+ title={Positive reinforcement produced by electrical stimulation of
+ septal area and other regions of rat brain.},
+ author={Olds, James and Milner, Peter},
+ journal={Journal of comparative and physiological psychology},
+ volume={47},
+ number={6},
+ pages={419},
+ year={1954},
+ publisher={American Psychological Association}
+ title = "Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual behavior in
+ a homosexual male",
+ journal = "Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry",
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "23 - 30",
+ year = "1972",
+ note = "",
+ issn = "0005-7916",
+ doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0005-7916(72)90029-8",
+ url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0005791672900298",
+ author = "Charles E. Moan and Robert G. Heath",
+ title={Is pornography use associated with sexual difficulties and
+ dysfunctions among younger heterosexual men?},
+ author={Landripet, Ivan and {\v{S}}tulhofer, Aleksandar},
+ journal={The journal of sexual medicine},
+ volume={12},
+ number={5},
+ pages={1136--1139},
+ year={2015},
+ publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+ title={Erectile dysfunction, boredom, and hypersexuality among coupled
+ men from two European countries},
+ author={Klein, Verena and Jurin, Tanja and Briken, Peer and
+ {\v{S}}tulhofer, Aleksandar},
+ journal={The journal of sexual medicine},
+ volume={12},
+ number={11},
+ pages={2160--2167},
+ year={2015},
+ publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+ title={Is Internet pornography causing sexual dysfunctions? A review with
+ clinical reports},
+ author={Park, Brian Y and Wilson, Gary and Berger, Jonathan and
+ Christman, Matthew and Reina, Bryn and Bishop, Frank and Klam,
+ Warren P and Doan, Andrew P},
+ journal={Behavioral Sciences},
+ volume={6},
+ number={3},
+ pages={17},
+ year={2016},
+ publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}
+ title={Your brain on porn: Internet pornography and the emerging science
+ of addiction},
+ author={Wilson, Gary},
+ year={2014},
+ publisher={Commonwealth Publishing Richmond, VA}
course={Philosophy and Ethics of Computer and Information Sciences}]
-Man, animal, machine: differences and overlap's. The living being as a machine:
-this image has been verypopular in different hist orical periods and is still
-present today, even reinforced by computer technology (``the brain as a
-computer''). At the same time, all kinds of criteria have been (and still are)
-sought in order to separate man from the rest of the world (the natural and the
-artificial one). Using in sights from computer science, philosophy and ethics,
-try to sketch a general vision of how man, animal, and machine relate to each
+Ever since the dawn of human beings we have been prone to addictions.
+Genetically the body has been evolved to indulge itself into seemingly scarcely
+available activities. It seems that this behaviour is wired into every animal
+thus also including humans. In the 1954 Olds and Milner took a different turn
+on the classic Skinner experiments in which a \emph{Skinner Box} is used to
+train animals on exerting certain behaviour. Olds and Milner made a system in
+which rats could press a button to stimulate parts of the brain that express
+pleasure\cite{olds1954positive}. The results were horrific, rats would press
+the button over $6000$ times per hour. In later experiments it was found that
+rats would starve, ignore females and even endure pain via electrical shocks
+just to give them self pleasure. Moreover, years later, very controversial
+experiments have taken place resembling the Olds and Milner experiments with a
+human individual with strikingly similar results\cite{Moan1972septal}.
+Luckily for animals this kind of hyper stimulation is not readily available at
+the press of a button. When this would be the case it can have detrimental
+effects on the society since primary needs are neglected. However, a new type
+of overstimulating has appeared in the society over the course of the
+digital revolution of our society. Stimuli that where scarce in the early days
+are now abundant and people can lavishly stimulate themselves with them by the
+press of a button. These stimuli arise from the connectivity that came with the
+internet. Never have there been times where consuming visual sexual stimuli was
+possible in such high quantities and with such variance in the material.
+Numerous researchers and research groups have devoted their research onto the
+physical consequences of such hyper stimulation. However, studies are showing
+mixed results on these matters. Some studies show a correlation between for
+example erectile dysfunction and pornographic material
+consumption\cite{klein2015erectile} while other do not show significant
+results\cite{landripet2015pornography}. A recent survey from Park et
+al.\cite{park2016internet} shows that not so much a physical change is
+happening in the brain that causes these problems but also a psychological and
+societal problem.
+A couple of years ago there was a popular science article written with the
+catchy title: \emph{Your brain on porn}\cite{wilson2014your}. This already this
+gave the rise to very active online communities that try to suppress their own
+behaviour regarding the consumption of pornography. From within these
+communities\footnote{e.g.~\url{reddit.com/r/nofap}} a lot of anekdotal
+evidence arises that not consuming is very good for the general sexual health
+being. In short this means that it is no longer a question of what happens to
+your \emph{brain} on porn but even more so what happens to \emph{society} on
\section{Research question}
+%This leads to the following research question.
+% \item\emph{How does the increase of consuming visual sexual stimuli via the
+% internet change the society.}
+%Which in turn can be split up in to the following subquestions.
+% \item\emph{Does society's view on sexuality change due to the change in
+% consumption of sexual visual stimuli.}
+% \item\emph{Does the view on actual sexual intercourse and relations change
+% because of the changes in availability of sexual visual stimuli}