= case partition (\a->a=:(Function ['start'] _ _)) fs of
([], _) = Left ["No start function defined"]
([Function _ [] e], fs)
-// = (\x->(e, x)) <$> runInfer (infer preamble (makeExpression fs e))
- = pure (makeExpression fs e, undef)
+ = (\x->(e, x)) <$> runInfer (infer preamble (makeExpression fs e))
+// = pure (makeExpression fs e, undef)
([Function _ _ _], _) = Left ["Start cannot have arguments"]
makeExpression :: [Function] Expression -> Expression
makeExpression fs start
- = mkExpr $ scc [(l, vars e [])\\(l, e)<-nicefuns]
+ = foldr mkExpr start $ scc [(l, vars e [])\\(l, e)<-nicefuns]
- mkExpr :: [[[Char]]] -> Expression
- mkExpr t = trace_n (printToString t) start
+ mkExpr :: [[Char]] -> (Expression -> Expression)
+ mkExpr scc = Let [(l, e)\\(l, e)<-nicefuns, s<-scc | s == l]
+ nicefuns :: [([Char], Expression)]
nicefuns = [(l, foldr ((o) o Lambda) id i e)\\(Function l i e)<-fs]
vars :: Expression [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
vars (Var v=:[m:_]) c
- | m <> '_' = [v:c]
+ = [v:c]
+// | m <> '_' = [v:c]
vars (App l r) c = vars l $ vars r c
vars (Lambda l e) c = [v\\v<-vars e c | v <> l]
- vars (Let ns e) c = vars e c // TODO
+ vars (Let ns e) c = flatten
+ [ [v\\v<-vars e c | not (isMember v (map fst ns))]
+ : map (\(i, e)->[v\\v<-vars e [] | v <> i]) ns]
vars _ c = c
instance toString Scheme where
>>= \(s1,t1)-> unify t1 tv
>>= \t->infer ('Data.Map'.put x (generalize (apply s1 env`) t1) env`) e2
>>= \(s2, t2)->pure (s1 oo s2, t2)
+infer env (Let _ _)
+ = liftT (Left ["Mutual recursion typechecking not implemented yet"])
//infer env (Let xs e2)
// # (ns, bs) = unzip xs
// = sequence [fresh\\_<-ns]
from StdOverloaded import class <, class ==
from StdClass import class Ord, class Eq
+ * Find all strongly connected components using tarjan's algorithm
+ * see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan's_strongly_connected_components_algorithm
+ *
+ * @param list of nodes together with their their successors
+ * @return the strongly connected components
+ */
scc :: [(a, [a])] -> [[a]] | Eq, Ord a
:: Annot = {index :: Int, lowlink :: Int, onstack :: Bool}
scc :: [(a, [a])] -> [[a]] | Eq, Ord a
-scc nodes = (foldr strongconnect {nextindex=0,stack=[],map=newMap,sccs=[]} nodes).sccs
+scc nodes = reverse (foldr strongconnect {nextindex=0,stack=[],map=newMap,sccs=[]} nodes).sccs
// strongconnect :: (a, [a]) (St a) -> St a | Eq, Ord a
strongconnect (v, suc) s
// processSucc :: a (St a) -> St a | Eq, Ord a
processSucc w s = case get w s.map of
- # s = strongconnect (hd [l\\l=:(n, _)<-nodes | n == w]) s
+ # n = [l\\l=:(n, _)<-nodes | n == w]
+ | n =: [] = s
+ # s = strongconnect (hd n) s
# (Just aw) = get w s.map
# (Just av) = get v s.map
= {s & map=put v {av & lowlink=min av.lowlink aw.lowlink} s.map}