crate(cratea, loc12, s) \wedge
crate(crateb, loc13, s) \wedge
crate(cratec, loc11, s)$
\subsubsection{Task 2: Actions}
- $Poss(move(x, y), s) \equiv \\
- (\exists z: connected(x, y, z)) \wedge\\
- \neg(crate(x, y, s))$
+ $\begin{array}{rl}
+ Poss(move(x, y), s) & \equiv \\
+ & (\exists z: connected(x, y, z)) \wedge\\
+ & \neg(crate(x, y, s))
+ \end{array}$
- $Poss(push(x, y), s) \equiv\\
- agent(x, s) \wedge\\
- (\exists z:
- connected(x, z, y) \wedge
- (\exists \gamma: crate(\gamma, z, s))
- \wedge\\
- (\exists \alpha:
- connected(z, \alpha, y) \wedge
- (\nexists \beta: crate(\beta, \alpha, s))))$
+ $\begin{array}{rl}
+ Poss(push(x, y), s) & \equiv\\
+ & agent(x, s) \wedge\\
+ & (\exists z:
+ connected(x, z, y) \wedge
+ (\exists \gamma: crate(\gamma, z, s))
+ \wedge\\
+ & (\exists \alpha:
+ connected(z, \alpha, y) \wedge
+ (\nexists \beta: crate(\beta, \alpha, s))
+ )
+ )
+ \end{array}$
- $agent(x, result(z, s)) \rightarrow\\
- (\exists y: z = move(y, x)) \vee\\
- (\exists \alpha:
- z = push(\beta, \alpha) \wedge
- connected(\beta, x, \alpha)) \vee\\
- (\exists \epsilon, \gamma:
- z \neq move(x, \epsilon) \wedge
- z \neq push(x, \gamma) \wedge
- agent(x, s))\\
- crate(x, y, result(A, s)) \rightarrow\\
- (\exists z,\alpha:
- A = push(z, \alpha),
- (\exists \beta:
- connected(z, \beta, \alpha),
- connected(\beta, y, \alpha),
- crate(x, \beta, s)
+ $\begin{array}{rl}
+ agent(x, result(z, s)) & \rightarrow\\
+ & (\exists y: z = move(y, x)) \vee\\
+ & (\exists \alpha:
+ z = push(\beta, \alpha) \wedge
+ connected(\beta, x, \alpha)) \vee\\
+ & (\exists \epsilon, \gamma:
+ z \neq move(x, \epsilon) \wedge
+ z \neq push(x, \gamma) \wedge
+ agent(x, s))\\
+ crate(x, y, result(A, s)) & \rightarrow\\
+ & (\exists z,\alpha:
+ A = push(z, \alpha),
+ (\exists \beta:
+ connected(z, \beta, \alpha),
+ connected(\beta, y, \alpha),
+ crate(x, \beta, s)
+ )
+ ) \vee\\
+ & (\exists z,\alpha:
+ A \neq push(z, \alpha)\wedge
+ connected(z, y, \alpha)\wedge
+ crate(x, y, s)
- ) \vee\\
- (\exists z,\alpha:
- A \neq push(z, \alpha)\wedge
- connected(z, y, \alpha)\wedge
- crate(x, y, s)
- )
- $
+ \end{array}$
\subsection{Part 2: Implementation}
\subsubsection{Task 3: Translate Axioms}
The only optimization added to the file is the reverse move optimization,
disallowing the agent to reverse a move immediatly.
+ \caption{Domain description task 1}
+ \prologcode{./src/}
\subsubsection{Task 4: The Planning Problem in Figure 1}
+ \caption{Instance description task 4}
+ \prologcode{./src/}
\subsubsection{Task 5: Crates go to Any Goal Location}
+ \caption{Instance description task 5}
+ \prologcode{./src/}
\subsubsection{Task 6: Inverse Problem}
\subsection{Part 3: Extending the domain}
+\subsubsection{Task 7: Unlocking the Crates}
+ \caption{Instance description task 7}
+ \prologcode{./src/}
+ \caption{Domain description task 7}
+ \prologcode{./src/}
\subsection{Part 4: General questions}
\subsubsection{Task 10: Sitcalc expressivity}
\author{ Caspar Safarlou\and Mart Lubbers }
\title{Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.\\Assignment 1}
- basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,
+ bgcolor=mintedbackground,
+ fontfamily=tt,
+ linenos=true,
+ numberblanklines=true,
+ numbersep=10pt,
+ numbersep=5pt,
+ gobble=0,
+ frame=leftline,
+ framerule=0.4pt,
+ framesep=2mm,
+ funcnamehighlighting=true,
+ tabsize=4,
+ obeytabs=false,
+ mathescape=false
+ showspaces=false,
+ showtabs =false,
+ texcl=false,
--- /dev/null
+% ------------------------- Domain Definition -------------------------
+% --- Cross-file definitions ------------------------------------------
+:- multifile connected/3, crate/4, agent/2, key/3.
