high abstraction level for real life workflow tasks. These workflow tasks can be
described through an \gls{EDSL} and modeled as \glspl{Task}
From the specification the system will then generate a multi-user web service.
-This web service can be accessed through a browser and used to complete these
+This web service is accessed through a browser and used to complete these
\glspl{Task}. Familiar workflow patterns like sequence, parallel and
conditional tasks can be modelled using combinators.
\gls{iTasks} has been shown to be useful in many fields of operation such as
incident management~\cite{lijnse_top_2013}. Interfaces are automatically
generated for the types of data which makes rapid development possible.
-However, while the tasks in the \gls{iTasks} system model after real life
-workflow tasks the modelling is very high level. It is difficult to connect
-actual tasks to the real tasks and let them interact. A lot of the actual tasks
-can be \emph{performed} by small \gls{IoT} devices. Nevertheless, adding such
-devices to the current system is difficult to say the least as it was not
-designed to cope with these devices.
+\Glspl{Task} in the \gls{iTasks} system are modelled after real life workflow
+tasks but the modelling is applied on a very high level. Therefore it is
+difficult to connect \gls{iTasks} tasks to the real world tasks and let them
+interact. A lot of the actual tasks can be \emph{performed} by small \gls{IoT}
+devices. Nevertheless, adding such devices to the current system is difficult
+to say the least as it was not designed to cope with these devices.
In the current system such adapters, in principle, can be written as
\glspl{SDS}\footnote{Similar as to resources such as time are available in
a fixed logic in the device that is set at compile time. A lot of the small
\gls{IoT} devices have limited processing power but can still contain decision
making. Oortgiese et al.\ lifted \gls{iTasks} from a single server model to a
-distributed server architecture~\cite{oortgiese_distributed_2017} that is also
-runnable on smaller devices like \acrshort{ARM} devices. However, this is
+distributed server architecture that is also runnable on smaller devices like
+\acrshort{ARM} devices\cite{oortgiese_distributed_2017}. However, this is
limited to fairly high performance devices that are equipped with high speed
communication channels. Devices in \gls{IoT} often only have \gls{LTN}
communication with low bandwidth and a very limited amount of processing power
A deep \gls{EDSL} means that the language is represented as an \gls{ADT}. Views
are functions that transform something to the datatype or the other way around.
As an example we have the simple arithmetic \gls{EDSL} shown in
-Listing~\ref{lst:exdeep}. Deep embedding has the advantage that it is very
-simple to build and the views are easy to make and add. However, there are also
-a few downsides.
caption={A minimal deep \gls{EDSL}}]
:: DSL
- = LitI Int
- | LitB Bool
- | Var String
- | Plus DSL DSL
+ = LitI Int
+ | LitB Bool
+ | Var String
+ | Plus DSL DSL
| Minus DSL DSL
- | And DSL DSL
- | Eq DSL
+ | And DSL DSL
+ | Eq DSL
-The expressions created with this language are not type-safe. In the given
-language it is possible an expression such as \CI{Plus (LitI 4) (LitB True)}
-which to add a boolean to an integer. Evermore so, extending the \gls{ADT} is
-easy and convenient but extending the views accordingly is tedious and has to
-be done individually for all views.
+Deep embedding has the advantage that it is very simple to build and the views
+are easy to make and add. However, there are also a few downsides. The
+expressions created with this language are not type-safe. In the given language
+it is possible an expression such as \CI{Plus (LitI 4) (LitB True)} which to
+add a boolean to an integer. Evermore so, extending the \gls{ADT} is easy and
+convenient but extending the views accordingly is tedious and has to be done
+individually for all views.
The first downside of the type of \gls{EDSL} can be overcome by using
-\glspl{GADT}. Listing~\ref{lst:exdeepgadt} shows the same language, but
-type-safe with a \gls{GADT}\footnote{\glspl{GADT} are not supported
-in the current version of \gls{Clean}. However, they can be simulated using
-bimaps}. Unfortunately the lack of extendability stays a problem. If a language
-construct is added no compile time guarantee is given that all views support
+\glspl{GADT}\cite{cheney_first-class_2003}. Listing~\ref{lst:exdeepgadt} shows
+the same language, but type-safe with a \gls{GADT}\footnote{\glspl{GADT} are
+not supported in the current version of \gls{Clean} and therefore the syntax is
+artificial. However, \glspl{GADT} can be simulated using bimaps}. Unfortunately
+the lack of extendability stays a problem. If a language construct is added no
+compile time guarantee is given that all views support it.
