the SUT. Instead we choose to model the SUT as a LTS. Since LTSs provide the
functionality to express the desired properties of the SUT, that is, that the
SUT transitions through states depending on input as described in the TCP
-specification and produces the output described by the TCP specification.
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+specification and produces the output described by the TCP specification.
+\subsection{A LTS model of TCP} \label{subsec:sut_model}
+With these model based tests two major parts of the TCP specification will be
+tested. These are (a) the establishment of connection (three-way handshake)
+between the SUT -which
+will receive the connection- and an external host -which will initiate the
+connection- and (b) the closing of a connection (tear down) initiated by the
+external host.
+Figure~\ref{fig:model_connection} shows a LTS model of the SUT for the
+three-way handshake (a). Figure~\ref{fig:model_disconnect} shows a LTS model
+of the SUT for the tear down (b).
+Hier zou dus een plaatje van ``digraph Connection'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen. \label{fig:model_connection}.
+En hier een plaatje van ``digraph Close'' uit ``graphs.viz'' moeten komen.
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