--- /dev/null
+%% This file consists of three parts:
+%% (1) Leancop 2.1
+%% (2) ncDP: A Non-Clausal Form Decision Procedure
+%% (3) A simple interface tp/4 that uses leancop and ncdp to compute
+%% conflict sets
+%% This file is provided for your convenience, but you may as well
+%% use the original software.
+%% Leancop and ncDP are copyright Jens Otten (see www.leancop.de).
+%% For documentation of these tools, we refer to the webpage above.
+:- op(1130, xfy, <=>). % equivalence
+:- op(1110, xfy, =>). % implication
+% % disjunction (;)
+% % conjunction (,)
+:- op( 500, fy, ~). % negation
+:- op( 500, fy, all). % universal quantifier
+:- op( 500, fy, ex). % existential quantifier
+:- op( 500,xfy, :).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% make_matrix(+Fml,-Matrix,+Settings)
+% - transform first-order formula into set of clauses (matrix)
+% Fml, Matrix: first-order formula and matrix
+% Settings: list of settings, which can contain def, nodef and conj;
+% if it contains nodef/def, no definitional transformation
+% or a complete definitional transformation is done,
+% otherwise a definitional transformation is done for
+% the conjecture and the standard transformation is done
+% for the axioms; conjecture is marked if conj is given
+% Syntax of Fml: negation '~', disjunction ';', conjunction ',',
+% implication '=>', equivalence '<=>', universal/existential
+% quantifier 'all X:<Formula>'/'ex X:<Formula>' where 'X' is a
+% Prolog variable, and atomic formulae are Prolog atoms.
+% Example: make_matrix(ex Y:(all X:((p(Y) => p(X)))),Matrix,[]).
+% Matrix = [[-(p(X1))], [p(1 ^ [X1])]]
+make_matrix(Fml,Matrix,Set) :-
+ univar(Fml,[],F1),
+ ( member(conj,Set), F1=(A=>C) -> F2=((A,#)=>(#,C)) ; F2=F1 ),
+ ( member(nodef,Set) ->
+ def_nnf(F2,NNF,1,_,nnf), dnf(NNF,DNF)
+ ;
+ \+member(def,Set), F2=(B=>D) ->
+ def_nnf(~(B),NNF,1,I,nnf), dnf(NNF,DNF1),
+ def_nnf(D,DNF2,I,_,def), DNF=(DNF2;DNF1)
+ ;
+ def_nnf(F2,DNF,1,_,def)
+ ),
+ mat(DNF,M),
+ ( member(reo(I),Set) -> mreorder(M,Matrix,I) ; Matrix=M ).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% def_nnf(+Fml,-DEF) - transform formula into a definitional
+% Skolemized negation normal form (DEF)
+% Fml, DEF: first-order formula and formula in DEF
+% Example: def_nnf(ex Y:(all X:((p(Y) => p(X)))),DEF,def).
+% DEF = ~ p(X1) ; p(1 ^ [X1])
+def_nnf(Fml,DEF,I,I1,Set) :-
+ def(Fml,[],NNF,DEF1,_,I,I1,Set), def(DEF1,NNF,DEF).
+def([(A,(B;C))|DefL],DEF,Fml) :- !, def([(A,B),(A,C)|DefL],DEF,Fml).
+def([A|DefL],DEF,Fml) :- def(DefL,(A;DEF),Fml).
+def(Fml,FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set) :-
+ ( Fml = ~(~A) -> Fml1 = A;
+ Fml = ~(all X:F) -> Fml1 = (ex X: ~F);
+ Fml = ~(ex X:F) -> Fml1 = (all X: ~F);
+ Fml = ~((A ; B)) -> Fml1 = ((~A , ~B));
+ Fml = ~((A , B)) -> Fml1 = (~A ; ~B);
+ Fml = (A => B) -> Fml1 = (~A ; B);
+ Fml = ~((A => B))-> Fml1 = ((A , ~B));
+ Fml = (A <=> B) ->
+ ( Set=def -> Fml1 = ((A => B) , (B => A));
+ Fml1 = ((A , B) ; (~A , ~B)) );
+ Fml = ~((A<=>B)) -> Fml1 = ((A , ~B) ; (~A , B)) ), !,
+ def(Fml1,FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set).
+def((ex X:F),FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set) :- !,
+ def(F,[X|FreeV],NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set).
+def((all X:Fml),FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set) :- !,
+ copy_term((X,Fml,FreeV),((I^FreeV),Fml1,FreeV)), I2 is I+1,
+ def(Fml1,FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I2,I1,Set).
