instance TFunctor Task, class TApplicative, instance TApplicative Task,\r
instance Publishable Task, Void\r
import Data.Tuple, StdClass, StdList, iTasks._Framework.Generic, Text.JSON,\r
- Data.Functor, Control.Applicative, Control.Monad, Data.Map\r
+ Data.Functor, Control.Applicative, Control.Monad, Data.Map, StdMisc\r
import qualified iTasks\r
import qualified Text\r
from Text import class Text, instance Text String\r
// === State\r
:: Ident :== String\r
-:: Val = I Int | S [Int]\r
-:: State :== Map Ident Val\r
+:: State :== Map Ident Dynamic\r
:: Sem a = Sem (State -> (MaybeEx a, State))\r
:: MaybeEx a = Result a | Exception String\r
fail :: String -> Sem a\r
fail msg = Sem \st.(Exception msg, st)\r
-store :: Ident Val -> Sem Val\r
-store i v = Sem \st.(Result v, put i v st)\r
+store :: Ident a -> Sem a | TC a\r
+store i v = Sem \st.(Result v, put i (dynamic v) st)\r
-read :: Ident -> Sem Val\r
-read i = Sem \st.(maybe (Exception (i +++ " not found")) Result (get i st), st)\r
-(>>.) infixl 1 :: (Sem Val) (Int -> Sem Val) -> Sem Val\r
-(>>.) f g = f >>= \ x of\r
- I i = g i\r
- S s = fail ("Element expected instead of set")\r
-(>>..) infixl 1 :: (Sem Val) ([Int] -> Sem Val) -> Sem Val\r
-(>>..) f g = f >>= \ x of\r
- S s = g s\r
- I i = fail ("Set expected instead of element " +++ toString i)\r
+read :: Ident -> Sem a | TC a\r
+read i = Sem \ get i st of\r
+ Just (a :: a^) = (Result a, st)\r
+ Just d = (Exception ('Text'.concat ["expected ", toString expType, " got ",\r
+ toString (typeCodeOfDynamic d)]), st)\r
+ Nothing = (Exception "No variable with that name", st)\r
+ expType = typeCodeOfDynamic (dynamic undef :: a^)\r
// === semantics\r
-eval :: (Expr a) -> Sem Val\r
-eval (New _) = return (S [])\r
-eval (Insert _ e s) = eval e >>. \a.eval s >>..\r
- \x.return (S ('List'.union [a] x))\r
-eval (Delete _ e s) = eval e >>. \a.eval s >>..\r
- \x.return (S ('List'.delete a x))\r
-eval (Variable _ i) = read i\r
-eval (Assign _ v e) = eval e >>= store v\r
-eval (Union _ s1 s2) = eval s1 >>.. \x.eval s2\r
- >>.. \y.return (S ('List'.union x y))\r
-eval (Difference _ s1 s2) = eval s1 >>.. \x.eval s2\r
- >>.. \y.return (S ('List'.difference x y))\r
-eval (Intersection _ s1 s2) = eval s1 >>.. \x.eval s2 \r
- >>.. \y.return (S ('List'.intersect x y))\r
-eval (Integer _ i) = return (I i)\r
-eval (Size _ s) = eval s >>.. \x.return (I (length x))\r
-eval (Oper _ e1 o e2) = eval e1 >>. \a.eval e2 >>. \b.return (I (case o of\r
+eval :: (Expr a) -> Sem a | TC a\r
+eval (New {f}) = return (f [])\r
+eval (Variable {f} i) = read i\r
+eval (Assign {f} v e) = eval e >>= \ v a\r
+eval (Insert {f} e s) = eval e >>= \a.eval s \r
+ >>= \x.return (f ('List'.union [a] x))\r
+eval (Delete {f} e s) = eval e >>= \a.eval s\r
+ >>= \x.return (f ('List'.delete a x))\r
+eval (Union {f} s1 s2) = eval s1 >>= \x.eval s2\r
+ >>= \y.return (f ('List'.union x y))\r
+eval (Difference {f} s1 s2) = eval s1 >>= \x.eval s2\r
+ >>= \y.return (f ('List'.difference x y))\r
+eval (Intersection {f} s1 s2) = eval s1 >>= \x.eval s2 \r
+ >>= \y.return (f ('List'.intersect x y))\r
+eval (Integer {f} i) = return (f i)\r
+eval (Size {f} s) = eval s >>= \x.return (f (length x))\r
+eval (Oper {f} e1 o e2) = eval e1 >>= \a.eval e2 >>= \b.return (f (case o of\r
Pl = a+b\r
Mi = a-b\r
Ti = a*b))\r
-evalExpr :: (Expr a) State -> (MaybeEx Val, State)\r
+evalExpr :: (Expr a) State -> (MaybeEx a, State) | TC a\r
evalExpr expr st = let (Sem func) = eval expr in func st\r
-Start = evalExpr (size (variable "x")) st\r
+Start :: (MaybeEx Int, State)\r
+Start = evalExpr (size (variable "x")) state\r
- (_, st) = evalExpr ("x" =. size (insert (integer 42) new)) newMap\r
+ (_, state) = evalExpr ("x" =. (insert (integer 42) new)) newMap\r