\section{Control flow}
-Looping of \glspl{Task} happens because \glspl{Task} are launched at regular
-intervals or relaunch themselves. Therefore there is no need for loop control
-flow functionality such as \emph{while} or \emph{for} constructions. The main
-control flow is the sequence operator and the \emph{if} statement. Both are
-shown in Listing~\ref{lst:control}. The first class of \emph{If} statements
-describe the regular \emph{if} statement. The expressions given can have any
-role. The functional dependency on \CI{s} determines the return type of the
-statement. The sequence operator is very straightforward and just ties the two
-expressions together in sequence.
+Looping of \glspl{Task} happens because \glspl{Task} are executed after waiting
+a specified amount of time or when they are launched by another task or even
+themselves. Therefore there is no need for loop control flow functionality such
+as \emph{while} or \emph{for} constructions. The main control flow is the
+sequence operator and the \emph{if} statement. Both are shown in
+Listing~\ref{lst:control}. The first class of \emph{If} statements describe the
+regular \emph{if} statement. The expressions given can have any role. The
+functional dependency on \CI{s} determines the return type of the statement.
+The sequence operator is very straightforward and just ties the two expressions
+together in sequence.
language=Clean,label={lst:control},caption={Control flow operators}]