+def((A ; B),FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set) :- !,
+ def(A,FreeV,NNF1,DEF1,Paths1,I,I2,Set),
+ def(B,FreeV,NNF2,DEF2,Paths2,I2,I1,Set),
+ append(DEF1,DEF2,DEF), Paths is Paths1 * Paths2,
+ (Paths1 > Paths2 -> NNF = (NNF2;NNF1);
+ NNF = (NNF1;NNF2)).
+def((A , B),FreeV,NNF,DEF,Paths,I,I1,Set) :- !,
+ def(A,FreeV,NNF3,DEF3,Paths1,I,I2,Set),
+ ( NNF3=(_;_), Set=def -> append([(~I2^FreeV,NNF3)],DEF3,DEF1),
+ NNF1=I2^FreeV, I3 is I2+1 ;
+ DEF1=DEF3, NNF1=NNF3, I3 is I2 ),
+ def(B,FreeV,NNF4,DEF4,Paths2,I3,I4,Set),
+ ( NNF4=(_;_), Set=def -> append([(~I4^FreeV,NNF4)],DEF4,DEF2),
+ NNF2=I4^FreeV, I1 is I4+1 ;
+ DEF2=DEF4, NNF2=NNF4, I1 is I4 ),
+ append(DEF1,DEF2,DEF), Paths is Paths1 + Paths2,
+ (Paths1 > Paths2 -> NNF = (NNF2,NNF1);
+ NNF = (NNF1,NNF2)).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% dnf(+NNF,-DNF) - transform formula in NNF into formula in DNF
+% NNF, DNF: formulae in NNF and DNF
+% Example: dnf(((p;~p),(q;~q)),DNF).
+% DNF = (p, q ; p, ~ q) ; ~ p, q ; ~ p, ~ q
+dnf(((A;B),C),(F1;F2)) :- !, dnf((A,C),F1), dnf((B,C),F2).
+dnf((A,(B;C)),(F1;F2)) :- !, dnf((A,B),F1), dnf((A,C),F2).
+dnf((A,B),F) :- !, dnf(A,A1), dnf(B,B1),
+ ( (A1=(C;D);B1=(C;D)) -> dnf((A1,B1),F) ; F=(A1,B1) ).
+dnf((A;B),(A1;B1)) :- !, dnf(A,A1), dnf(B,B1).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% mat(+DNF,-Matrix) - transform formula in DNF into matrix
+% DNF, Matrix: formula in DNF, matrix
+% Example: mat(((p, q ; p, ~ q) ; ~ p, q ; ~ p, ~ q),Matrix).
+% Matrix = [[p, q], [p, -(q)], [-(p), q], [-(p), -(q)]]
+mat((A;B),M) :- !, mat(A,MA), mat(B,MB), append(MA,MB,M).
+mat((A,B),M) :- !, (mat(A,[CA]),mat(B,[CB]) -> union2(CA,CB,M);M=[]).
+mat(~Lit,[[-Lit]]) :- !.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% univar(+Fml,[],-Fml1) - rename variables
+% Fml, Fml1: first-order formulae
+% Example: univar((all X:(p(X) => (ex X:p(X)))),[],F1).
+% F1 = all Y : (p(Y) => ex Z : p(Z))
+univar(X,_,X) :- (atomic(X);var(X);X==[[]]), !.
+univar(F,Q,F1) :-
+ F=..[A,B|T], ( (A=ex;A=all) -> B=(X:C), delete2(Q,X,Q1),
+ copy_term((X,C,Q1),(Y,D,Q1)), univar(D,[Y|Q],D1), F1=..[A,Y:D1] ;
+ univar(B,Q,B1), univar(T,Q,T1), F1=..[A,B1|T1] ).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% union2/member2 - union and member for lists without unification
+union2([X|L1],L2,M) :- member2(X,L2), !, union2(L1,L2,M).
+union2([X|_],L2,M) :- (-Xn=X;-X=Xn) -> member2(Xn,L2), !, M=[].
+union2([X|L1],L2,M) :- union2(L1,[X|L2],M).
+member2(X,[Y|_]) :- X==Y, !.
+member2(X,[_|T]) :- member2(X,T).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% delete2 - delete variable from list
+delete2([X|T],Y,T1) :- X==Y, !, delete2(T,Y,T1).
+delete2([X|T],Y,[X|T1]) :- delete2(T,Y,T1).
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% mreorder - reorder clauses
+mreorder(M,M,0) :- !.
+mreorder(M,M1,I) :-
+ length(M,L), K is L//3, append(A,D,M), length(A,K),
+ append(B,C,D), length(C,K), mreorder2(C,A,B,M2), I1 is I-1,
+ mreorder(M2,M1,I1).
+mreorder2([A|A1],[B|B1],[C|C1],[A,B,C|M1]) :- mreorder2(A1,B1,C1,M1).
