printing BDDs. In the meantime we have made a pullrequest to fix that.
Secondly, due to the relatively short introduction to BDDs the gap between our
-knowledge and the knowledge required to build such a solver is quite big. This
-lead to startup problems.
+knowlegde and the knowledge required to build such a solver is quite big. This
+lead to startup problems (which we managed to solve, but lost too much time to it).
- Finally, we feel a bit frustrated that we only finished and tested the reachability of a goal state checking, but did not finish the extraction of solving sequences.
++Finally, we feel a bit frustrated that we only finished and tested the reachability of a goal state checking, but did not finish the extraction of solving sequences. We have a solution for that problem, which shows potential, but still contains bugs.
- % Maybe something about the complexity of the assignment
++\subsubsection{Diviion of work}
+ The work was divided evenly in the beginning of the project. When we noticed
+ that we did not have enough time to implement two solutions or even a hybrid
+ approach we decided to go through with the solution that seemed the most
+ doable. In the next phase of the project Alexander did more of the programming
-and Mart more of the report. Cumulatively we spent a lot of time on it.
++and Mart more on the report. Cumulatively we spent a lot of time on it.