--- /dev/null
+implementation module infer
+import StdEnv
+import qualified Data.Map as DM
+from Data.Map import instance Functor (Map k)
+import qualified Data.Set as DS
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.Func
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS
+import Control.Monad.RWST
+import ast
+:: TypeEnv :== 'DM'.Map String Scheme
+:: Constraint :== (Type, Type)
+:: Subst :== 'DM'.Map String Type
+:: Unifier :== (Subst, [Constraint])
+:: Infer a :== RWST TypeEnv [Constraint] InferState (Either TypeError) a
+:: InferState = { count :: Int }
+:: Solve a :== 'MS'.StateT Unifier (Either TypeError) a
+:: TypeError = UnboundVariable String
+nullSubst :: Subst
+nullSubst = 'DM'.newMap
+uni :: Type Type -> Infer ()
+uni t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
+inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> Infer a
+inEnv (x, sc) m = local (\e->'DM'.put x sc $ 'DM'.del x e) m
+letters :: [String]
+letters = map toString $ [1..] >>= flip replicateM ['a'..'z']
+fresh :: Infer Type
+fresh = get >>= \s=:{count}->put {s & count=count + 1} >>| pure (VarType $ letters !! count)
+lookupEnv :: String -> Infer Type
+lookupEnv x = asks ('DM'.get x)
+ >>= maybe (liftT $ Left $ UnboundVariable x) instantiate
+class Substitutable a
+ apply :: Subst a -> a
+ ftv :: a -> 'DS'.Set String
+instance Substitutable Type
+ apply s t=:(VarType a) = maybe t id $ 'DM'.get a s
+ apply s (Arrow t1 t2) = Arrow (apply s t1) (apply s t2)
+ apply _ t = t
+ ftv (VarType a) = 'DS'.singleton a
+ ftv (Arrow t1 t2) = 'DS'.union (ftv t1) (ftv t2)
+ ftv t = 'DS'.newSet
+instance Substitutable Scheme
+ apply s (Forall as t) = Forall as $ apply (foldr 'DM'.del s as) t
+ ftv (Forall as t) = 'DS'.difference (ftv t) ('DS'.fromList as)
+instance Substitutable [a] | Substitutable a
+ apply s ls = map (apply s) ls
+ ftv t = foldr ('DS'.union o ftv) 'DS'.newSet t
+instance Substitutable TypeEnv where
+ apply s env = fmap (apply s) env
+ ftv env = ftv $ 'DM'.elems env
+instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type
+instantiate (Forall as t) = mapM (const fresh) as
+ >>= \as`->let s = 'DM'.fromList $ zip2 as as` in pure $ apply s t
+generalize :: TypeEnv Type -> Scheme
+generalize env t = Forall ('DS'.toList $ 'DS'.difference (ftv t) (ftv env)) t
+infer :: Expression -> Infer Type
+infer (Literal v) = case v of
+ Int _ = pure IntType
+ Bool _ = pure BoolType
+ Char _ = pure CharType
+infer (Variable s) = lookupEnv s
+infer (Apply e1 e2)
+ = infer e1
+ >>= \t1->infer e2
+ >>= \t2->fresh
+ >>= \tv->uni t1 (Arrow t2 tv)
+ >>| pure tv
+infer (Lambda s e)
+ = fresh
+ >>= \tv->inEnv (s, Forall [] tv) (infer e)
+ >>= \t-> pure (Arrow tv t)
+infer (Let x e1 e2)
+ = ask
+ >>= \en->infer e1
+ >>= \t1->inEnv (x, generalize en t1) (infer e2)
+infer (Code c) = fresh >>= \v->pure case c of
+ "add" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
+ "sub" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
+ "mul" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
+ "div" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
+ "and" = Arrow v (Arrow v BoolType)
+ "or" = Arrow v (Arrow v BoolType)
derive consName Token, Value
:: Expression | DelayedParse [Token]
:: Token
= IntToken Int | BoolToken Bool | CharToken Char | IdentToken String
| InfixrToken | InfixlToken | SemiColonToken | OpenBraceToken
| CloseBraceToken | EqualsToken | CodeToken | LambdaToken
- | ArrowToken
+ | ArrowToken | LetToken | InToken
+:: ParseState = {tokens :: [Token], infixers :: [Infix]}
+:: Infix = Infix String Fixity Int
+:: Fixity = InfixL | InfixR
+:: Parser a :== StateT ParseState (Either [String]) a
+instance < Infix where (<) (Infix _ _ s) (Infix _ _ t) = s < t
+instance zero ParseState where zero = {tokens=[],infixers=[]}
lex :: [Char] -> [Token]
lex cs = lex` cs
- lex` [] = []
- lex` ['\n':cs] = lex` cs
- lex` [c:cs]
- | isSpace c = lex` cs
- lex` [';':cs] = [SemiColonToken:lex` cs]
- lex` ['=',c:cs]
- | not (isIdent c) = [EqualsToken:lex` [c:cs]]
- lex` ['(':cs] = [OpenBraceToken:lex` cs]
- lex` [')':cs] = [CloseBraceToken:lex` cs]