caption={A minimal deep \gls{EDSL} using \glspl{GADT}}]
:: DSL a
- = LitI Int -> DSL Int
- | LitB Bool -> DSL Bool
- | Var String -> DSL Int
- | Plus (DSL Int) (DSL Int) -> DSL Int
- | Minus (DSL Int) (DSL Int) -> DSL Int
- | And (DSL Bool) (DSL Bool) -> DSL Bool
- | E.e: Eq (DSL e) (DSL e) -> DSL Bool & == e
+ = LitI Int -> DSL Int
+ | LitB Bool -> DSL Bool
+ | E.e: Var String -> DSL e
+ | Plus (DSL Int) (DSL Int) -> DSL Int
+ | Minus (DSL Int) (DSL Int) -> DSL Int
+ | And (DSL Bool) (DSL Bool) -> DSL Bool
+ | E.e: Eq (DSL e) (DSL e) -> DSL Bool & == e
\subsection{Shallow embedding}
In a shallowly \gls{EDSL} all language constructs are expressed as functions in
the host language. An evaluator view for our example language then looks
something like the code shown in Listing~\ref{lst:exshallow}. Note that much of
-the internals of the language can be hidden away using monads.
+the internals of the language can be hidden using monads.
caption={A minimal shallow \gls{EDSL}}]
:: PrettyPrinter a = PP String
class intArith where
- lit :: t -> v t | toString t
- add :: (v t) (v t) -> (v t) | + t
+ lit :: t -> v t | toString t
+ add :: (v t) (v t) -> (v t) | + t
minus :: (v t) (v t) -> (v t) | - t
class boolArith where
and :: (v Bool) (v Bool) -> (v Bool)
- eq :: (v t) (v t) -> (v Bool) | == t
+ eq :: (v t) (v t) -> (v Bool) | == t
instance intArith Evaluator where
lit x = \e->x
+ title = {Internet of things in industries: a survey},
+ volume = {10},
+ number = {4},
+ journal = {Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on},
+ author = {Da Xu, Li and He, Wu and Li, Shancang},
+ year = {2014},
+ pages = {2233--2243},
+ file = {IOT industrial survey.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/EJHG7M8I/IOT industrial survey.pdf:application/pdf}
+ title = {Combining deep and shallow embedding for {EDSL}},
+ url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-40447-4_2},
+ urldate = {2017-05-10},
+ booktitle = {International {Symposium} on {Trends} in {Functional} {Programming}},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ author = {Svenningsson, Josef and Axelsson, Emil},
+ year = {2012},
+ pages = {21--36},
+ file = {svenningsson2013combining.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/NFBGZCZT/svenningsson2013combining.pdf:application/pdf}
+ title = {Type-{Safe} {Functions} and {Tasks} in a {Shallow} {Embedded} {DSL} for {Microprocessors}},
+ url = {https://tfp2016.org/papers/TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf},
+ urldate = {2017-02-22},
+ author = {Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
+ file = {TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/WR3PZNTT/TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf:application/pdf}
+ address = {Nijmegen},
+ type = {Master},
+ title = {A {Distributed} {Server} {Architecture} for {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
+ shorttitle = {A {Distributed} {Server} {Architecture} for {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
+ url = {http://www.ru.nl/publish/pages/769526/arjan_oortgiese.pdf},
+ language = {English},
+ urldate = {2017-04-08},
+ school = {Radboud University},
+ author = {Oortgiese, Arjan},
+ year = {2017},
+ file = {arjan_oortgiese.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/J4WXQXU4/arjan_oortgiese.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {An {Introduction} to {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
booktitle = {Central {European} {Functional} {Programming} {School}},
author = {Achten, Peter and Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
year = {2015},
pages = {187--245},
- file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/ZSDSIIT7/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:application/pdf}
+ file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/ZSDSIIT7/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:application/pdf}
- address = {Cham},
- series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}},
- title = {A {Shallow} {Embedded} {Type} {Safe} {Extendable} {DSL} for the {Arduino}},
- volume = {9547},
- isbn = {978-3-319-39109-0 978-3-319-39110-6},
- url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-39110-6},
- urldate = {2017-02-22},
- booktitle = {Trends in {Functional} {Programming}},
- publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
- editor = {Serrano, Manuel and Hage, Jurriaan},
- year = {2016},
- note = {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39110-6},
- file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-39110-6_6.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/TJVP6FHF/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-39110-6_6.pdf:application/pdf}
+ address = {S.l.; Nijmegen},
+ title = {{TOP} to the rescue: task-oriented programming for incident response applications},
+ isbn = {978-90-820259-0-3},
+ shorttitle = {{TOP} to the rescue},
+ language = {English},
+ publisher = {s.n.] ; UB Nijmegen [host},
+ author = {Lijnse, Bas},
+ year = {2013},
+ note = {OCLC: 833851220},
+ file = {103931.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/9KZ9I6N9/103931.pdf:application/pdf}
