+% Objective: what is the goal of this work, what problem is addressed, what was
+% the current state of the art, who is the work aimed at?
- \frametitle{Introduction}
+ \frametitle{Objective}
+ \begin{block}{Elaborate on the type system}
+ \begin{itemize}[<+->]
+ \item Typed racket
+ \item Implemented as macro
+ \item No extra syntax or annotations
+ \item Syntactical analyses
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+% Proposal: if the paper presents a new idea, what, in a nutshell, is it?
+% Evidence: Support for claims - Theorems? Case studies? Simulations?
+% Benchmarks? Does evidence address issues needed to support claims?
+% Shoulders of giants...: what previous research does this work build on? What
+% are the key underlying theoretical ideas? Software infrastructure?
+% Impact: has this work been influential? When later research papers cite it,
+% what contribution is being referred to?
+% Writing: analyse the writing
+% Discussion points: end with questions which you think should arise