- lex` ['-','>':cs] = [ArrowToken:lex` cs]
- lex` ['\\':cs] = [LambdaToken:lex` cs]
- lex` ['\'',c,'\'':cs] = [CharToken c:lex` cs]
- lex` ['T','r','u','e':cs] = [BoolToken True:lex` cs]
- lex` ['c','o','d','e':cs] = [CodeToken:lex` cs]
- lex` ['F','a','l','s','e':cs] = [BoolToken True:lex` cs]
- lex` ['i','n','f','i','x','r':cs] = [InfixrToken:lex` cs]
- lex` ['i','n','f','i','x','l':cs] = [InfixlToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` [] = []
+ lex` ['\n':cs] = lex` cs
+ lex` [c:cs] | isSpace c = lex` cs
+ lex` [';':cs] = [SemiColonToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['=',c:cs] | not (isIdent c) = [EqualsToken:lex` [c:cs]]
+ lex` ['(':cs] = [OpenBraceToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` [')':cs] = [CloseBraceToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['->':cs] = [ArrowToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['\\':cs] = [LambdaToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['\'',c,'\'':cs] = [CharToken c:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['let':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [LetToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['in':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [InToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['code':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [CodeToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['False':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [BoolToken True:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['True':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [BoolToken True:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['infixr':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [InfixrToken:lex` cs]
+ lex` ['infixl':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [InfixlToken:lex` cs]
lex` ['-',c:cs]
| isDigit c
= case lex` [c:cs] of
= [IdentToken $ toString [c:i]:lex` cs]
= abort $ "Huh lexer failed on: " +++ toString (toInt c)
+whiteOrEnd [] = True
+whiteOrEnd [c:cs] = isSpace c
isIdent c = isAlpha c || elem c ['\'`']
isFunny = flip elem ['!@#$%^&*\|+-?/\'<>.:~=']
-:: ParseState =
- { tokens :: [Token]
- , infixers :: [Infix]
- }
-:: Infix = Infix String Fixity Int
-instance < Infix where (<) (Infix _ _ s) (Infix _ _ t) = s < t
-:: Fixity = InfixL | InfixR
-:: Parser a :== StateT ParseState (Either [String]) a
-instance zero ParseState where zero = {tokens=[],infixers=[]}
(<?>) infixl 1 :: a (StateT b (Either (c a)) d) -> StateT b (Either (c a)) d | Semigroup (c a) & Applicative c
(<?>) err p = StateT $ first (flip mappend (pure err)) o runStateT p
= token OpenBraceToken *> parseBracketed <* token CloseBraceToken
+ <|> Let <$> (token LetToken *> parseIdent <* token EqualsToken) <*> (parseExpr <* token InToken) <*> parseExpr
<|> Literal <$> Int <$> parseInt
<|> Code <$> (token CodeToken *> parseIdent)
<|> flip (foldr Lambda) <$> (token LambdaToken *> some parseIdent <* token ArrowToken) <*> parseExpr
parseBracketed :: Parser Expression
//Curried prefix infix
- = (\e op->Apply (Apply fpflip op) e) <$> parseIfx <*> parseExpr
+ = (\op->Lambda "_v" o Apply (Apply op (Variable "v"))) <$> parseIfx <*> parseExpr
//Regular Prefix infix
<|> parseIfx
//Curried flipped prefix infix
- <|> Apply <$> parseExpr <*> parseIfx
+ <|> (\e op->Lambda "_v" (Apply (Apply op e) (Variable "v"))) <$> parseExpr <*> parseIfx
//Parse regular expression
<|> parseExpr
- fpflip :: Expression
- fpflip = Lambda "x" $ Lambda "y" $ Lambda "z" $ Apply (Apply (Variable "x") (Variable "z")) (Variable "y")
parseWithIfx :: ([String] String -> Bool) -> Parser String
parseWithIfx f = gets (\s->[i\\Infix i _ _<-s.infixers]) >>= flip parseIf parseIdent o f
['id x = x;'] ++
['const x y = x;'] ++
['flip x y z = x z y;'] ++
+ ['twice f = f . f;'] ++
+ ['fix f x = let x = f x in x;'] ++
['. infixr 9 f g x = f $ g x;'] ++
['$ infixr 0 = id;'] ++
['& infixr 0 = flip $;'] ++
['/ infixr 7 = code div;'] ++
['&& infixl 3 = code and;'] ++
['|| infixl 2 = code or;'] ++
- ['ap = f . g $ x;']
+ ['ap = (1 +);'] ++
+ ['ap = (+ 1);']
) zero