- title = {Type-{Safe} {Functions} and {Tasks} in a {Shallow} {Embedded} {DSL} for {Microprocessors}},
- url = {https://tfp2016.org/papers/TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf},
- urldate = {2017-02-22},
- author = {Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
- file = {TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/WR3PZNTT/TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf:application/pdf}
+ title = {Programming languages for high-assurance autonomous vehicles: extended abstract},
+ isbn = {978-1-4503-2567-7},
+ shorttitle = {Programming languages for high-assurance autonomous vehicles},
+ url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2541568.2541570},
+ doi = {10.1145/2541568.2541570},
+ language = {en},
+ urldate = {2017-05-10},
+ publisher = {ACM Press},
+ author = {Pike, Lee and Hickey, Patrick and Bielman, James and Elliott, Trevor and DuBuisson, Thomas and Launchbury, John},
+ year = {2014},
+ pages = {1--2},
+ file = {pike-plpv14.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/MTUSHBNF/pike-plpv14.pdf:application/pdf}
author = {Brus, T. H. and van Eekelen, Marko CJD and Van Leer, M. O. and Plasmeijer, Marinus J.},
year = {1987},
pages = {364--384},
- file = {Clean —\; A language for functional graph rewriting - chp%3A10.1007%2F3-540-18317-5_20.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/GCEPPRUJ/chp%3A10.1007%2F3-540-18317-5_20.pdf:application/pdf}
+ file = {Clean —\; A language for functional graph rewriting - chp%3A10.1007%2F3-540-18317-5_20.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/GCEPPRUJ/chp%3A10.1007%2F3-540-18317-5_20.pdf:application/pdf}
- title = {Internet of things in industries: a survey},
- volume = {10},
- number = {4},
- journal = {Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on},
- author = {Da Xu, Li and He, Wu and Li, Shancang},
- year = {2014},
- pages = {2233--2243},
- file = {IOT industrial survey.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/EJHG7M8I/IOT industrial survey.pdf:application/pdf}
+ address = {Cham},
+ series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}},
+ title = {Practical {Formal} {Verification} of {Domain}-{Specific} {Language} {Applications}},
+ volume = {9058},
+ isbn = {978-3-319-17523-2 978-3-319-17524-9},
+ url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-17524-9},
+ urldate = {2017-05-10},
+ booktitle = {{NASA} {Formal} {Methods}},
+ publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
+ editor = {Havelund, Klaus and Holzmann, Gerard and Joshi, Rajeev},
+ year = {2015},
+ note = {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17524-9},
+ file = {mart_paper.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/5SXR59GR/mart_paper.pdf:application/pdf}
- address = {S.l.; Nijmegen},
- title = {{TOP} to the rescue: task-oriented programming for incident response applications},
- isbn = {978-90-820259-0-3},
- shorttitle = {{TOP} to the rescue},
- language = {English},
- publisher = {s.n.] ; UB Nijmegen [host},
- author = {Lijnse, Bas},
- year = {2013},
- note = {OCLC: 833851220},
- file = {103931.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/9KZ9I6N9/103931.pdf:application/pdf}
+ address = {Cham},
+ series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}},
+ title = {A {Shallow} {Embedded} {Type} {Safe} {Extendable} {DSL} for the {Arduino}},
+ volume = {9547},
+ isbn = {978-3-319-39109-0 978-3-319-39110-6},
+ url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-39110-6},
+ urldate = {2017-02-22},
+ booktitle = {Trends in {Functional} {Programming}},
+ publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
+ editor = {Serrano, Manuel and Hage, Jurriaan},
+ year = {2016},
+ note = {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39110-6},
+ file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-39110-6_6.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/TJVP6FHF/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-39110-6_6.pdf:application/pdf}
- address = {Nijmegen},
- type = {Master},
- title = {A {Distributed} {Server} {Architecture} for {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
- shorttitle = {A {Distributed} {Server} {Architecture} for {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
- url = {http://www.ru.nl/publish/pages/769526/arjan_oortgiese.pdf},
- language = {English},
- urldate = {2017-04-08},
- school = {Radboud University},
- author = {Oortgiese, Arjan},
- year = {2017},
- file = {arjan_oortgiese.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/J4WXQXU4/arjan_oortgiese.pdf:application/pdf}
+ title = {First-class phantom types},
+ url = {https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/5614},
+ urldate = {2017-05-15},
+ institution = {Cornell University},
+ author = {Cheney, James and Hinze, Ralf},
+ year = {2003},
+ file = {https\://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/5614/?sequence=1:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/a614qfce.default/zotero/storage/R5IFMHTP/5614.pdf:application/pdf}
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