+:- dynamic(pathlim/0), dynamic(lit/4).
+%%% prove matrix M / formula F
+prove(F,Proof) :- prove2(F,[cut,comp(7)],Proof).
+prove2(F,Set,Proof) :-
+ (F=[_|_] -> M=F ; make_matrix(F,M,Set)),
+ retractall(lit(_,_,_,_)), (member([-(#)],M) -> S=conj ; S=pos),
+ assert_clauses(M,S), prove(1,Set,Proof).
+prove(PathLim,Set,Proof) :-
+ \+member(scut,Set) -> prove([-(#)],[],PathLim,[],Set,[Proof]) ;
+ lit(#,_,C,_) -> prove(C,[-(#)],PathLim,[],Set,Proof1),
+ Proof=[C|Proof1].
+prove(PathLim,Set,Proof) :-
+ member(comp(Limit),Set), PathLim=Limit -> prove(1,[],Proof) ;
+ (member(comp(_),Set);retract(pathlim)) ->
+ PathLim1 is PathLim+1, prove(PathLim1,Set,Proof).
+%%% leanCoP core prover
+prove([Lit|Cla],Path,PathLim,Lem,Set,Proof) :-
+ Proof=[[[NegLit|Cla1]|Proof1]|Proof2],
+ \+ (member(LitC,[Lit|Cla]), member(LitP,Path), LitC==LitP),
+ (-NegLit=Lit;-Lit=NegLit) ->
+ ( member(LitL,Lem), Lit==LitL, Cla1=[], Proof1=[]
+ ;
+ member(NegL,Path), unify_with_occurs_check(NegL,NegLit),
+ Cla1=[], Proof1=[]
+ ;
+ lit(NegLit,NegL,Cla1,Grnd1),
+ unify_with_occurs_check(NegL,NegLit),
+ ( Grnd1=g -> true ; length(Path,K), K<PathLim -> true ;
+ \+ pathlim -> assert(pathlim), fail ),
+ prove(Cla1,[Lit|Path],PathLim,Lem,Set,Proof1)
+ ),
+ ( member(cut,Set) -> ! ; true ),
+ prove(Cla,Path,PathLim,[Lit|Lem],Set,Proof2).
+%%% write clauses into Prolog's database
+assert_clauses([C|M],Set) :-
+ (Set\=conj, \+member(-_,C) -> C1=[#|C] ; C1=C),
+ (ground(C) -> G=g ; G=n), assert_clauses2(C1,[],G),
+ assert_clauses(M,Set).
+assert_clauses2([L|C],C1,G) :-
+ assert_renvar([L],[L2]), append(C1,C,C2), append(C1,[L],C3),
+ assert(lit(L2,L,C2,G)), assert_clauses2(C,C3,G).
+assert_renvar([F|FunL],[F1|FunL1]) :-
+ ( var(F) -> true ; F=..[Fu|Arg], assert_renvar(Arg,Arg1),
+ F1=..[Fu|Arg1] ), assert_renvar(FunL,FunL1).
+append3(X,Y,Z,V) :-
+ append(X,Y,L),
+ append(L,Z,V).
+bmatrix((~X),Pol,M) :- !, Pol1 is (1-Pol), bmatrix(X,Pol1,M).
+bmatrix((X1<=>X2),Pol,M) :- !, bmatrix(((X1=>X2),(X2=>X1)),Pol,M).
+bmatrix(X,Pol,M3) :- X=..[F,X1,X2], alpha(F,Pol,Pol1,Pol2), !,
+ bmatrix(X1,Pol1,M1), bmatrix(X2,Pol2,M2),
+ union(M1,M2,M3).
+bmatrix(X,Pol,[M3]) :- X=..[F,X1,X2], beta(F,Pol,Pol1,Pol2), !,
+ bmatrix(X1,Pol1,M1), bmatrix(X2,Pol2,M2),
+ sim(M1,M4), sim(M2,M5), union(M4,M5,M3).
+sim([M],M) :- !. sim(M,[M]).
+alpha(',',1,1,1):-!. alpha(';',0,0,0):-!. alpha((=>),0,1,0):-!.
+beta(',',0,0,0):-!. beta(';',1,1,1):-!. beta((=>),1,0,1):-!.
+%%% prove
+prove(F) :- bmatrix(F,0,M), pure(M,M1), dp(M1).
+%%% dp (non-clausal DP)
+dp([]) :- !, fail.
+dp(M) :- member([],M), !.
+dp(M) :- member([L],M), ( atom(L), N= -L ; -N=L ), !,
+ reduce(M,N,L,M1), dp(M1).
