-CLMFLAGS?=-b -lat
CLMLIBS?=-IL Platform
all: main
definition module ast
+from Data.Either import :: Either
from StdOverloaded import class toString
+from int import :: Eval
:: Function = Function [Char] [[Char]] Expression
:: Expression
| Var [Char]
| App Expression Expression
| Lambda [Char] Expression
- | Builtin [Char] [Expression]
| Let [Char] Expression Expression
:: Value
= Int Int
| Bool Bool
- | Func Int [Expression] ([Expression] -> Expression)
+ | Func (Expression -> Eval Value)
instance toString Function, Expression, Value
implementation module ast
import StdEnv
+import Data.Either
import Text
+import int
instance toString Function where
toString (Function i a e) = concat [toString i, " ", join " " (map toString a), " = ", toString e]
toString (Var s) = toString s
toString (App l r) = concat ["(", toString l, " ", toString r, ")"]
toString (Lambda a e) = concat ["(\\", toString a, ".", toString e, ")"]
- toString (Builtin v as) = concat ["'", toString v, "'", join " " (map toString as)]
toString (Let i b r) = concat [toString i, " = ", toString b, "\n", toString r]
toString _ = abort "toString Expression not implemented"
instance toString Value where
toString (Int i) = toString i
toString (Bool b) = toString b
- toString (Func a as _) = concat ["Function arity ", toString a, " curried ", join "," (map toString as)]
+ toString (Func a) = concat ["Function "]
from ast import :: Function, :: Expression
:: Scheme = Forall [[Char]] Type
-:: Type = TVar [Char] | TInt | TBool | TFun Type Type
+:: Type = TVar [Char] | TInt | TBool | (-->) infixr 9 Type Type
instance toString Scheme, Type
([], _) = Left ["No start function defined"]
([Function _ [] e], fs)
# e = foldr (\(Function i a e)->Let i (foldr ((o) o Lambda) id a e)) e fs
- = (\x->(e, x)) <$> runInfer (infer newMap e)
+ = (\x->(e, x)) <$> runInfer (infer preamble e)
([Function _ _ _], _) = Left ["Start cannot have arguments"]
instance toString Scheme where
toString (TVar a) = toString a
toString TInt = "Int"
toString TBool = "Bool"
- toString (TFun a b) = concat ["(", toString a, ") -> ", toString b]
+ toString (a --> b) = concat ["(", toString a, ") -> ", toString b]
:: TypeEnv :== Map [Char] Scheme
+preamble :: TypeEnv
+preamble = fromList
+ [(['_if'], Forall [['_ift']]
+ $ TBool --> TVar ['_ift'] --> TVar ['_ift'] --> TVar ['_ift'])
+ ,(['_eq'], Forall [['_eq']] $ TInt --> TInt --> TBool)
+ ,(['_mul'], Forall [['_mul']] $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt)
+ ,(['_add'], Forall [['_add']] $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt)
+ ,(['_sub'], Forall [['_sub']] $ TInt --> TInt --> TInt)
+ ]
:: Subst :== Map [Char] Type
:: Infer a :== StateT [Int] (Either [String]) a
fresh :: Infer Type
fresh = getState >>= \[s:ss]->put ss >>| pure (TVar (['v':[c\\c<-:toString s]]))
-compose :: Subst Subst -> Subst
-compose s1 s2 = 'Data.Map'.union (apply s1 <$> s2) s1
+(oo) infixr 9 :: Subst Subst -> Subst
+(oo) s1 s2 = 'Data.Map'.union (apply s1 <$> s2) s1
class Substitutable a where
apply :: Subst a -> a
instance Substitutable Type where
apply s t=:(TVar v) = fromMaybe t (get v s)
- apply s (TFun t1 t2) = on TFun (apply s) t1 t2
+ apply s (t1 --> t2) = apply s t1 --> apply s t2
apply _ x = x
ftv (TVar v) = [v]
- ftv (TFun t1 t2) = on union ftv t1 t2
+ ftv (t1 --> t2) = on union ftv t1 t2
ftv _ = []
