Welkom op de mutt+offlineimap+abook+gpg+notmuch+msmtp workshop
Auteur: Mart Lubbers
E-mail: mart@martlubbers.net
Web : martlubbers.net
-Bron : https://github.com/dopefishh/muttworkshop
+Bron : https://gist.github.com/dopefishh/79205ea4f9bc39c85e77
+Bron2 : http://bit.do/7bwe
- versturen
- Zoeken
- Adresboek
+ - PGP
- Mutt
-- PGP
- Einde
=== Introductie =============================================================
||----w |
|| ||
+=== Voorbereiding =============================================================
+GPG key aanmaken en een wachtwoord container maken zodat je wachtwoorden niet
+in je dotfiles komen:
+frob@frobmachine~/.mutt$ cat mailpassword -
+frob@frobmachine~/.mutt$ gpg -er linuxnijmegen@martlubbers.net mailpasswd
+frob@frobmachine~/.mutt$ shred -u -n 100 -z -v mailpasswd
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- versturen
- Zoeken
- Adresboek
+ - PGP
- Mutt
-- PGP
- Einde
=== Ontvangen =============================================================
- offlineimaprc
- offlineimap.py
-mart@frobmachine:~/.mutt$ cat offlineimaprc
+frob@frobmachine:~# apt-get install offlineimap
+frob@frobmachine:~# pacman -S install offlineimap
+frob@frobmachine:~/.mutt$ cat offlineimaprc
pythonfile = ~/.mutt/offlineimap.py
+metadata = ~/.mutt/offlineimap_meta
+accounts = net
+ui = quiet
+[Account net]
+localrepository = Local
+remoterepository = Remote
+postsynchook = notmuch new && notmuch compact
+=== Ontvangen =============================================================
+frob@frobmachine:~/.mutt$ cat offlineimap.py
+import subprocess
+def mailpasswd():
+ try:
+ return subprocess.check_output([
+ 'gpg', '--quiet', '--decrypt', '--use-agent', '--batch',
+ '/home/frob/.mutt/mailpasswd.gpg'])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ return ""
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- **Versturen
- Zoeken
- Adresboek
+ - PGP
- Mutt
-- PGP
- Einde
=== Versturen =============================================================
+- Mutt heeft eigen smtp en kan sendmail of ander extern commando gebruiken
+- Externe smtp: msmtp
+ - set sendmail="msmtp -C /home/frob/.mutt/msmtprc"
+frob@frobmachine:~# apt-get install msmtp
+frob@frobmachine:~# pacman -S install msmtp
+frob@frobmachine:~/.mutt$ cat msmtprc
+account net
+host mail.martlubbers.net
+port 587
+auth on
+tls on
+tls_certcheck off
+user linuxnijmegen@martlubbers.net
+passwordeval gpg -qd --use-agent --batch mailpw.asc
+from linuxnijmegen@martlubbers.net
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- Versturen
- **Zoeken
- Adresboek
+ - PGP
- Mutt
-- PGP
- Einde
+=== Zoeken =============================================================
+- Mutt kan zoeken in huidige scherm met '/'
+- Maar voor gmail achtige kracht gebruiken we notmuch
+frob@frobmachine:~# apt-get install notmuch
+frob@frobmachine:~# pacman -S install notmuch
+frob@frobmachine:~$ export NOTMUCH_CONFIG=/home/frob/.mutt/notmuchrc
+frob@frobmachine:~/.mutt/mail$ notmuch setup
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+/ Notmuch is not much of an email program. \
+| It doesn't receive messages (no POP or IMAP support). |
+| It doesn't send messages (no mail composer, no network code at all). |
+| And for what it does do (email search) that work is provided by an external |
+| library, Xapian. |
+| So if Notmuch provides no user interface and Xapian does all the heavy |
+\ lifting, then what's left here? Not much. /
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \ ^__^
+ \ (oo)\_______
+ (__)\ )\/\
+ ||----w |
+ || ||
=== Zoeken =============================================================
+- Ingewikkelde macro:
+macro index <F8>
+ "<enter-command>
+ set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode
+ set my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key
+ set nopipe_decode
+ set nowait_key<enter>
+ <shell-escape>notmuch-mutt -r --prompt search<enter>
+ <change-folder-readonly>
+ `echo ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/notmuch/mutt/results`<enter>
+ <enter-command>
+ set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode
+ wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key<enter>"
+ "notmuch: search mail"
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- Versturen
- Zoeken
- **Adresboek
+ - PGP
- Mutt
-- PGP
- Einde
=== Adresboek =============================================================
+- Mutt heeft aliases maar is niet heel compleet daarom: abook
+frob@frobmachine:~# apt-get install abook
+frob@frobmachine:~# pacman -S install abook
+- Query met de volgende macro:
+ set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
+ macro index,pager a "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>"
+ "Add this sender to Abook"
+ bind editor <Tab> complete-query
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- Versturen
- Zoeken
- Adresboek
-- **Mutt
-- PGP
+ - **PGP
+- Mutt
- Einde
-=== Mutt =============================================================
+=== PGP =============================================================
+- Mutt komt met pgp ingebakken dmv gpg:
+ source /etc/Muttrc.gpg.dist
+ set crypt_autosign
+ set crypt_replysign
+ set crypt_replysignencrypted=yes
+ set crypt_verify_sig=yes
+ message-hook '!(~g|~G) ~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"'
+ "exec check-traditional-pgp"
+- Druk op p om te kiezen bij het schrijven van een email en gpg handelt de rest
+ af...
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- Versturen
- Zoeken
- Adresboek
-- Mutt
-- **PGP
+ - PGP
+- **Mutt
- Einde
-=== PGP =============================================================
+=== Mutt =============================================================
+- Alles met toetsenbord, bijvoorbeeld:
+m mail compose a new mail message
+F flag-message toggle a message's 'important' flag
+r reply reply to a message
+? help this screen
+c change-folder open a different folder
+=== Mutt =============================================================
+Mutt gebruikt je favoriete editor die in EDITOR staat.
+ export EDITOR=vim
+Mutt gebruikt een mailcap bestand voor niet text bestanden:
+frob@frobmachine:~/.mutt$ cat mailcap
+application/msword; libreoffice %s;
+text/html; w3m -I %{charset} -T text/html; copiousoutput;
=== Inhoudsopgave =============================================================
- Zoeken
- Adresboek
- Mutt
-- PGP
- **Einde
=== Einde =============================================================
+Vraag vooral en kijk naar andermans dotfiles.
+Bijvoorbeeld de mijne:
+ https://github.com/dopefishh/dotfiles