a message to the device it just puts it in the channels. Messages sent from the
client to the server are also placed in there. In the case of the \gls{TCP}
device type the \gls{Task} is just a simple wrapper around the existing
-\CI{tcpconnect} function in \gls{iTasks}. In case of the serial device type
-it uses the newly developed serial port library of \gls{Clean}\footnote{\url{%
+\CI{tcpconnect} function in \gls{iTasks}. In case of the serial device type it
+uses the newly developed serial port library of \gls{Clean}\footnote{\url{%
Besides all the communication information the record also keeps track of the
\glspl{Task} currently on the device and the according \glspl{SDS}. Finally it
stores the specification of the device that is received when connecting.
-All of this is listed in Listing~\ref{lst:mtaskdevice}.
+All of this is listed in Listing~\ref{lst:mtaskdevice}. The definitions of the
+message format are explained in the following section.
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Clean,caption={Device type},label={lst:mtaskdevice}]
+deviceStore :: Shared [MTaskDevice]
:: Channels :== ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend], Bool)
:: MTaskResource
= TCPDevice TCPSettings
+All \gls{mTask} messages are encoded following the specification given in
+Appendix~\ref{app:communication-protocol}. Available messages are:
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Clean,caption={Available messages}]
+:: MTaskMSGRecv
+ = MTTaskAck Int Int | MTTaskDelAck Int
+ | MTSDSAck Int | MTSDSDelAck Int
+ | MTPub Int BCValue | MTMessage String
+ | MTDevSpec MTaskDeviceSpec | MTEmpty
+:: MTaskMSGSend
+ = MTTask MTaskInterval String | MTTaskDel Int
+ | MTShutdown | MTSds Int BCValue
+ | MTUpd Int BCValue | MTSpec
+:: MTaskInterval = OneShot | OnInterval Int | OnInterrupt Int
+\subsection{Add a device}
+A device can be added by filling in the \CI{MTaskDevice} record as much as
+possible and running the \CI{connectDevice} function. This function grabs the
+channels, starts the synchronization \gls{Task}, makes sure the errors are
+handled when needed and runs a processing function in parallel to react on the
+incoming messages. Moreover, it sends a specification request to the device in
+question to determine the details of the device and updates the record to
+contain the top-level \gls{Task}-id. All the device functionality heavily
+depends on the \CI{withDevices} function that applies a function a device in
+the \gls{SDS} when they are equal. Device equality is defined as equality on
+their channels. This allows you to give an old device record to the function
+and still update the latest instance. Listing~\ref{lst:connectDevice} shows the
+connection function.
+ caption={Connect a device}]
+withDevices :: MTaskDevice (MTaskDevice -> MTaskDevice) -> Task [MTaskDevice]
+connectDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task Channels
+connectDevice procFun device = let ch = channels device
+ in appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True
+ (procFun device ch -||- catchAll (getSynFun d.deviceData ch) errHdl)
+ >>= \tid->withDevices device (\d->{d&deviceTask=Just tid,deviceError=Nothing})
+ >>| upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s++[MTSpec],ss)) ch
+ where
+ errHdl e = withDevices device (\d->{d & deviceTask=Nothing, deviceError=Just e}) @! ()
+Figure~\ref{fig:handshake} shows the connection diagram. The client responds to
+the server with their device specification. This is detected by the processing
+function and the record is updated accordingly.
+ \begin{sequencediagram}
+ \newthread{c}{Server}
+ \newinst[4]{s}{Client}
+ \mess{c}{MTSpec}{s}
+ \mess{s}{MTDevSpec d}{c}
+ \end{sequencediagram}
+ \caption{Connect a device}\label{fig:handshake}
\todo{Connectie, hoe gaat dat in zijn werk}