instance Substitutable Scheme where
occursCheck a = isMember a o ftv
unify :: Type Type -> Infer Subst
-unify (TFun l r) (TFun l` r`)
+unify (l --> r) (l` --> r`)
= unify l l`
>>= \s1->on unify (apply s1) r r`
- >>= \s2->pure (compose s1 s2)
-unify (TVar a) t = bind a t
-unify t (TVar a) = bind a t
+ >>= \s2->pure (s1 oo s2)
+unify (TVar a) (TVar t)
+ | a == t = pure newMap
+unify (TVar a) t
+ | occursCheck a t = liftT (Left ["Infinite type: ", toString a, " to ", toString t])
+ = pure (singleton a t)
+unify t (TVar a) = unify (TVar a) t
unify TInt TInt = pure newMap
unify TBool TBool = pure newMap
unify t1 t2 = liftT (Left ["Cannot unify: ", toString t1, " with ", toString t2])
-bind :: [Char] Type -> Infer Subst
-bind a (TVar t) | a == t = pure newMap
-bind a t
- | occursCheck a t = liftT (Left ["Infinite type: ", toString a, " and ", toString t])
- = pure (singleton a t)
instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type
instantiate (Forall as t)
= sequence [fresh\\_<-as]
= fresh
>>= \tv-> infer env e1
>>= \(s1, t1)->infer (apply s1 env) e2
- >>= \(s2, t2)->unify (apply s2 t1) (TFun t2 tv)
- >>= \s3-> pure (compose (compose s3 s2) s1, apply s3 tv)
+ >>= \(s2, t2)->unify (apply s2 t1) (t2 --> tv)
+ >>= \s3-> pure (s1 oo s2 oo s3, apply s3 tv)
infer env (Lambda x b)
= fresh
>>= \tv-> infer ('Data.Map'.put x (Forall [] tv) env) b
- >>= \(s1, t1)->pure (s1, TFun (apply s1 tv) t1)
-infer env (Builtin c a) = undef
+ >>= \(s1, t1)->pure (s1, apply s1 tv --> t1)
+//infer env (Let x e1 e2)
+// = infer env e1
+// >>= \(s1, t1)->infer ('Data.Map'.put x (generalize (apply s1 env) t1) env) e2
+// >>= \(s2, t2)->pure (s1 oo s2, t2)
infer env (Let x e1 e2)
- = infer env e1
- >>= \(s1, t1)->let env` = apply s1 env in infer ('Data.Map'.put x (generalize env` t1) env) e2
- >>= \(s2, t2)->pure (compose s1 s2, t2)
+ = fresh
+ >>= \tv-> infer ('Data.Map'.put x (Forall [] tv) env) e1
+ >>= \(s1, t1)->infer ('Data.Map'.put x (generalize (apply s1 env) t1) env) e2
+ >>= \(s2, t2)->pure (s1 oo s2, t2)
from Data.Either import :: Either
from ast import :: Expression, :: Value
+:: Eval a
int :: Expression -> Either [String] Value
import ast
int :: Expression -> Either [String] Value
-int e = evalStateT (eval e >>= printer) preamble
-err :: String -> Eval a
-err e = liftT (Left [e])
+int e = evalStateT (eval e) preamble
:: Eval a :== StateT EvalState (Either [String]) a
:: EvalState :== [([Char], Value)]
preamble =
- [(['if'], Func 3 [] (Builtin ['if']))
- ,(['eq'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['eq']))
- ,(['mul'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['mul']))
- ,(['div'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['div']))
- ,(['add'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['add']))
- ,(['sub'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['sub']))
+ [(['_if'], Func \i->pure (Func \t->pure (Func \e->eval i >>= \(Bool b)->
+ if b (eval t) (eval e))))
+ ,(['_eq'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Bool (i==j))
+ ,(['_sub'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i-j))
+ ,(['_add'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i+j))
+ ,(['_mul'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i*j))
+ ,(['_div'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i/j))
+ binop op = Func \l->pure (Func \r->op <$> eval l <*> eval r)
