-module cloogle
+module cloogleirc
import Cloogle
import GenPrint
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import qualified Data.Map as DM
-from Control.Monad import class Monad, instance Monad Maybe
+from Control.Monad import class Monad, instance Monad Maybe, >>=
from Text.Encodings.UrlEncoding import urlEncode
+import System.CommandLine
import Internet.HTTP
import Data.Error
import Data.List
| size s > 80 = subString 0 77 s + "..."
= s
+:: BotSettings =
+ { bs_nick :: String
+ , bs_nickserv :: Maybe String
+ , bs_autojoin :: [String]
+ , bs_port :: Int
+ , bs_server :: String
+ }
Start :: *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), *World)
-Start w = bot ("irc.freenode.net", 6667) startup shutdown () process w
+Start w
+# ([arg0:args], w) = getCommandLine w
+# bs = parseCLI args
+| isError bs = (Error $ "\n" +++ fromError bs +++ "\n", w)
+# (Ok bs) = bs
+= bot (bs.bs_server, bs.bs_port) (startup bs) shutdown () process w
+ parseCLI :: [String] -> MaybeErrorString BotSettings
+ parseCLI [] = Ok
+ { bs_nick = "clooglebot"
+ , bs_nickserv = Nothing
+ , bs_autojoin = []
+ , bs_port = 6667
+ , bs_server = "irc.freenode.net"
+ }
+ parseCLI [a:as]
+ | a == "-n" || a == "--nick"
+ = arg1 "--nick" as \a c->{c & bs_nick=a}
+ | a == "-ns" || a == "--nickserv"
+ = arg1 "--nickserv" as \a c->{c & bs_nickserv=Just a}
+ | a == "-a" || a == "--autojoin"
+ = arg1 "--autojoin" as \a c->{c & bs_autojoin=c.bs_autojoin ++ [a]}
+ | a == "-p" || a == "--port"
+ = arg1 "--port" as \a c->{c & bs_port=toInt a}
+ | a == "-s" || a == "--server"
+ = arg1 "--port" as \a c->{c & bs_server=a}
+ | a == "-h" || a == "--help" = Error $ join "\n" $
+ [ "Usage: cloogle [OPTS]"
+ , "Options:"
+ , "\t--nick/-n NICKNAME Use the given nickname instead of clooglebot"
+ , "\t--nickserv/-ns PW Identify via the given password with NickServ"
+ , "\t--port/-p PORT Use the given port instead of port 6667"
+ , "\t--server/-s SERVER Use the given server instead of irc.freenode.net"
+ , "\t--autojoin/-a CHANNEL Add CHANNEL to the autojoin list. This command "
+ , "\t can be called multiple times. Beware that #"
+ , "\t has to be escaped in most shells"
+ ]
+ = Error $ "Unknown option: " +++ a
+ arg1 name [] _ = Error $ name +++ " requires an argument"
+ arg1 name [a:as] f = parseCLI as >>= Ok o f a
+ nickserv pw = PRIVMSG (CSepList ["NickServ"]) $ "IDENTIFY " +++ pw
toPrefix c = {irc_prefix=Nothing,irc_command=Right c}
- startup = map toPrefix
- [NICK "clooglebot" Nothing
- ,USER "cloogle" "cloogle" "cloogle" "Cloogle bot"
- ,JOIN (CSepList ["#cloogle", "#cleanlang"]) Nothing]
+ startup bs = map toPrefix $
+ [ NICK bs.bs_nick Nothing
+ , USER "cloogle" "cloogle" "cloogle" "Cloogle bot"
+ ]++ maybe [] (pure o nickserv) bs.bs_nickserv
+ ++ if (isEmpty bs.bs_autojoin) []
+ [JOIN (CSepList bs.bs_autojoin) Nothing]
shutdown = map toPrefix [QUIT $ Just "Bye"]
process :: IRCMessage () *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], (), *World)