+ course={Philosophy and Ethics of Computer and Information Sciences},
+ authorstext={Author:}]
\section{Grey Hat Cracking Should Be Legalized}
+In the digital world the notion of property is significantly different than the
+notion of property in the real world. Property in the digital world can be
+interchanged, duplicated and changed without physical intervening. This means
+that property and ownership is much more a matter of trust and regulations than
+anything else.
+By this definition the notion of ``going equipped'' in the digital world is
+vastly different than in the physical world. One can go ``non-equipped'' but
+having the tools within reach and the other way around. There is hardly a
+concept of distance in the digital world.
+Grey hat hacking means black hat hacking with good intents. Grey hat hacking is
+not hacking for the sake of cracking but for the sake of improving the security
+and notifying the owner of the system. Often this is compared to breaking into
+a house and informing the owners on how to improve their door locks. However,
+with the aforementioned notion of property, this is not an analogous issue.
+Again, grey hat hacker is built around trust. While the actions look the
+same, a grey hat hacker will not look at the compromised data and will not
+plant back doors. Therefore it is very important that specialized police
+officers monitor the web and, when necessary, hack and test systems.
\section{Web Scrapers and Robot Denial Files}
-\author{Mart Lubbers\\\small{s4109503}}
+\author{Mart Lubbers\\s4109503}
-\title{Assignment 2: Elaborating on three discussion topics\\
- \small{Philosophy and Ethics of Computer and Information Sciences}}
+\title{Assignment 2: Elaborating on three discussion topics}