+% --- Primitive control actions ---------------------------------------
+primitive_action(move(_, _)).
+primitive_action(push(_, _)).
+% --- Precondition for primitive actions ------------------------------
+poss(move(From, To), S) :-
+ agent(From, S),
+ connected(From, To, _),
+ not(crate(_, _, To, S)).
+poss(push(From, Direction), S) :-
+ agent(From, S),
+ connected(From, CrateLocation, Direction),
+ crate(_, Key, CrateLocation, S),
+ keyinbag(Key, S),
+ connected(CrateLocation, CrateTarget, Direction),
+ not(crate(_, _, CrateTarget, S)).
+poss(pickup(CurrentLocation), S) :-
+ agent(CurrentLocation, S),
+ key(_, CurrentLocation, S).
+% --- Successor state axioms ------------------------------------------
+agent(AgentPlek, result(A, S)) :-
+ A = move(_, AgentPlek);
+ A = push(OudeAgentPlek, Richting),
+ connected(OudeAgentPlek, AgentPlek, Richting);
+ not(A = move(AgentPlek, _)), not(A = push(AgentPlek, _)),
+ agent(AgentPlek, S).
+crate(Krat, _, Kratplek, result(A, S)) :-
+ A = push(AgentPlek, Richting),
+ connected(AgentPlek, OudeKratPlek, Richting),
+ connected(OudeKratPlek, Kratplek, Richting),
+ crate(Krat, _, OudeKratPlek, S);
+ not(A = push(AgentPlek2, Richting2)),
+ connected(AgentPlek2, Kratplek, Richting2),
+ crate(Krat, _, Kratplek, S).
+key(Key, Location, result(A, S)) :-
+ not(A = pickup(Location)), key(Key, Location, S).
+keyinbag(Key, result(A, S)) :-
+ agent(CurrentLocation, S),
+ A = pickup(CurrentLocation),
+ key(Key, CurrentLocation, S);
+ keyinbag(Key, S).
--- /dev/null
+% ------------------------- Problem Instance --------------------------
+% --- Load domain definitions from an external file -------------------
+:- [domaintask7].
+% --- Definition of the initial state ---------------------------------
+connected(loc11, loc21, east).
+connected(loc11, loc12, north).
+connected(loc12, loc22, east).
+connected(loc12, loc13, north).
+connected(loc13, loc23, east).
+connected(loc13, loc14, north).
+connected(loc14, loc24, east).
+connected(loc21, loc31, east).
+connected(loc21, loc22, north).
+connected(loc22, loc32, east).
+connected(loc22, loc23, north).
+connected(loc23, loc33, east).
+connected(loc23, loc24, north).
+connected(loc31, loc32, north).
+connected(loc32, loc33, north).
+connected(loc21, loc11, west).
+connected(loc12, loc11, south).
+connected(loc22, loc12, west).
+connected(loc13, loc12, south).
+connected(loc23, loc13, west).
+connected(loc14, loc13, south).
+connected(loc24, loc14, west).
+connected(loc31, loc21, west).
+connected(loc22, loc21, south).
+connected(loc32, loc22, west).
+connected(loc23, loc22, south).
+connected(loc33, loc23, west).
+connected(loc24, loc23, south).
+connected(loc32, loc31, south).
+connected(loc33, loc32, south).
+crate(cratea, keya, loc23, s0).
+crate(crateb, keyb, loc22, s0).
+crate(cratec, keyc, loc12, s0).
+key(keya, loc21, s0).
+key(keyb, loc13, s0).
+key(keyc, loc14, s0).
+agent(loc24, s0).
+% --- Goal condition that the planner will try to reach ---------------
+goal(S) :-
+ crate(cratea, _, loc33, S),
+ crate(crateb, _, loc31, S),
+ crate(cratec, _, loc11, S).
:- dynamic debug/1.
:- multifile debug/1.
debugoutput(A) :- debug(on), A, !; true.