sub :: [Char] Expression Expression -> Expression
sub ident subst (Let v b rest)
| ident <> v = Lambda v (sub ident b subst)
sub _ _ x = x
-printer :: Value -> Eval Value
-printer (Func 0 args body) = eval (body args) >>= printer
-printer a = pure a
eval :: Expression -> Eval Value
eval (Let ident body rest)
- = modify (\vs->[(ident, Func 0 [] \_->body):vs])
- >>| eval rest
+ = eval body >>= \v->modify (\vs->[(ident, v):vs]) >>| eval rest
eval (Lit v) = pure v
-eval (Var v) = gets (lookup v) >>= maybe (err (toString v +++ " not found")) pure
-eval (App e1 e2) = eval e1 >>= \v->case v of
-// (Func 0 a b) = err ("Saturated function: : " +++ toString e1)
- (Func n as b) = pure (Func (n-1) (as ++ [e2]) b)
-// _ = err ("Cannot apply " +++ toString e2 +++ " to " +++ toString e1)
-eval (Lambda a b) = pure (Func 1 [] (\[arg]->sub a arg b))
-eval (Builtin i as) = case (i, as) of
- (['if'], [p,t,e]) = eval p >>= printer >>= \v->case v of
- Bool v = eval (if v t e)
-// _ = err ("first argument of if must be a bool but is " +++ toString v)
- (['add'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
- (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a + b))
-// _ = err "add only defined for integers"
- (['sub'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
- (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a - b))
-// _ = err "sub only defined for integers"
- (['mul'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
- (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a * b))
-// _ = err "mul only defined for integers"
- (['div'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= \l->eval r >>= \r->case (l,r) of
- (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a / b))
-// _ = err "div only defined for integers"
- (['eq'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
- (Int a, Int b) = pure (Bool (a == b))
-// _ = err "eq only defined for integers"
+eval (Var v) = gets (lookup v) >>= maybe (liftT (Left [toString v +++ " not found"])) pure
+eval (App e1 e2) = eval e1 >>= \(Func v)->v e2
+eval (Lambda a b) = pure (Func \arg->eval (sub a arg b))
MHelp = Left [usageInfo ("Usage: " +++ argv0 +++ " [opts]\n") opts]
MLex = map (\x->toString x +++ "\n") <$> lex cs
MParse = map (\x->toString x +++ "\n") <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
- MType = (\(e, x)->[toString x, "\n", toString e]) <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
+ MType = (\(e, x)->["type: ",toString x, "\n", toString e]) <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
MInterpret = (\x->[toString x]) <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int o fst)
MGen = lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= gen o fst
<|> pToken TTBrackOpen *> pExpression <* pToken TTBrackClose
<|> (\(TTInt i)->Lit (Int i)) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTInt _))
<|> (\(TTBool i)->Lit (Bool i)) <$> pTop ? (\t->t=:(TTBool _))
+ <|> (\x->Var ['_':x]) <$ pId ? ((==)['code']) <*> pId
<|> Var <$> pId
$ ifxr 0 x y = x y;
& ifxr 0 x y = y x;
-== ifxl 7 x y = eq x y;
-* ifxl 7 x y = mul x y;
-- ifxl 6 x y = sub x y;
-+ ifxl 6 x y = add x y;
-fac i = if (i == 0) 1 $ i * fac (i - 1);
+== ifxl 7 = code eq;
+* ifxl 7 = code mul;
+- ifxl 6 = code sub;
++ ifxl 6 = code add;
+if = code if;
+fac i = if (i == 0) 1 (i * fac (i - 1));
start = fac 5;