} that visualizes the solution. All solving is done
+on the benchmark system listed in Listing~\ref{listing:benchmark}.
+\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Benchmark system},label={listing:benchmark}]
+CPU: 3600MHz AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor
+Yices: 2.4.1
+SMT-Lib: 1.2
+Bash: 4.3.30(1)
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+\author{Mart Lubbers (s4109503)}
+\title{Automated reasoning Assignment 2}