# toSend = case cmd of
["stop":_] = Nothing
["ping":_] = Just [msg "pong"]
- ["help":_] = Just [msg "not implemented yet"]
+ ["help"] = Just
+ [msg "type !help cmd for command specific help"
+ ,msg "available commands: help, ping"]
+ ["help":c:_] = case c of
+ "help" = Just [msg "I will print help text"]
+ "ping" = Just [msg "I will reply with pong"]
+ _ = Just [msg "Unknown command"]
[c:_] = Just [msg $ join " " ["unknown command: " , c, ", type !help to get help"]]
| isNothing toSend = (io, chan, w)
# (chan, w) = send (map toString $ fromJust toSend) chan w