module test
-from iTasks.UI.Editor.Controls import :: ChoiceNode{..}
-import StdEnv
-import Data.List
-import Data.Func
-import Data.Functor
-import Data.Tuple
-import Data.Tree
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Error
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Monad
-import Control.Monad.State
-import Control.Monad.Identity
-import System.FilePath
-import System.File
-import System.Directory
+import iTasks
+import iTasks.Extensions.Files
-import Text.GenPrint
-import iTasks => qualified >>=, >>|, forever, sequence, return
-derive class iTask RTree, ChoiceNode, FileInfo, Tm
-Start w = startEngine (selectFile "/opt/clean/lib/StdLib" () False) w
-selectFile :: FilePath d Bool -> Task [FilePath] | toPrompt d
-selectFile root p m = tbind
- (accWorldOSError (appFst (fmap numberTree) o recurseDirectory root ""))
- \tree->editSelection p m (SelectInTree (pure o toChoiceNode fp2cn) fromTree) tree []
- numberTree :: ((RTree a) -> RTree (Int, a))
- numberTree = flip evalState zero o foldTree \a cs->
- (\lvs i->RNode (i, a) lvs) <$> sequence cs <*> getState <* modify ((+)one)
- toChoiceNode :: (Int a -> ChoiceNode) -> ((RTree (Int, a)) -> ChoiceNode)
- toChoiceNode tfun = foldTree \a cs->{ChoiceNode | uncurry tfun a & children=cs}
- fp2cn :: Int (FilePath, FileInfo) -> ChoiceNode
- fp2cn i (fp, fi) = {id =if (~i) i,label=dropDirectory fp,icon=Nothing,expanded=False,children=[]}
- fromTree :: (RTree (Int, (FilePath, a))) [Int] -> [FilePath]
- fromTree tree sel = [f\\(i, (f, _))<-leafs tree | isMember i sel]
-recurseDirectory :: !FilePath !FilePath !*World -> *(MaybeOSError (RTree (FilePath, FileInfo)), !*World)
-recurseDirectory acc fp w
- # fp = acc </> fp
- # (mfi, w) = getFileInfo fp w
- | isError mfi = (liftError mfi, w)
- # (Ok fi) = mfi
- | not = (Ok $ RNode (fp, fi) [], w)
- # (mcs, w) = readDirectory fp w
- | isError mfi = (liftError mcs, w)
- # (cs, w) = appFst sequence $ mapSt (recurseDirectory fp) (filter (\c->not (elem c [".", ".."])) (fromOk mcs)) w
- = (RNode (fp, fi) <$> cs, w)
+Start w = startEngine (
+ selectFile "/opt/clean/lib" () False []
+ >&> viewSharedInformation "Selection" []) w
--- /dev/null
+module test
+class Test sds
+ ttest :: sds -> (String, String)
+:: ADT = E. sds: ADT (String sds -> Int) & Test sds
+:: TestRecord = { bla2 :: ADT}
+instance Test (String, String)
+ ttest ss = ss
+f :: (String, TestRecord)
+f = ("jaja", {TestRecord| bla2 =ADT \s sds -> 18})
+Start = case f of
+ ("jaja", {bla2}) = case bla2 of
+ (ADT ff) = ff "a" ("as", "bs")