Right ((vds, fds), gamma) = Right ((AST vds fds), gamma)
m :: Env ([VarDecl], [FunDecl])
- m = mapM semVarDecl vd >>= \vds ->
- mapM semFunDecl fd >>= \fds1 ->
- mapM semFunDecl fds1 >>= \fds2 ->
- pure (vds, fds2)
+ m = mapM semVarDecl vd >>= \vd1 ->
+ mapM semFunDecl fd >>= \fd1 ->
+ mapM semVarDecl vd1 >>= \vd2 ->
+ mapM semFunDecl fd1 >>= \fd2 ->
+ mapM semVarDecl vd2 >>= \vd3 ->
+ mapM semFunDecl fd2 >>= \fd3 ->
+ mapM semVarDecl vd3 >>= \vd4 ->
+ mapM semFunDecl fd3 >>= \fd4 -> //Dit is puur om te proberen
+ pure (vd4, fd4)
semFunDecl :: FunDecl -> Env FunDecl
semFunDecl fd=:(FunDecl p f args mt vds stmts) =
case mt of
Nothing = inferReturnType stmts
>>= \returntype->reconstructType args tres
- >>= \ftype->pure Void//restoreGamma gamma
+ >>= \ftype->restoreGamma gamma
>>| putIdent f ftype >>| pure (
FunDecl p f args (Just ftype) newvds newstmts)
Just t = restoreGamma gamma
// "Expression cannot be an polymorf type."
unify VarType e = typeExpr e
//we have to cheat to decorate the error, can be done nicer?
+ unify t=:(IdType id) e = typeExpr e >>= \tex->unify t tex
+ >>= \type->putIdent id type >>| pure type
unify t e = StateT $ \s0 -> let res = runStateT m s0 in case res of
Left err = Left $ decErr e err
Right t = Right t //note, t :: (Type, Gamma)