+% Beta-Splitting
+dp([[[C1|M],[C2|M2]|C]|M1]) :- !,
+ dp([[[C1|M]]|M1]), dp([[[C2|M2]]|M1]), dp([C|M1]).
+% Splitting
+dp(M) :- selectLit(M,P,N),
+ reduce(M,P,N,M1), dp(M1),
+ reduce(M,N,P,M2), dp(M2).
+%%% reduce MReduce/CReduce
+reduce(L,L,_,[[]]) :- !. %% true
+reduce(N,_,N,[]) :- !. %% false
+reduce([C|M],L,N,M1) :- !,
+ reduce(C,L,N,C1), %% evaluate clauses/matrices
+ (C1=[] -> M1=[[]] ; %% matrix/clause elimination
+ C1=[[]] -> reduce(M,L,N,M1) ; %% simplify
+ reduce(M,L,N,M2), %% evaluate remaining cl./mat.
+ (M2=[[]] -> M1=[[]] ; %% matrix/clause elimination
+ M2=[], C1=[M3] -> M1=M3 ; M1=[C1|M2] )).
+%% select literal
+selectLit([M|_],A,An) :- !, selectLit(M,A,An).
+selectLit(-A,-A,A) :- !.
+%%% PURE
+pure(M,M1) :- litM(M,LitM), pure(M,LitM,M1,LitM).
+pure(M,[L|LitM],M1,LL) :-
+ (L= -N ; -L=N), !,
+ (member(N,LL) -> M2=M ;
+ reduce(M,N,L,M2)), pure(M2,LitM,M1,LL).
+litM([],[]) :- !.
+litM([H|T],L) :- !, litM(H,L1), litM(T,L2), union(L1,L2,L).
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Code for computing conflict sets
+conjunction([], true).
+conjunction([X], X).
+conjunction([X|L], (X,F)) :- conjunction(L, F).
+normal(X, ~ab(X)).
+instantiate((_,_), _, [], (,), true).
+instantiate((_,_), _, [], (;), false).
+instantiate((X,F), COMP, [C], O, FG) :-
+ copy_term((X,F), O, (C,I)),
+ ground(I, COMP, FG).
+instantiate((X,F), COMP, [C|Rest], O, AG) :-
+ copy_term((X,F),(C,I)),
+ ground(I, COMP, FG),
+ instantiate((X,F), COMP, Rest, O, RG),
+ AG =.. [O, FG, RG].
+ground(~F, COMP, ~G) :- ground(F, COMP, G).
+ground((F1 , F2), COMP, (G1 , G2)) :- ground(F1, COMP, G1), ground(F2, COMP, G2).
+ground((F1 ; F2), COMP, (G1 ; G2)) :- ground(F1, COMP, G1), ground(F2, COMP, G2).
+ground((F1 => F2), COMP, (G1 => G2)) :- ground(F1, COMP, G1), ground(F2, COMP, G2).
+ground((F1 <=> F2), COMP, (G1 <=> G2)) :- ground(F1, COMP, G1), ground(F2, COMP, G2).
+ground((all X:F), COMP, G) :- instantiate((X,F), COMP, COMP, (,), G).
+ground((ex X:F), COMP, G) :- instantiate((X,F), COMP, COMP, (;), G).
+ground(Lit, _, Lit).
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% tp(+SD,+COMP, +OBS, +HS, -CS)
+% - Determines a conflict set for the diagnostic problem
+% (SD,COMP-HS,OBS). The term ~ab(c) is assumed for all
+% elements of COMP-HS.
+% SD: list of first-order formula, where variables are understood to quantify
+% over elements in COMP
+% COMP: set of all components
+% OBS: set of (ground) facts
+% HS: set of components assumed to be abnormal
+% Example: tp([all X:(~ab(X) => p(X))], [c,d], [~p(c)], [], CS).
+% CS = [c]
+tp(SD, COMP, OBS, HS, CS) :-
+ subtract(COMP, HS, NormComp), % components assumed to be normal
+ maplist(normal, NormComp, S), % normal predicates
+ append3(SD, S, OBS, Theory), % construct theory
+ conjunction(Theory, F), % construct formula
+ ground(F, COMP, F2),!, % ground formula based on COMP
+ prove(~((F2))), % establish truth of negated formula
+ prove(~((F2)), Proof), % find proof (if true)
+ flatten(Proof,FlatProof), % extract elements of proof
+ include(copy_term(ab(_)),FlatProof,Abs),
+ maplist(arg(1), Abs, CompProof),% components in proof
+ list_to_set(CompProof, CompSorted), % remove repetitions
+ % if elements from HS occur in proof, ignore them
+ subtract(CompSorted, HS, CS),!.
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------