Does matter for variables, not for functions.
- \item Note that this means that \texttt{ones=1:ones} is
+ \item Note that this means that \CI{ones=1:ones} is
not allowed.
+ \pause
+ \item Functions which have not been encountered yet are temporarily
+ typed $\alpha$.
- \item It is also correctly determined that \texttt{Bool} and the return
- type of \texttt{flop(n,l)} don't match.
+ \item It is also correctly determined that \CI{Bool} and the return
+ type of \CI{flop(n,l)} don't match.
- \item Is typed fun, but when we introduce:
+ \item Is typed fine, but when we introduce:
var x = id(5);
var y = id(True);
\frametitle{But wait, there is more!}
\framesubtitle{Trouble that is}
- \begin
+ \begin{block}{Our type inference algorithm is too greedy}
+ It globally types a function once it is applied to a value, even
+ if this types it more specified then needed.
+ \end{block}
+ \pause
+ \begin{block}{Basically type inference for \CI{VarDecl} works great}
+ All instances of VarDecl work well. Including those where a var is
+ assigned by function application.
+ \end{block}
+ \pause
+ \begin{block}{Inference for functions is a completely different story}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Type checking for functions works very well
+ \item Type inference for functions works spotty at best
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{We changed to much from the presented algorithms}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Our type checker is written with the origin algorithm
+ \emph{in mind}
+ \pause
+ \item We were confident that that would be sufficient and we would be
+ able to implement type inference this way.
+ \pause
+ \item As it turns out, \emph{we couldn't}!
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{This not a problem for code generation}
+ \begin{block}{Sufficiently typed programs can be generated}
+ When all functions in the SPL program are completely typed then the
+ type inference algorithm yields a fully typed AST.\\
+ \CI{VarDecls} \emph{types are correctly infered!}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{We can fix the type inference after code generation}
+ And this time do it right.
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Doing it right}
+ \framesubtitle{How we will redo the type inference}
+ \begin{block}{Properly implement the \emph{exact} algorithm}
+ We will implement the Hindley-Miller algorithm exactly instead of
+ \emph{``kinda''}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Split constraint generation and solving}
+ Hide all the nasty details of constraint generation using a
+ Reader-Writer-State-Transformer-Monad
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Reader] Reader environment to read fresh type variable
+ \item[Writer] Write constraints to \CI{Constraint} environment
+ \item[State] Gamma
+ \item[Transformer] (Either SemError)
+ \end{description}
+ \emph{Sadly these monads are not in the Clean library.}\\
+ Then solve with a Relatively simple Solver-Monad
+ \begin{CleanCode}
+:: Solve a = StateT Unifier (Either TypeError) a
+ \end{CleanCode}
+ \end{block}
% - Can functions that are defined later in a file call earlier defined functions?