LATEXFLAGS:=-file-line-error -halt-on-error -no-shell-escape
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+ tdo toc vrb xdy))
-\chapter*{\centering Abstract}
- \centering\it\noindent
- Okay.
- hallo
- hoi
--- /dev/null
+\todo{What am I doing}
+\todo{Structure of the thesis}
--- /dev/null
+\todo{What is IoT}
+\todo{What is top}
\usepackage{todonotes} % Todo's
\usepackage{caption} % Captions
\usepackage{subcaption} % Subcaptions
+\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text
-\usepackage[xindy={codepage=utf-8},nonumberlist,acronyms]{glossaries} % Acronyms
+\usepackage[xindy,nonumberlist,acronyms]{glossaries} % Acronyms
\newacronym{sds}{SDS}{Shared Data Source}
+\newacronym{iot}{IoT}{Internet of Things}
+\newacronym{top}{TOP}{Task Oriented Programming}
+ pagenr=1,
course={Master Thesis},
institute={Radboud University Nijmegen},
+\chapter*{\centering Abstract}
+ \centering\it\noindent
+ \input{abstract.tex}
+%Table of contents
\chapter{Conclusion \& Discussion}
- \chapter{Communication protocol}
- \input{appendix-protocol.tex}
+\chapter{Communication protocol}