+++ /dev/null
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- alsoletter={~!@\#$\%^\&*-+=?<>:|\\.},
- morekeywords={generic,implementation,definition,dynamic,module,import,from,where,in,of,case,let,infix,infixr,infixl,class,instance,with,if,derive},
- sensitive=true,
- morecomment=[l]{//},
- morecomment=[n]{/*}{*/},
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- morestring=[b]',
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- escapeinside={(\#}{\#)},
- literate=%
- % Basic Clean constructs
- {\\}{{$\lambda\:$}}1
- {A.}{{$\forall\;\,$}}1
- {E.}{{$\exists\;\,$}}1
- {>}{{$>$}}1
- {<}{{$<$}}1
- {<=}{{$\leq$}}1
- {>=}{{$\geq$}}1
- {<>}{{$\neq$}}1
- {->}{{$\rightarrow$}}2
- {<-}{{$\leftarrow$}}1
- {=}{{$=$}}1
- {~}{{$\sim$}}1
- {\#}{{$\sharp$}}1
- {\{|}{{$\{\!|\!$}}1
- {|\}}{{$\!|\!\}$}}1
- {:=}{{$:=$}}2
- {==}{{$==$}}2
- {++}{{$+\!\!+$}}2
- {+++}{{$+\!\!\!\!+\!\!\!\!+$}}2
- {:==}{{$:==$}}3
- {\{|*|\}}{{$\{\!|\!\!\star\!\!|\!\}$}}3
- %
- % Basic iTask constructs
- {>||>}{{$\triangleright\triangleright$}}2
- {>>=}{{\texttt{>>=}}}3
- {>>|}{{\texttt{>>|}}}3
- {?>>}{{\texttt{?>>}}}3
- {!>>}{{\texttt{!>>}}}3
- {-||-}{{\texttt{-||-}}}4
- {.||.}{{\texttt{.||.}}}4
- {.&&.}{{\texttt{.\&\&.}}}4
-\lstdefinestyle{numbers}{numbers=left, stepnumber=1, numberstyle=\tiny, numbersep=5pt}
management~\cite{lijnse_top_2013}. However, there still lacks support for small
devices to be added in the workflow. In principle such adapters can be written
as \glspl{SDS}\footnote{Similar as to resources such as time are available in
-the current system} but this requires a very specific adapter to be written for
-every device and functionality. Oortgiese et al.\ lifted \gls{iTasks} from a
-single server model to a distributed server architecture~\todo{Add cite} that
-is also runnable on smaller devices like \acrshort{ARM}. However, this is
-limited to fairly high performance devices that are equipped with high speed
-communication lines. Devices in \gls{IoT} often only have LPLB communication
-with low bandwidth and a very limited amount of processing power. \glspl{mTask}
-will bridge this gap. It can run on devices as small as Arduino
-microcontrollers and operates via the same paradigms as regular \glspl{Task}.
-The \glspl{mTask} have access to \glspl{SDS} and can run small imperative
+the current \gls{iTasks} implementation} but this requires a very specific
+adapter to be written for every device and functionality. Oortgiese et al.\
+lifted \gls{iTasks} from a single server model to a distributed server
+architecture~\todo{Add cite} that is also runnable on smaller devices like
+\acrshort{ARM}. However, this is limited to fairly high performance devices
+that are equipped with high speed communication lines. Devices in \gls{IoT}
+often only have LPLB communication with low bandwidth and a very limited amount
+of processing power. \glspl{mTask} will bridge this gap. It can run on devices
+as small as Arduino microcontrollers and operates via the same paradigms as
+regular \glspl{Task}. The \glspl{mTask} have access to \glspl{SDS} and can run
+small imperative programs.
\section{Problem statement}
+Therefore the problem statement is as follows:
\section{Document structure}
The structure of the thesis is as follows.
Chapter~\ref{chp:introduction} contains the problem statement, motivation and
the structure of the document
-Chapter~\ref{chp:theoretical-framework} introduces the reader with all the
-terminology and techniques lying at the foundation of the study.
-Chapter~\ref{chp:methods} will describe the actual techniques used for the
+Chapter~\ref{chp:methods} describes the foundations on which the implementation
+is built together with the new techniques introduced.
Chapter~\ref{chp:results} shows the results in the form of an example
application accompanied with implementation.
Chapter~\ref{chp:conclusion} concludes by answering the research question (s)
+\gls{TOP} is a recent new programming paradigm implemented as
+\gls{iTasks}~\cite{achten_introduction_2015} in
+the pure lazy functional language \gls{Clean}
+\todo{Main terms}
+The lazy functional programming language based on graph rewriting
-\chapter{Theoretical Framework}\label{chp:theoretical-framework}